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sartor resartus-第46节

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ay to be _There_!  Next to clap on your other felt; and; simply by wishing that you were _Anywhen_; straightway to be _Then_!  This were indeed the grander: shooting at will from the Fire…Creation of the World to its Fire…Consummation; here historically present in the First Century; conversing face to face with Paul and Seneca; there prophetically in the Thirty…first; conversing also face to face with other Pauls and Senecas; who as yet stand hidden in the depth of that late Time!

〃Or thinkest thou it were impossible; unimaginable?  Is the Past annihilated; then; or only past; is the Future non…extant; or only future? Those mystic faculties of thine; Memory and Hope; already answer:  already through those mystic avenues; thou the Earth…blinded summonest both Past and Future; and communest with them; though as yet darkly; and with mute beckonings。  The curtains of Yesterday drop down; the curtains of To…morrow roll up; but Yesterday and To…morrow both _are_。  Pierce through the Time…element; glance into the Eternal。  Believe what thou findest written in the sanctuaries of Man's Soul; even as all Thinkers; in all ages; have devoutly read it there:  that Time and Space are not God; but creations of God; that with God as it is a universal HERE; so is it an everlasting Now。

〃And seest thou therein any glimpse of IMMORTALITY?O Heaven!  Is the white Tomb of our Loved One; who died from our arms; and had to be left behind us there; which rises in the distance; like a pale; mournfully receding Milestone; to tell how many toilsome uncheered miles we have journeyed on alone;but a pale spectral Illusion!  Is the lost Friend still mysteriously Here; even as we are Here mysteriously; with God!know of a truth that only the Time…shadows have perished; or are perishable; that the real Being of whatever was; and whatever is; and whatever will be; is even now and forever。  This; should it unhappily seem new; thou mayest ponder at thy leisure; for the next twenty years; or the next twenty centuries:  believe it thou must; understand it thou canst not。

〃That the Thought…forms; Space and Time; wherein; once for all; we are sent into this Earth to live; should condition and determine our whole Practical reasonings; conceptions; and imagings or imaginings; seems altogether fit; just; and unavoidable。  But that they should; furthermore; usurp such sway over pure spiritual Meditation; and blind us to the wonder everywhere lying close on us; seems nowise so。  Admit Space and Time to their due rank as Forms of Thought; nay even; if thou wilt; to their quite undue rank of Realities:  and consider; then; with thyself how their thin disguises hide from us the brightest God…effulgences!  Thus; were it not miraculous; could I stretch forth my hand and clutch the Sun?  Yet thou seest me daily stretch forth my hand and therewith clutch many a thing; and swing it hither and thither。  Art thou a grown baby; then; to fancy that the Miracle lies in miles of distance; or in pounds avoirdupois of weight; and not to see that the true inexplicable God…revealing Miracle lies in this; that I can stretch forth my hand at all; that I have free Force to clutch aught therewith?  Innumerable other of this sort are the deceptions; and wonder…hiding stupefactions; which Space practices on us。

〃Still worse is it with regard to Time。  Your grand anti…magician; and universal wonder…hider; is this same lying Time。  Had we but the Time…annihilating Hat; to put on for once only; we should see ourselves in a World of Miracles; wherein all fabled or authentic Thaumaturgy; and feats of Magic; were outdone。  But unhappily we have not such a Hat; and man; poor fool that he is; can seldom and scantily help himself without one。

〃Were it not wonderful; for instance; had Orpheus; or Amphion; built the walls of Thebes by the mere sound of his Lyre?  Yet tell me; Who built these walls of Weissnichtwo; summoning out all the sandstone rocks; to dance along from the _Steinbruch_ (now a huge Troglodyte Chasm; with frightful green…mantled pools); and shape themselves into Doric and Ionic pillars; squared ashlar houses and noble streets?  Was it not the still higher Orpheus; or Orpheuses; who; in past centuries; by the divine Music of Wisdom; succeeded in civilizing Man?  Our highest Orpheus walked in Judea; eighteen hundred years ago:  his sphere…melody; flowing in wild native tones; took captive the ravished souls of men; and; being of a truth sphere…melody; still flows and sounds; though now with thousand…fold accompaniments; and rich symphonies; through all our hearts; and modulates; and divinely leads them。  Is that a wonder; which happens in two hours; and does it cease to be wonderful if happening in two million?  Not only was Thebes built by the music of an Orpheus; but without the music of some inspired Orpheus was no city ever built; no work that man glories in ever done。

〃Sweep away the Illusion of Time; glance; if thou have eyes; from the near moving…cause to its far distant Mover:  The stroke that came transmitted through a whole galaxy of elastic balls; was it less a stroke than if the last ball only had been struck; and sent flying?  Oh; could I (with the Time…annihilating Hat) transport thee direct from the Beginnings; to the Endings; how were thy eyesight unsealed; and thy heart set flaming in the Light…sea of celestial wonder!  Then sawest thou that this fair Universe; were it in the meanest province thereof; is in very deed the star…domed City of God; that through every star; through every grass…blade; and most through every Living Soul; the glory of a present God still beams。  But Nature; which is the Time…vesture of God; and reveals Him to the wise; hides Him from the foolish。

〃Again; could anything be more miraculous than an actual authentic Ghost? The English Johnson longed; all his life; to see one; but could not; though he went to Cock Lane; and thence to the church…vaults; and tapped on coffins。  Foolish Doctor!  Did he never; with the mind's eye as well as with the body's; look round him into that full tide of human Life he so loved; did he never so much as look into Himself?  The good Doctor was a Ghost; as actual and authentic as heart could wish; well…nigh a million of Ghosts were travelling the streets by his side。  Once more I say; sweep away the illusion of Time; compress the threescore years into three minutes:  what else was he; what else are we?  Are we not Spirits; that are shaped into a body; into an Appearance; and that fade away again into air and Invisibility?  This is no metaphor; it is a simple scientific _fact_: we start out of Nothingness; take figure; and are Apparitions; round us; as round the veriest spectre; is Eternity; and to Eternity minutes are as years and aeons。  Come there not tones of Love and Faith; as from celestial harp…strings; like the Song of beatified Souls?  And again; do not we squeak and gibber (in our discordant; screech…owlish debatings and recriminatings); and glide bodeful; and feeble; and fearful; or uproar (_poltern_); and revel in our mad Dance of the Dead;till the scent of the morning air summons us to our still Home; and dreamy Night becomes awake and Day?  Where now is Alexander of Macedon:  does the steel Host; that yelled in fierce battle…shouts at Issus and Arbela; remain behind him; or have they all vanished utterly; even as perturbed Goblins must?  Napoleon too; and his Moscow Retreats and Austerlitz Campaigns!  Was it all other than the veriest Spectre…hunt; which has now; with its howling tumult that made Night hideous; flitted away? Ghosts!  There are nigh a thousand million walking the Earth openly at noontide; some half…hundred have vanished from it; some half…hundred have arisen in it; ere thy watch ticks once。

〃O Heaven; it is mysterious; it is awful to consider that we not only carry each a future Ghost within him; but are; in very deed; Ghosts!  These Limbs; whence had we them; this stormy Force; this life…blood with its burning Passion?  They are dust and shadow; a Shadow…system gathered round our ME:  wherein; through some moments or years; the Divine Essence is to be revealed in the Flesh。  That warrior on his strong war…horse; fire flashes through his eyes; force dwells in his arm and heart:  but warrior and war…horse are a vision; a revealed Force; nothing more。  Stately they tread the Earth; as if it were a firm substance:  fool! the Earth is but a film; it cracks in twain; and warrior and war…horse sink beyond plummet's sounding。  Plummet's?  Fantasy herself will not follow them。  A little while ago; they were not; a little while; and they are not; their very ashes are not。

〃So has it been from the beginning; so will it be to the end。  Generation after generation takes to itself the Form of a Body; and forth issuing from Cimmerian Night; on Heaven's mission APPEARS。  What Force and Fire is in each he expends:  one grinding in the mill of Industry; one hunter…like climbing the giddy Alpine heights of Science; one madly dashed in pieces on the rocks of Strife; in war with his fellow:and then the Heaven…sent is recalled; his earthly Vesture falls away; and soon even to Sense becomes a vanished Shadow。  Thus; like some wild…flaming; wild…thundering train of Heaven's Artillery; does this myster

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