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sartor resartus-第41节

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use?  Where each; isolated; regardless of his neighbor; turned against his neighbor; clutches what he can get; and cries 'Mine!' and calls it Peace; because; in the cut…purse and cut…throat Scramble; no steel knives; but only a far cunninger sort; can be employed? Where Friendship; Communion; has become an incredible tradition; and your holiest Sacramental Supper is a smoking Tavern Dinner; with Cook for Evangelist?  Where your Priest has no tongue but for plate…licking:  and your high Guides and Governors cannot guide; but on all hands hear it passionately proclaimed:  _Laissez faire_; Leave us alone of _your_ guidance; such light is darker than darkness; eat you your wages; and sleep!

〃Thus; too;〃 continues he; 〃does an observant eye discern everywhere that saddest spectacle:  The Poor perishing; like neglected; foundered Draught…Cattle; of Hunger and Overwork; the Rich; still more wretchedly; of Idleness; Satiety; and Overgrowth。  The Highest in rank; at length; without honor from the Lowest; scarcely; with a little mouth…honor; as from tavern…waiters who expect to put it in the bill。  Once…sacred Symbols fluttering as empty Pageants; whereof men grudge even the expense; a World becoming dismantled:  in one word; the STATE fallen speechless; from obesity and apoplexy; the STATE shrunken into a Police…Office; straitened to get its pay!〃

We might ask; are there many 〃observant eyes;〃 belonging to practical men in England or elsewhere; which have descried these phenomena; or is it only from the mystic elevation of a German _Wahngasse_ that such wonders are visible?  Teufelsdrockh contends that the aspect of a 〃deceased or expiring Society〃 fronts us everywhere; so that whoso runs may read。  〃What; for example;〃 says he; 〃is the universally arrogated Virtue; almost the sole remaining Catholic Virtue; of these days?  For some half…century; it has been the thing you name 'Independence。'  Suspicion of 'Servility;' of reverence for Superiors; the very dog…leech is anxious to disavow。  Fools! Were your Superiors worthy to govern; and you worthy to obey; reverence for them were even your only possible freedom。  Independence; in all kinds; is rebellion; if unjust rebellion; why parade it; and everywhere prescribe it?〃

But what then?  Are we returning; as Rousseau prayed; to the state of Nature?  〃The Soul Politic having departed;〃 says Teufelsdrockh; 〃what can follow but that the Body Politic be decently interred; to avoid putrescence?  Liberals; Economists; Utilitarians enough I see marching with its bier; and chanting loud paeans; towards the funeral pile; where; amid wailings from some; and saturnalian revelries from the most; the venerable Corpse is to be burnt。  Or; in plain words; that these men; Liberals; Utilitarians; or whatsoever they are called; will ultimately carry their point; and dissever and destroy most existing Institutions of Society; seems a thing which has some time ago ceased to be doubtful。

〃Do we not see a little subdivision of the grand Utilitarian Armament come to light even in insulated England?  A living nucleus; that will attract and grow; does at length appear there also; and under curious phasis; properly as the inconsiderable fag…end; and so far in the rear of the others as to fancy itself the van。  Our European Mechanizers are a sect of boundless diffusion; activity; and co…operative spirit:  has not Utilitarianism flourished in high places of Thought; here among ourselves; and in every European country; at some time or other; within the last fifty years?  If now in all countries; except perhaps England; it has ceased to flourish; or indeed to exist; among Thinkers; and sunk to Journalists and the popular mass;who sees not that; as hereby it no longer preaches; so the reason is; it now needs no Preaching; but is in full universal Action; the doctrine everywhere known; and enthusiastically laid to heart?  The fit pabulum; in these times; for a certain rugged workshop intellect and heart; nowise without their corresponding workshop strength and ferocity; it requires but to be stated in such scenes to make proselytes enough。 Admirably calculated for destroying; only not for rebuilding!  It spreads like a sort of Dog…madness; till the whole World…kennel will be rabid: then woe to the Huntsmen; with or without their whips!  They should have given the quadrupeds water;〃 adds he; 〃the water; namely; of Knowledge and of Life; while it was yet time。〃

Thus; if Professor Teufelsdrockh can be relied on; we are at this hour in a most critical condition; beleaguered by that boundless 〃Armament of Mechanizers〃 and Unbelievers; threatening to strip us bare!  〃The World;〃 says he; 〃as it needs must; is under a process of devastation and waste。 which; whether by silent assiduous corrosion; or open quicker combustion; as the case chances; will effectually enough annihilate the past Forms of Society; replace them with what it may。  For the present; it is contemplated that when man's whole Spiritual Interests are once _divested_; these innumerable stript…off Garments shall mostly be burnt; but the sounder Rags among them be quilted together into one huge Irish watch…coat for the defence of the Body only!〃This; we think; is but Job's…news to the humane reader。

〃Nevertheless;〃 cries Teufelsdrockh; 〃who can hinder it; who is there that can clutch into the wheelspokes of Destiny; and say to the Spirit of the Time:  Turn back; I command thee?Wiser were it that we yielded to the Inevitable and Inexorable; and accounted even this the best。〃

Nay; might not an attentive Editor; drawing his own inferences from what stands written; conjecture that Teufelsdrockh; individually had yielded to this same 〃Inevitable and Inexorable〃 heartily enough; and now sat waiting the issue; with his natural diabolico…angelical Indifference; if not even Placidity?  Did we not hear him complain that the World was a 〃huge Ragfair;〃 and the 〃rags and tatters of old Symbols〃 were raining down everywhere; like to drift him in; and suffocate him?  What with those 〃unhunted Helots〃 of his; and the uneven _sic vos non vobis_ pressure and hard…crashing collision he is pleased to discern in existing things; what with the so hateful 〃empty Masks;〃 full of beetles and spiders; yet glaring out on him; from their glass eyes; 〃with a ghastly affectation of life;〃we feel entitled to conclude him even willing that much should be thrown to the Devil; so it were but done gently!  Safe himself in that 〃Pinnacle of Weissnichtwo;〃 he would consent; with a tragic solemnity; that the monster UTILITARIA; held back; indeed; and moderated by nose…rings; halters; foot…shackles; and every conceivable modification of rope; should go forth to do her work;to tread down old ruinous Palaces and Temples with her broad hoof; till the whole were trodden down; that new and better might be built!  Remarkable in this point of view are the following sentences。

〃Society;〃 says he; 〃is not dead:  that Carcass; which you call dead Society; is but her mortal coil which she has shuffled off; to assume a nobler; she herself; through perpetual metamorphoses; in fairer and fairer development; has to live till Time also merge in Eternity。  Wheresoever two or three Living Men are gathered together; there is Society; or there it will be; with its cunning mechanisms and stupendous structures; overspreading this little Globe; and reaching upwards to Heaven and downwards to Gehenna:  for always; under one or the other figure; it has two authentic Revelations; of a God and of a Devil; the Pulpit; namely; and the Gallows。〃

Indeed; we already heard him speak of 〃Religion; in unnoticed nooks; weaving for herself new Vestures;〃Teufelsdrockh himself being one of the loom…treadles?  Elsewhere he quotes without censure that strange aphorism of Saint Simon's; concerning which and whom so much were to be said: 〃_L'age d'or; qu'une aveugle tradition a place jusqu'ici dans le passe; est devant nous_; The golden age; which a blind tradition has hitherto placed in the Past; is Before us。〃But listen again:

〃When the Phoenix is fanning her funeral pyre; will there not be sparks flying!  Alas; some millions of men; and among them such as a Napoleon; have already been licked into that high…eddying Flame; and like moths consumed there。  Still also have we to fear that incautious beards will get singed。

〃For the rest; in what year of grace such Phoenix…cremation will be completed; you need not ask。  The law of Perseverance is among the deepest in man:  by nature he hates change; seldom will he quit his old house till it has actually fallen about his ears。  Thus have I seen Solemnities linger as Ceremonies; sacred Symbols as idle Pageants; to the extent of three hundred years and more after all life and sacredness had evaporated out of them。  And then; finally; what time the Phoenix Death…Birth itself will require; depends on unseen contingencies。Meanwhile; would Destiny offer Mankind; that after; say two centuries of convulsion and conflagration; more or less vivid; the fire…creation should be accomplished; and we to find ourselves again in a Living Society; and no longer fighting but working;were it not perhaps prudent in Mankind to strike the bargain?〃

Thus is Teufelsdrockh; content that old sick So

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