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sartor resartus-第20节

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cture was quite other; so neither was our result altogether the same:  unhappily; we were not in Crim Tartary; but in a corrupt European city; full of smoke and sin; moreover; in the middle of a Public; which; without far costlier apparatus than that of the Square Enclosure; and Declaration aloud; you could not be sure of gulling。

〃Gullible; however; by fit apparatus; all Publics are; and gulled; with the most surprising profit。  Towards anything like a _Statistics of Imposture_; indeed; little as yet has been done:  with a strange indifference; our Economists; nigh buried under Tables for minor Branches of Industry; have altogether overlooked the grand all…overtopping Hypocrisy Branch; as if our whole arts of Puffery; of Quackery; Priestcraft; Kingcraft; and the innumerable other crafts and mysteries of that genus; had not ranked in Productive Industry at all!  Can any one; for example; so much as say; What moneys; in Literature and Shoeblacking; are realized by actual Instruction and actual jet Polish; what by fictitious…persuasive Proclamation of such; specifying; in distinct items; the distributions; circulations; disbursements; incomings of said moneys; with the smallest approach to accuracy?  But to ask; How far; in all the several infinitely complected departments of social business; in government; education; in manual; commercial; intellectual fabrication of every sort; man's Want is supplied by true Ware; how far by the mere Appearance of true Ware:in other words; To what extent; by what methods; with what effects; in various times and countries; Deception takes the place of wages of Performance:  here truly is an Inquiry big with results for the future time; but to which hitherto only the vaguest answer can be given。  If for the present; in our Europe; we estimate the ratio of Ware to Appearance of Ware so high even as at One to a Hundred (which; considering the Wages of a Pope; Russian Autocrat; or English Game…Preserver; is probably not far from the mark);what almost prodigious saving may there not be anticipated; as the _Statistics of Imposture_ advances; and so the manufacturing of Shams (that of Realities rising into clearer and clearer distinction therefrom) gradually declines; and at length becomes all but wholly unnecessary!

〃This for the coming golden ages。  What I had to remark; for the present brazen one; is; that in several provinces; as in Education; Polity; Religion; where so much is wanted and indispensable; and so little can as yet be furnished; probably Imposture is of sanative; anodyne nature; and man's Gullibility not his worst blessing。  Suppose your sinews of war quite broken; I mean your military chest insolvent; forage all but exhausted; and that the whole army is about to mutiny; disband; and cut your and each other's throat;then were it not well could you; as if by miracle; pay them in any sort of fairy…money; feed them on coagulated water; or mere imagination of meat; whereby; till the real supply came up; they might be kept together and quiet?  Such perhaps was the aim of Nature; who does nothing without aim; in furnishing her favorite; Man; with this his so omnipotent or rather omnipatient Talent of being Gulled。

〃How beautifully it works; with a little mechanism; nay; almost makes mechanism for itself!  These Professors in the Nameless lived with ease; with safety; by a mere Reputation; constructed in past times; and then too with no great effort; by quite another class of persons。  Which Reputation; like a strong brisk…going undershot wheel; sunk into the general current; bade fair; with only a little annual re…painting on their part; to hold long together; and of its own accord assiduously grind for them。  Happy that it was so; for the Millers!  They themselves needed not to work; their attempts at working; at what they called Educating; now when I look back on it; fill me with a certain mute admiration。

〃Besides all this; we boasted ourselves a Rational University; in the highest degree hostile to Mysticism; thus was the young vacant mind furnished with much talk about Progress of the Species; Dark Ages; Prejudice; and the like; so that all were quickly enough blown out into a state of windy argumentativeness; whereby the better sort had soon to end in sick; impotent Scepticism; the worser sort explode (_erepiren_) in finished Self…conceit; and to all spiritual intents become dead。But this too is portion of mankind's lot。  If our era is the Era of Unbelief; why murmur under it; is there not a better coming; nay come?  As in long…drawn systole and long…drawn diastole; must the period of Faith alternate with the period of Denial; must the vernal growth; the summer luxuriance of all Opinions; Spiritual Representations and Creations; be followed by; and again follow; the autumnal decay; the winter dissolution。  For man lives in Time; has his whole earthly being; endeavor and destiny shaped for him by Time:  only in the transitory Time…Symbol is the ever…motionless Eternity we stand on made manifest。 And yet; in such winter…seasons of Denial; it is for the nobler…minded perhaps a comparative misery to have been born; and to be awake and work; and for the duller a felicity; if; like hibernating animals; safe…lodged in some Salamanca University or Sybaris City; or other superstitious or voluptuous Castle of Indolence; they can slumber through; in stupid dreams; and only awaken when the loud…roaring hailstorms have all alone their work; and to our prayers and martyrdoms the new Spring has been vouchsafed。〃

That in the environment; here mysteriously enough shadowed forth; Teufelsdrockh must have felt ill at ease; cannot be doubtful。  〃The hungry young;〃 he says; 〃looked up to their spiritual Nurses; and; for food; were bidden eat the east…wind。  What vain jargon of controversial Metaphysic; Etymology; and mechanical Manipulation falsely named Science; was current there; I indeed learned; better perhaps than the most。  Among eleven hundred Christian youths; there will not be wanting some eleven eager to learn。  By collision with such; a certain warmth; a certain polish was communicated; by instinct and happy accident; I took less to rioting (_renommiren_); than to thinking and reading; which latter also I was free to do。  Nay from the chaos of that Library; I succeeded in fishing up more books perhaps than had been known to the very keepers thereof。  The foundation of a Literary Life was hereby laid:  I learned; on my own strength; to read fluently in almost all cultivated languages; on almost all subjects and sciences; farther; as man is ever the prime object to man; already it was my favorite employment to read character in speculation; and from the Writing to construe the Writer。  A certain groundplan of Human Nature and Life began to fashion itself in me; wondrous enough; now when I look back on it; for my whole Universe; physical and spiritual; was as yet a Machine!  However; such a conscious; recognized groundplan; the truest I had; _was_ beginning to be there; and by additional experiments might be corrected and indefinitely extended。〃

Thus from poverty does the strong educe nobler wealth; thus in the destitution of the wild desert does our young Ishmael acquire for himself the highest of all possessions; that of Self…help。  Nevertheless a desert this was; waste; and howling with savage monsters。  Teufelsdrockh gives us long details of his 〃fever…paroxysms of Doubt;〃 his Inquiries concerning Miracles; and the Evidences of religious Faith; and how 〃in the silent night…watches; still darker in his heart than over sky and earth; he has cast himself before the All…seeing; and with audible prayers cried vehemently for Light; for deliverance from Death and the Grave。  Not till after long years; and unspeakable agonies; did the believing heart surrender; sink into spell…bound sleep; under the nightmare; Unbelief; and; in this hag…ridden dream; mistake God's fair living world for a pallid; vacant Hades and extinct Pandemonium。  But through such Purgatory pain;〃 continues he; 〃it is appointed us to pass; first must the dead Letter of Religion own itself dead; and drop piecemeal into dust; if the living Spirit of Religion; freed from this its charnel…house; is to arise on us; new…born of Heaven; and with new healing under its wings。〃

To which Purgatory pains; seemingly severe enough; if we add a liberal measure of Earthly distresses; want of practical guidance; want of sympathy; want of money; want of hope; and all this in the fervid season of youth; so exaggerated in imagining; so boundless in desires; yet here so poor in means;do we not see a strong incipient spirit oppressed and overloaded from without and from within; the fire of genius struggling up among fuel…wood of the greenest; and as yet with more of bitter vapor than of clear flame?

From various fragments of Letters and other documentary scraps; it is to be inferred that Teufelsdrockh; isolated; shy; retiring as he was; had not altogether escaped notice:  certain established men are aware of his existence; and; if stretching out no helpful hand; have at least their eyes on him。  He appears; though in dreary enough humor; to be addressing himself to the Profession of Law;whereof; indeed; the world has since seen him a public g

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