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sartor resartus-第34节

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infinitely; and fill every wish as fast as it rose。  Oceans of Hochheimer; a Throat like that of Ophiuchus: speak not of them; to the infinite Shoeblack they are as nothing。  No sooner is your ocean filled; than he grumbles that it might have been of better vintage。  Try him with half of a Universe; of an Omnipotence; he sets to quarrelling with the proprietor of the other half; and declares himself the most maltreated of men。Always there is a black spot in our sunshine:  it is even; as I said; the _Shadow of Ourselves_。

〃But the whim we have of Happiness is somewhat thus。  By certain valuations; and averages; of our own striking; we come upon some sort of average terrestrial lot; this we fancy belongs to us by nature; and of indefeasible right。  It is simple payment of our wages; of our deserts; requires neither thanks nor complaint; only such _overplus_ as there may be do we account Happiness; any _deficit_ again is Misery。  Now consider that we have the valuation of our own deserts ourselves; and what a fund of Self…conceit there is in each of us;do you wonder that the balance should so often dip the wrong way; and many a Blockhead cry:  See there; what a payment; was ever worthy gentleman so used!I tell thee; Blockhead; it all comes of thy Vanity; of what thou _fanciest_ those same deserts of thine to be。  Fancy that thou deservest to be hanged (as is most likely); thou wilt feel it happiness to be only shot:  fancy that thou deservest to be hanged in a hair…halter; it will be a luxury to die in hemp。

〃So true is it; what I then said; that _the Fraction of Life can be increased in value not so much by increasing your Numerator as by lessening your Denominator_。  Nay; unless my Algebra deceive me; _Unity_ itself divided by _Zero_ will give _Infinity_。  Make thy claim of wages a zero; then; thou hast the world under thy feet。  Well did the Wisest of our time write:  'It is only with Renunciation (_Entsagen_) that Life; properly speaking; can be said to begin。'

〃I asked myself:  What is this that; ever since earliest years; thou hast been fretting and fuming; and lamenting and self…tormenting; on account of? Say it in a word:  is it not because thou art not HAPPY?  Because the THOU (sweet gentleman) is not sufficiently honored; nourished; soft…bedded; and lovingly cared for?  Foolish soul!  What Act of Legislature was there that _thou_ shouldst be Happy?  A little while ago thou hadst no right to _be_ at all。  What if thou wert born and predestined not to be Happy; but to be Unhappy!  Art thou nothing other than a Vulture; then; that fliest through the Universe seeking after somewhat to _eat_; and shrieking dolefully because carrion enough is not given thee?  Close thy _Byron_; open thy _Goethe_。〃

〃_Es leuchtet mir ein_; I see a glimpse of it!〃 cries he elsewhere:  〃there is in man a HIGHER than Love of Happiness:  he can do without Happiness; and instead thereof find Blessedness!  Was it not to preach forth this same HIGHER that sages and martyrs; the Poet and the Priest; in all times; have spoken and suffered; bearing testimony; through life and through death; of the Godlike that is in Man; and how in the Godlike only has he Strength and Freedom?  Which God…inspiredd Doctrine art thou also honored to be taught; O Heavens! and broken with manifold merciful Afflictions; even till thou become contrite and learn it!  Oh; thank thy Destiny for these; thankfully bear what yet remain:  thou hadst need of them; the Self in thee needed to be annihilated。  By benignant fever…paroxysms is Life rooting out the deep…seated chronic Disease; and triumphs over Death。  On the roaring billows of Time; thou art not engulfed; but borne aloft into the azure of Eternity。  Love not Pleasure; love God。  This is the EVERLASTING YEA; wherein all contradiction is solved:  wherein whoso walks and works; it is well with him。〃

And again:  〃Small is it that thou canst trample the Earth with its injuries under thy feet; as old Greek Zeno trained thee:  thou canst love the Earth while it injures thee; and even because it injures thee; for this a Greater than Zeno was needed; and he too was sent。  Knowest thou that '_Worship of Sorrow_'?  The Temple thereof; founded some eighteen centuries ago; now lies in ruins; overgrown with jungle; the habitation of doleful creatures:  nevertheless; venture forward; in a low crypt; arched out of falling fragments; thou findest the Altar still there; and its sacred Lamp perennially burning。〃

Without pretending to comment on which strange utterances; the Editor will only remark; that there lies beside them much of a still more questionable character; unsuited to the general apprehension; nay wherein he himself does not see his way。  Nebulous disquisitions on Religion; yet not without bursts of splendor; on the 〃perennial continuance of Inspiration;〃 on Prophecy; that there are 〃true Priests; as well as Baal…Priests; in our own day:〃  with more of the like sort。  We select some fractions; by way of finish to this farrago。

〃Cease; my much…respected Herr von Voltaire;〃 thus apostrophizes the Professor:  〃shut thy sweet voice; for the task appointed thee seems finished。  Sufficiently hast thou demonstrated this proposition; considerable or otherwise:  That the Mythus of the Christian Religion looks not in the eighteenth century as it did in the eighth。  Alas; were thy six…and…thirty quartos; and the six…and…thirty thousand other quartos and folios; and flying sheets or reams; printed before and since on the same subject; all needed to convince us of so little!  But what next?  Wilt thou help us to embody the divine Spirit of that Religion in a new Mythus; in a new vehicle and vesture; that our Souls; otherwise too like perishing; may live?  What! thou hast no faculty in that kind?  Only a torch for burning; no hammer for building?  Take our thanks; then; andthyself away。

〃Meanwhile what are antiquated Mythuses to me?  Or is the God present; felt in my own heart; a thing which Herr von Voltaire will dispute out of me; or dispute into me?  To the '_Worship of Sorrow_' ascribe what origin and genesis thou pleasest; _has_ not that Worship originated; and been generated; is it not _here_?  Feel it in thy heart; and then say whether it is of God!  This is Belief; all else is Opinion;for which latter whoso will; let him worry and be worried。〃

〃Neither;〃 observes he elsewhere; 〃shall ye tear out one another's eyes; struggling over 'Plenary Inspiration;' and such like:  try rather to get a little even Partial Inspiration; each of you for himself。  One BIBLE I know; of whose Plenary Inspiration doubt is not so much as possible; nay with my own eyes I saw the God's…Hand writing it:  thereof all other Bibles are but Leaves;say; in Picture…Writing to assist the weaker faculty。〃

Or; to give the wearied reader relief; and bring it to an end; let him take the following perhaps more intelligible passage:

〃To me; in this our life;〃 says the Professor; 〃which is an internecine warfare with the Time…spirit; other warfare seems questionable。  Hast thou in any way a contention with thy brother; I advise thee; think well what the meaning thereof is。  If thou gauge it to the bottom; it is simply this: 'Fellow; see! thou art taking more than thy share of Happiness in the world; something from my share:  which; by the Heavens; thou shalt not; nay I will fight thee rather。'Alas; and the whole lot to be divided is such a beggarly matter; truly a 'feast of shells;' for the substance has been spilled out:  not enough to quench one Appetite; and the collective human species clutching at them!Can we not; in all such cases; rather say: 'Take it; thou too…ravenous individual; take that pitiful additional fraction of a share; which I reckoned mine; but which thou so wantest; take it with a blessing:  would to Heaven I had enough for thee!'If Fichte's _Wissenschaftslehre_ be; 'to a certain extent; Applied Christianity;' surely to a still greater extent; so is this。  We have here not a Whole Duty of Man; yet a Half Duty; namely the Passive half:  could we but do it; as we can demonstrate it!

〃But indeed Conviction; were it never so excellent; is worthless till it convert itself into Conduct。  Nay properly Conviction is not possible till then; inasmuch as all Speculation is by nature endless; formless; a vortex amid vortices; only by a felt indubitable certainty of Experience does it find any centre to revolve round; and so fashion itself into a system。 Most true is it; as a wise man teaches us; that 'Doubt of any sort cannot be removed except by Action。' On which ground; too; let him who gropes painfully in darkness or uncertain light; and prays vehemently that the dawn may ripen into day; lay this other precept well to heart; which to me was of invaluable service:  '_Do the Duty which lies nearest thee_;' which thou knowest to be a Duty!  Thy second Duty will already have become clearer。

〃May we not say; however; that the hour of Spiritual Enfranchisement is even this:  When your Ideal World; wherein the whole man has been dimly struggling and inexpressibly languishing to work; becomes revealed; and thrown open; and you discover; with amazement enough; like the Lothario in _Wilhelm Meister_; that your 'America is here or nowhere'?  Th

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