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sartor resartus-第3节

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 once touched upon between us。  If through the high; silent; meditative Transcendentalism of our Friend we detected any practical tendency whatever; it was at most Political; and towards a certain prospective; and for the present quite speculative; Radicalism; as indeed some correspondence; on his part; with Herr Oken of Jena was now and then suspected; though his special contributions to the _Isis_ could never be more than surmised at。  But; at all events; nothing Moral; still less anything Didactico…Religious; was looked for from him。

Well do we recollect the last words he spoke in our hearing; which indeed; with the Night they were uttered in; are to be forever remembered。  Lifting his huge tumbler of _Gukguk_;* and for a moment lowering his tobacco…pipe; he stood up in full Coffee…house (it was _Zur Grunen Gans_; the largest in Weissnichtwo; where all the Virtuosity; and nearly all the Intellect of the place assembled of an evening); and there; with low; soul…stirring tone; and the look truly of an angel; though whether of a white or of a black one might be dubious; proposed this toast:  _Die Sache der Armen in Gottes und Teufels Namen_ (The Cause of the Poor; in Heaven's name and 's)!  One full shout; breaking the leaden silence; then a gurgle of innumerable emptying bumpers; again followed by universal cheering; returned him loud acclaim。  It was the finale of the night:  resuming their pipes; in the highest enthusiasm; amid volumes of tobacco…smoke; triumphant; cloud…capt without and within; the assembly broke up; each to his thoughtful pillow。 _Bleibt doch ein echter Spass_… _und Galgen…vogel_; said several; meaning thereby that; one day; he would probably be hanged for his democratic sentiments。  _Wo steckt doch der Schalk_? added they; looking round:  but Teufelsdrockh had retired by private alleys; and the Compiler of these pages beheld him no more。

*Gukguk is unhappily only an academical…beer。

In such scenes has it been our lot to live with this Philosopher; such estimate to form of his purposes and powers。  And yet; thou brave Teufelsdrockh; who could tell what lurked in thee?  Under those thick locks of thine; so long and lank; overlapping roof…wise the gravest face we ever in this world saw; there dwelt a most busy brain。  In thy eyes too; deep under their shaggy brows; and looking out so still and dreamy; have we not noticed gleams of an ethereal or else a diabolic fire; and half fancied that their stillness was but the rest of infinite motion; the _sleep_ of a spinning…top?  Thy little figure; there as; in loose ill…brushed threadbare habiliments; thou sattest; amid litter and lumber; whole days; to 〃think and smoke tobacco;〃 held in it a mighty heart。  The secrets of man's Life were laid open to thee; thou sawest into the mystery of the Universe; farther than another; thou hadst _in petto_ thy remarkable Volume on Clothes。  Nay; was there not in that clear logically founded Transcendentalism of thine; still more; in thy meek; silent; deep…seated Sansculottism; combined with a true princely Courtesy of inward nature; the visible rudiments of such speculation?  But great men are too often unknown; or what is worse; misknown。  Already; when we dreamed not of it; the warp of thy remarkable Volume lay on the loom; and silently; mysterious shuttles were putting in the woof。

How the Hofrath Heuschrecke is to furnish biographical data; in this case; may be a curious question; the answer of which; however; is happily not our concern; but his。  To us it appeared; after repeated trial; that in Weissnichtwo; from the archives or memories of the best…informed classes; no Biography of Teufelsdrockh was to be gathered; not so much as a false one。  He was a stranger there; wafted thither by what is called the course of circumstances; concerning whose parentage; birthplace; prospects; or pursuits; curiosity had indeed made inquiries; but satisfied herself with the most indistinct replies。  For himself; he was a man so still and altogether unparticipating; that to question him even afar off on such particulars was a thing of more than usual delicacy:  besides; in his sly way; he had ever some quaint turn; not without its satirical edge; wherewith to divert such intrusions; and deter you from the like。  Wits spoke of him secretly as if he were a kind of Melchizedek; without father or mother of any kind; sometimes; with reference to his great historic and statistic knowledge; and the vivid way he had of expressing himself like an eye…witness of distant transactions and scenes; they called him the _Ewige Jude_; Everlasting; or as we say; Wandering Jew。

To the most; indeed; he had become not so much a Man as a Thing; which Thing doubtless they were accustomed to see; and with satisfaction; but no more thought of accounting for than for the fabrication of their daily _Allgemeine Zeitung_; or the domestic habits of the Sun。  Both were there and welcome; the world enjoyed what good was in them; and thought no more of the matter。  The man Teufelsdrockh passed and repassed; in his little circle; as one of those originals and nondescripts; more frequent in German Universities than elsewhere; of whom; though you see them alive; and feel certain enough that they must have a History; no History seems to be discoverable; or only such as men give of mountain rocks and antediluvian ruins:  That they have been created by unknown agencies; are in a state of gradual decay; and for the present reflect light and resist pressure; that is; are visible and tangible objects in this phantasm world; where so much other mystery is。

It was to be remarked that though; by title and diploma; _Professor der Allerley…Wissenschaft_; or as we should say in English; 〃Professor of Things in General;〃 he had never delivered any Course; perhaps never been incited thereto by any public furtherance or requisition。  To all appearance; the enlightened Government of Weissnichtwo; in founding their New University; imagined they had done enough; if 〃in times like ours;〃 as the half…official Program expressed it; 〃when all things are; rapidly or slowly; resolving themselves into Chaos; a Professorship of this kind had been established; whereby; as occasion called; the task of bodying somewhat forth again from such Chaos might be; even slightly; facilitated。〃  That actual Lectures should be held; and Public Classes for the 〃Science of Things in General;〃 they doubtless considered premature; on which ground too they had only established the Professorship; nowise endowed it; so that Teufelsdrockh; 〃recommended by the highest Names;〃 had been promoted thereby to a Name merely。

Great; among the more enlightened classes; was the admiration of this new Professorship:  how an enlightened Government had seen into the Want of the Age (_Zeitbedurfniss_); how at length; instead of Denial and Destruction; we were to have a science of Affirmation and Reconstruction; and Germany and Weissnichtwo were where they should be; in the vanguard of the world。 Considerable also was the wonder at the new Professor; dropt opportunely enough into the nascent University; so able to lecture; should occasion call; so ready to hold his peace for indefinite periods; should an enlightened Government consider that occasion did not call。  But such admiration and such wonder; being followed by no act to keep them living; could last only nine days; and; long before our visit to that scene; had quite died away。  The more cunning heads thought it was all an expiring clutch at popularity; on the part of a Minister; whom domestic embarrassments; court intrigues; old age; and dropsy soon afterwards finally drove from the helm。

As for Teufelsdrockh; except by his nightly appearances at the _Grune Gans_; Weissnichtwo saw little of him; felt little of him。  Here; over his tumbler of Gukguk; he sat reading Journals; sometimes contemplatively looking into the clouds of his tobacco…pipe; without other visible employment:  always; from his mild ways; an agreeable phenomenon there; more especially when he opened his lips for speech; on which occasions the whole Coffee…house would hush itself into silence; as if sure to hear something noteworthy。  Nay; perhaps to hear a whole series and river of the most memorable utterances; such as; when once thawed; he would for hours indulge in; with fit audience:  and the more memorable; as issuing from a head apparently not more interested in them; not more conscious of them; than is the sculptured stone head of some public fountain; which through its brass mouth…tube emits water to the worthy and the unworthy; careless whether it be for cooking victuals or quenching conflagrations; indeed; maintains the same earnest assiduous look; whether any water be flowing or not。

To the Editor of these sheets; as to a young enthusiastic Englishman; however unworthy; Teufelsdrockh opened himself perhaps more than to the most。 Pity only that we could not then half guess his importance; and scrutinize him with due power of vision!  We enjoyed; what not three men Weissnichtwo could boast of; a certain degree of access to the Professor's private domicile。  It was the attic floor of the highest house in the Wahngasse; and might truly be called the pinnacle of Weissnichtwo; for it rose

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