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sartor resartus-第39节

小说: sartor resartus 字数: 每页4000字

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 a Thought; but bears visible record of invisible things; but is; in the transcendental sense; symbolical as well as real。〃

〃Man;〃 says the Professor elsewhere; in quite antipodal contrast with these high…soaring delineations; which we have here cut short on the verge of the inane; 〃Man is by birth somewhat of an owl。  Perhaps; too; of all the owleries that ever possessed him; the most owlish; if we consider it; is that of your actually existing Motive…Millwrights。  Fantastic tricks enough man has played; in his time; has fancied himself to be most things; down even to an animated heap of Glass:  but to fancy himself a dead Iron…Balance for weighing Pains and Pleasures on; was reserved for this his latter era。  There stands he; his Universe one huge Manger; filled with hay and thistles to be weighed against each other; and looks long…eared enough。 Alas; poor devil!  spectres are appointed to haunt him:  one age he is hag…ridden; bewitched; the next; priest…ridden; befooled; in all ages; bedevilled。  And now the Genius of Mechanism smothers him worse than any Nightmare did; till the Soul is nigh choked out of him; and only a kind of Digestive; Mechanic life remains。  In Earth and in Heaven he can see nothing but Mechanism; has fear for nothing else; hope in nothing else: the world would indeed grind him to pieces; but cannot he fathom the Doctrine of Motives; and cunningly compute these; and mechanize them to grind the other way?

〃Were he not; as has been said; purblinded by enchantment; you had but to bid him open his eyes and look。  In which country; in which time; was it hitherto that man's history; or the history of any man; went on by calculated or calculable 'Motives'?  What make ye of your Christianities; and Chivalries; and Reformations; and Marseillaise Hymns; and Reigns of Terror?  Nay; has not perhaps the Motive…grinder himself been in _Love_? Did he never stand so much as a contested Election?  Leave him to Time; and the medicating virtue of Nature。〃

〃Yes; Friends;〃 elsewhere observes the Professor; 〃not our Logical; Mensurative faculty; but our Imaginative one is King over us; I might say; Priest and Prophet to lead us heavenward; or Magician and Wizard to lead us hellward。  Nay; even for the basest Sensualist; what is Sense but the implement of Fantasy; the vessel it drinks out of?  Ever in the dullest existence there is a sheen either of Inspiration or of Madness (thou partly hast it in thy choice; which of the two); that gleams in from the circumambient Eternity; and colors with its own hues our little islet of Time。  The Understanding is indeed thy window; too clear thou canst not make it; but Fantasy is thy eye; with its color…giving retina; healthy or diseased。  Have not I myself known five hundred living soldiers sabred into crows'…meat for a piece of glazed cotton; which they called their Flag; which; had you sold it at any market…cross; would not have brought above three groschen?  Did not the whole Hungarian Nation rise; like some tumultuous moon…stirred Atlantic; when Kaiser Joseph pocketed their Iron Crown; an implement; as was sagaciously observed; in size and commercial value little differing from a horse…shoe?  It is in and through _Symbols_ that man; consciously or unconsciously; lives; works; and has his being: those ages; moreover; are accounted the noblest which can the best recognize symbolical worth; and prize it the highest。  For is not a Symbol ever; to him who has eyes for it; some dimmer or clearer revelation of the Godlike?

〃Of Symbols; however; I remark farther; that they have both an extrinsic and intrinsic value; oftenest the former only。  What; for instance; was in that clouted Shoe; which the Peasants bore aloft with them as ensign in their _Bauernkrieg_ (Peasants' War)?  Or in the Wallet…and…staff round which the Netherland _Gueux_; glorying in that nickname of Beggars; heroically rallied and prevailed; though against King Philip himself? Intrinsic significance these had none:  only extrinsic; as the accidental Standards of multitudes more or less sacredly uniting together; in which union itself; as above noted; there is ever something mystical and borrowing of the Godlike。  Under a like category; too; stand; or stood; the stupidest heraldic Coats…of…arms; military Banners everywhere; and generally all national or other sectarian Costumes and Customs:  they have no intrinsic; necessary divineness; or even worth; but have acquired an extrinsic one。  Nevertheless through all these there glimmers something of a Divine Idea; as through military Banners themselves; the Divine Idea of Duty; of heroic Daring; in some instances of Freedom; of Right。  Nay the highest ensign that men ever met and embraced under; the Cross itself; had no meaning save an accidental extrinsic one。

〃Another matter it is; however; when your Symbol has intrinsic meaning; and is of itself _fit_ that men should unite round it。  Let but the Godlike manifest itself to Sense; let but Eternity look; more or less visibly; through the Time…Figure (_Zeitbild_)!  Then is it fit that men unite there; and worship together before such Symbol; and so from day to day; and from age to age; superadd to it new divineness。

〃Of this latter sort are all true Works of Art:  in them (if thou know a Work of Art from a Daub of Artifice) wilt thou discern Eternity looking through Time; the Godlike rendered visible。  Here too may an extrinsic value gradually superadd itself:  thus certain _Iliads_; and the like; have; in three thousand years; attained quite new significance。  But nobler than all in this kind are the Lives of heroic god…inspired Men; for what other Work of Art is so divine?  In Death too; in the Death of the Just; as the last perfection of a Work of Art; may we not discern symbolic meaning? In that divinely transfigured Sleep; as of Victory; resting over the beloved face which now knows thee no more; read (if thou canst for tears) the confluence of Time with Eternity; and some gleam of the latter peering through。

〃Highest of all Symbols are those wherein the Artist or Poet has risen into Prophet; and all men can recognize a present God; and worship the Same:  I mean religious Symbols。  Various enough have been such religious Symbols; what we call _Religions_; as men stood in this stage of culture or the other; and could worse or better body forth the Godlike:  some Symbols with a transient intrinsic worth; many with only an extrinsic。  If thou ask to what height man has carried it in this manner; look on our divinest Symbol: on Jesus of Nazareth; and his Life; and his Biography; and what followed therefrom。  Higher has the human Thought not yet reached:  this is Christianity and Christendom; a Symbol of quite perennial; infinite character; whose significance will ever demand to be anew inquired into; and anew made manifest。

〃But; on the whole; as Time adds much to the sacredness of Symbols; so likewise in his progress he at length defaces; or even desecrates them; and Symbols; like all terrestrial Garments; wax old。  Homer's Epos has not ceased to be true; yet it is no longer our Epos; but shines in the distance; if clearer and clearer; yet also smaller and smaller; like a receding Star。  It needs a scientific telescope; it needs to be reinterpreted and artificially brought near us; before we can so much as know that it _was_ a Sun。  So likewise a day comes when the Runic Thor; with his Eddas; must withdraw into dimness; and many an African Mumbo…Jumbo and Indian Pawaw be utterly abolished。  For all things; even Celestial Luminaries; much more atmospheric meteors; have their rise; their culmination; their decline。

〃Small is this which thou tellest me; that the Royal Sceptre is but a piece of gilt wood; that the Pyx has become a most foolish box; and truly; as Ancient Pistol thought; 'of little price。'  A right Conjurer might I name thee; couldst thou conjure back into these wooden tools the divine virtue they once held。

〃Of this thing; however; be certain:  wouldst thou plant for Eternity; then plant into the deep infinite faculties of man; his Fantasy and Heart; wouldst thou plant for Year and Day; then plant into his shallow superficial faculties; his Self…love and Arithmetical Understanding; what will grow there。  A Hierarch; therefore; and Pontiff of the World will we call him; the Poet and inspired Maker; who; Prometheus…like; can shape new Symbols; and bring new Fire from Heaven to fix it there。  Such too will not always be wanting; neither perhaps now are。  Meanwhile; as the average of matters goes; we account him Legislator and wise who can so much as tell when a Symbol has grown old; and gently remove it。

〃When; as the last English Coronation* I was preparing;〃 concludes this wonderful Professor; 〃I read in their Newspapers that the 'Champion of England;' he who has to offer battle to the Universe for his new King; had brought it so far that he could now 'mount his horse with little assistance;' I said to myself:  Here also we have a Symbol well…nigh superannuated。  Alas; move whithersoever you may; are not the tatters and rags of superannuated worn…out Symbols (in this Ragfair of a World) dropping off everywhere; to hoodwink; to halter; to tether you; nay; if you shake them not aside; threatening

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