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sartor resartus-第35节

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mazement enough; like the Lothario in _Wilhelm Meister_; that your 'America is here or nowhere'?  The Situation that has not its Duty; its Ideal; was never yet occupied by man。  Yes here; in this poor; miserable; hampered; despicable Actual; wherein thou even now standest; here or nowhere is thy Ideal:  work it out therefrom; and working; believe; live; be free。  Fool! the Ideal is in thyself; the impediment too is in thyself:  thy Condition is but the stuff thou art to shape that same Ideal out of:  what matters whether such stuff be of this sort or that; so the Form thou give it be heroic; be poetic? O thou that pinest in the imprisonment of the Actual; and criest bitterly to the gods for a kingdom wherein to rule and create; know this of a truth:  the thing thou seekest is already with thee; 'here or nowhere;' couldst thou only see!

〃But it is with man's Soul as it was with Nature:  the beginning of Creation isLight。  Till the eye have vision; the whole members are in bonds。  Divine moment; when over the tempest…tost Soul; as once over the wild…weltering Chaos; it is spoken:  Let there be Light!  Ever to the greatest that has felt such moment; is it not miraculous and God…announcing; even as; under simpler figures; to the simplest and least。 The mad primeval Discord is hushed; the rudely jumbled conflicting elements bind themselves into separate Firmaments:  deep silent rock…foundations are built beneath; and the skyey vault with its everlasting Luminaries above: instead of a dark wasteful Chaos; we have a blooming; fertile; heaven…encompassed World。

〃I too could now say to myself:  Be no longer a Chaos; but a World; or even Worldkin。  Produce!  Produce!  Were it but the pitifullest infinitesimal fraction of a Product; produce it; in God's name!  'Tis the utmost thou hast in thee:  out with it; then。  Up; up!  Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do; do it with thy whole might。  Work while it is called To…day; for the Night cometh; wherein no man can work。〃


Thus have we; as closely and perhaps satisfactorily as; in such circumstances; might be; followed Teufelsdrockh; through the various successive states and stages of Growth; Entanglement; Unbelief; and almost Reprobation; into a certain clearer state of what he himself seems to consider as Conversion。  〃Blame not the word;〃 says he; 〃rejoice rather that such a word; signifying such a thing; has come to light in our modern Era; though hidden from the wisest Ancients。  The Old World knew nothing of Conversion; instead of an _Ecce Homo_; they had only some _Choice of Hercules_。  It was a new…attained progress in the Moral Development of man: hereby has the Highest come home to the bosoms of the most Limited; what to Plato was but a hallucination; and to Socrates a chimera; is now clear and certain to your Zinzendorfs; your Wesleys; and the poorest of their Pietists and Methodists。〃

It is here; then; that the spiritual majority of Teufelsdrockh commences: we are henceforth to see him 〃work in well…doing;〃 with the spirit and clear aims of a Man。  He has discovered that the Ideal Workshop he so panted for is even this same Actual ill…furnished Workshop he has so long been stumbling in。  He can say to himself:  〃Tools?  Thou hast no Tools? Why; there is not a Man; or a Thing; now alive but has tools。  The basest of created animalcules; the Spider itself; has a spinning…jenny; and warping…mill; and power…loom within its head:  the stupidest of Oysters has a Papin's…Digester; with stone…and…lime house to hold it in:  every being that can live can do something:  this let him _do_。 Tools?  Hast thou not a Brain; furnished; furnishable with some glimmerings of Light; and three fingers to hold a Pen withal?  Never since Aaron's Rod went out of practice; or even before it; was there such a wonder…working Tool:  greater than all recorded miracles have been performed by Pens。  For strangely in this so solid…seeming World; which nevertheless is in continual restless flux; it is appointed that _Sound_; to appearance the most fleeting; should be the most continuing of all things。  The WORD is well said to be omnipotent in this world; man; thereby divine; can create as by a _Fiat_。 Awake; arise!  Speak forth what is in thee; what God has given thee; what the Devil shall not take away。  Higher task than that of Priesthood was allotted to no man:  wert thou but the meanest in that sacred Hierarchy; is it not honor enough therein to spend and be spent?

〃By this Art; which whoso will may sacrilegiously degrade into a handicraft;〃 adds Teufelsdrockh; 〃have I thenceforth abidden。  Writings of mine; not indeed known as mine (for what am I?); have fallen; perhaps not altogether void; into the mighty seedfield of Opinion; fruits of my unseen sowing gratifyingly meet me here and there。  I thank the Heavens that I have now found my Calling; wherein; with or without perceptible result; I am minded diligently to persevere。

〃Nay how knowest thou;〃 cries he; 〃but this and the other pregnant Device; now grown to be a world…renowned far…working Institution; like a grain of right mustard…seed once cast into the right soil; and now stretching out strong boughs to the four winds; for the birds of the air to lodge in;may have been properly my doing?  Some one's doing; it without doubt was; from some Idea; in some single Head; it did first of all take beginning:  why not from some Idea in mine?〃  Does Teufelsdrockh; here glance at that 〃SOCIETY FOR THE CONSERVATION OF PROPERTY (_Eigenthums…conservirende Gesellschaft_);〃 of which so many ambiguous notices glide spectra…like through these inexpressible Paper…bags?  〃An Institution;〃 hints he; 〃not unsuitable to the wants of the time; as indeed such sudden extension proves:  for already can the Society number; among its office…bearers or corresponding members; the highest Names; if not the highest Persons; in Germany; England; France; and contributions; both of money and of meditation pour in from all quarters; to; if possible; enlist the remaining Integrity of the world; and; defensively and with forethought; marshal it round this Palladium。〃  Does Teufelsdrockh mean; then; to give himself out as the originator of that so notable _Eigenthums…conservirende_ (〃Owndom…conserving〃) _Gesellschaft_; and if so; what; in the Devil's name; is it?  He again hints:  〃At a time when the divine Commandment; _Thou shalt not steal_; wherein truly; if well understood; is comprised the whole Hebrew Decalogue; with Solon's and Lycurgrus's Constitutions; Justinian's Pandects; the Code Napoleon; and all Codes; Catechisms; Divinities; Moralities whatsoever; that man has hitherto devised (and enforced with Altar…fire and Gallows…ropes) for his social guidance:  at a time; I say; when this divine Commandment has all but faded away from the general remembrance; and; with little disguise; a new opposite Commandment; _Thou shalt steal_; is everywhere promulgated;it perhaps behooved; in this universal dotage and deliration; the sound portion of mankind to bestir themselves and rally。  When the widest and wildest violations of that divine right of Property; the only divine right now extant or conceivable; are sanctioned and recommended by a vicious Press; and the world has lived to hear it asserted that _we have no Property in our very Bodies; but only an accidental Possession and Life…rent_; what is the issue to be looked for?  Hangmen and Catchpoles may; by their noose…gins and baited fall…traps; keep down the smaller sort of vermin; but what; except perhaps some such Universal Association; can protect us against whole meat…devouring and man…devouring hosts of Boa…constrictors。  If; therefore; the more sequestered Thinker have wondered; in his privacy; from what hand that perhaps not ill…written _Program_ in the Public Journals; with its high _Prize…Questions_ and so liberal _Prizes_; could have proceeded;let him now cease such wonder; and; with undivided faculty; betake himself to the _Concurrenz_ (Competition)。〃

We ask:  Has this same 〃perhaps not ill…written _Program_;〃 or any other authentic Transaction of that Property…conserving Society; fallen under the eye of the British Reader; in any Journal foreign or domestic?  If so; what are those _Prize…Questions_; what are the terms of Competition; and when and where?  No printed Newspaper…leaf; no farther light of any sort; to be met with in these Paper…bags!  Or is the whole business one other of those whimsicalities and perverse inexplicabilities; whereby Herr Teufelsdrockh; meaning much or nothing; is pleased so often to play fast…and…loose with us?

Here; indeed; at length; must the Editor give utterance to a painful suspicion; which; through late Chapters; has begun to haunt him; paralyzing any little enthusiasm that might still have rendered his thorny Biographical task a labor of love。  It is a suspicion grounded perhaps on trifles; yet confirmed almost into certainty by the more and more discernible humoristico…satirical tendency of Teufelsdrockh; in whom underground humors and intricate sardonic rogueries; wheel within wheel; defy all reckoning:  a suspicion; in one word; that these Autobiographical Documents are partly a mystification!  What if many a so…called Fact were little better than a Fiction;

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