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sartor resartus-第24节

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res pleased thee; still was it not _a Fleet_; sailing in prescribed track; for fixed objects; above all; in combination; wherein; by mutual guidance; by all manner of loans and borrowings; each could manifoldly aid the other?  How wilt thou sail in unknown seas; and for thyself find that shorter Northwest Passage to thy fair Spice…country of a Nowhere?A solitary rover; on such a voyage; with such nautical tactics; will meet with adventures。  Nay; as we forthwith discover; a certain Calypso…Island detains him at the very outset; and as it were falsifies and oversets his whole reckoning。

〃If in youth;〃 writes he once; 〃the Universe is majestically unveiling; and everywhere Heaven revealing itself on Earth; nowhere to the Young Man does this Heaven on Earth so immediately reveal itself as in the Young Maiden。 Strangely enough; in this strange life of ours; it has been so appointed。 On the whole; as I have often said; a Person (_Personlichkeit_) is ever holy to us; a certain orthodox Anthropomorphism connects my _Me_ with all _Thees_ in bonds of Love:  but it is in this approximation of the Like and Unlike; that such heavenly attraction; as between Negative and Positive; first burns out into a flame。  Is the pitifullest mortal Person; think you; indifferent to us?  Is it not rather our heartfelt wish to be made one with him; to unite him to us; by gratitude; by admiration; even by fear; or failing all these; unite ourselves to him?  But how much more; in this case of the Like…Unlike!  Here is conceded us the higher mystic possibility of such a union; the highest in our Earth; thus; in the conducting medium of Fantasy; flames forth that fire…development of the universal Spiritual Electricity; which; as unfolded between man and woman; we first emphatically denominate LOVE。

〃In every well…conditioned stripling; as I conjecture; there already blooms a certain prospective Paradise; cheered by some fairest Eve; nor; in the stately vistas; and flowerage and foliage of that Garden; is a Tree of Knowledge; beautiful and awful in the midst thereof; wanting。  Perhaps too the whole is but the lovelier; if Cherubim and a Flaming Sword divide it from all footsteps of men; and grant him; the imaginative stripling; only the view; not the entrance。  Happy season of virtuous youth; when shame is still an impassable celestial barrier; and the sacred air…cities of Hope have not shrunk into the mean clay…hamlets of Reality; and man; by his nature; is yet infinite and free!

〃As for our young Forlorn;〃 continues Teufelsdrockh evidently meaning himself; 〃in his secluded way of life; and with his glowing Fantasy; the more fiery that it burnt under cover; as in a reverberating furnace; his feeling towards the Queens of this Earth was; and indeed is; altogether unspeakable。  A visible Divinity dwelt in them; to our young Friend all women were holy; were heavenly。  As yet he but saw them flitting past; in their many…colored angel…plumage; or hovering mute and inaccessible on the outskirts of _AEsthetic Tea_:  all of air they were; all Soul and Form; so lovely; like mysterious priestesses; in whose hand was the invisible Jacob's…ladder; whereby man might mount into very Heaven。  That he; our poor Friend; should ever win for himself one of these Gracefuls (_Holden_)_Ach Gott_!  how could he hope it; should he not have died under it?  There was a certain delirious vertigo in the thought。

〃Thus was the young man; if all…sceptical of Demons and Angels such as the vulgar had once believed in; nevertheless not unvisited by hosts of true Sky…born; who visibly and audibly hovered round him wheresoever he went; and they had that religious worship in his thought; though as yet it was by their mere earthly and trivial name that he named them。  But now; if on a soul so circumstanced; some actual Air…maiden; incorporated into tangibility and reality; should cast any electric glance of kind eyes; saying thereby; 'Thou too mayest love and be loved;' and so kindle him;good Heaven; what a volcanic; earthquake…bringing; all…consuming fire were probably kindled!〃

Such a fire; it afterwards appears; did actually burst forth; with explosions more or less Vesuvian; in the inner man of Herr Diogenes; as indeed how could it fail?  A nature; which; in his own figurative style; we might say; had now not a little carbonized tinder; of Irritability; with so much nitre of latent Passion; and sulphurous Humor enough; the whole lying in such hot neighborhood; close by 〃a reverberating furnace of Fantasy:〃 have we not here the components of driest Gunpowder; ready; on occasion of the smallest spark; to blaze up?  Neither; in this our Life…element; are sparks anywhere wanting。  Without doubt; some Angel; whereof so many hovered round; would one day; leaving 〃the outskirts of _AEsthetic Tea_;〃 flit higher; and; by electric Promethean glance; kindle no despicable firework。  Happy; if it indeed proved a Firework; and flamed off rocket…wise; in successive beautiful bursts of splendor; each growing naturally from the other; through the several stages of a happy Youthful Love; till the whole were safely burnt out; and the young soul relieved with little damage!  Happy; if it did not rather prove a Conflagration and mad Explosion; painfully lacerating the heart itself; nay perhaps bursting the heart in pieces (which were Death); or at best; bursting the thin walls of your 〃reverberating furnace;〃 so that it rage thenceforth all unchecked among the contiguous combustibles (which were Madness):  till of the so fair and manifold internal world of our Diogenes; there remained Nothing; or only the 〃crater of an extinct volcano〃!

From multifarious Documents in this Bag _Capricornus_; and in the adjacent ones on both sides thereof; it becomes manifest that our philosopher; as stoical and cynical as he now looks; was heartily and even frantically in Love:  here therefore may our old doubts whether his heart were of stone or of flesh give way。  He loved once; not wisely but too well。  And once only: for as your Congreve needs a new case or wrappage for every new rocket; so each human heart can properly exhibit but one Love; if even one; the 〃First Love which is infinite〃 can be followed by no second like unto it。  In more recent years; accordingly; the Editor of these Sheets was led to regard Teufelsdrockh as a man not only who would never wed; but who would never even flirt; whom the grand…climacteric itself; and _St。 Martin's Summer_ of incipient Dotage; would crown with no new myrtle…garland。  To the Professor; women are henceforth Pieces of Art; of Celestial Art; indeed; which celestial pieces he glories to survey in galleries; but has lost thought of purchasing。

Psychological readers are not without curiosity to see how Teufelsdrockh in this for him unexampled predicament; demeans himself; with what specialties of successive configuration; splendor and color; his Firework blazes off。 Small; as usual; is the satisfaction that such can meet with here。  From amid these confused masses of Eulogy and Elegy; with their mad Petrarchan and Werterean ware lying madly scattered among all sorts of quite extraneous matter; not so much as the fair one's name can be deciphered。 For; without doubt; the title _Blumine_; whereby she is here designated; and which means simply Goddess of Flowers; must be fictitious。  Was her real name Flora; then?  But what was her surname; or had she none?  Of what station in Life was she; of what parentage; fortune; aspect?  Specially; by what Pre…established Harmony of occurrences did the Lover and the Loved meet one another in so wide a world; how did they behave in such meeting? To all which questions; not unessential in a Biographic work; mere Conjecture must for most part return answer。  〃It was appointed;〃 says our Philosopher; 〃that the high celestial orbit of Blumine should intersect the low sublunary one of our Forlorn; that he; looking in her empyrean eyes; should fancy the upper Sphere of Light was come down into this nether sphere of Shadows; and finding himself mistaken; make noise enough。〃

We seem to gather that she was young; hazel…eyed; beautiful; and some one's Cousin; high…born; and of high spirit; but unhappily dependent and insolvent; living; perhaps; on the not too gracious bounty of moneyed relatives。  But how came 〃the Wanderer〃 into her circle?  Was it by the humid vehicle of _AEsthetic Tea_; or by the arid one of mere Business?  Was it on the hand of Herr Towgood; or of the Gnadige Frau; who; as an ornamental Artist; might sometimes like to promote flirtation; especially for young cynical Nondescripts?  To all appearance; it was chiefly by Accident; and the grace of Nature。

〃Thou fair Waldschloss;〃 writes our Autobiographer; 〃what stranger ever saw thee; were it even an absolved Auscultator; officially bearing in his pocket the last _Relatio ex Actis_ he would ever write; but must have paused to wonder!  Noble Mansion!  There stoodest thou; in deep Mountain Amphitheatre; on umbrageous lawns; in thy serene solitude; stately; massive; all of granite; glittering in the western sunbeams; like a palace of El Dorado; overlaid with precious metal。  Beautiful rose up; in wavy curvature; the slope of thy guardian Hills; of the greenest was their sward; em

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