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sartor resartus-第14节

小说: sartor resartus 字数: 每页4000字

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 (_einnehmen_) great part of this terrestrial Planet!〃

And now let the sympathizing reader judge of our feeling when; in place of this same Autobiography with 〃fullest insight;〃 we findSix considerable

PAPER…BAGS; carefully sealed; and marked successively; in gilt China…ink; with the symbols of the Six southern Zodiacal Signs; beginning at Libra; in the inside of which sealed Bags lie miscellaneous masses of Sheets; and oftener Shreds and Snips; written in Professor Teufelsdrockh's scarce legible _cursiv…schrift_; and treating of all imaginable things under the Zodiac and above it; but of his own personal history only at rare intervals; and then in the most enigmatic manner。

Whole fascicles there are; wherein the Professor; or; as he here; speaking in the third person; calls himself; 〃the Wanderer;〃 is not once named。 Then again; amidst what seems to be a Metaphysico…theological Disquisition; 〃Detached Thoughts on the Steam…engine;〃 or; 〃The continued Possibility of Prophecy;〃 we shall meet with some quite private; not unimportant Biographical fact。  On certain sheets stand Dreams; authentic or not; while the circumjacent waking Actions are omitted。  Anecdotes; oftenest without date of place or time; fly loosely on separate slips; like Sibylline leaves。  Interspersed also are long purely Autobiographical delineations; yet without connection; without recognizable coherence; so unimportant; so superfluously minute; they almost remind us of 〃P。P。 Clerk of this Parish。〃 Thus does famine of intelligence alternate with waste。  Selection; order; appears to be unknown to the Professor。  In all Bags the same imbroglio; only perhaps in the Bag _Capricorn_; and those near it; the confusion a little worse confounded。  Close by a rather eloquent Oration; 〃On receiving the Doctor's…Hat;〃 lie wash…bills; marked _bezahlt_ (settled)。  His Travels are indicated by the Street…Advertisements of the various cities he has visited; of which Street…Advertisements; in most living tongues; here is perhaps the completest collection extant。

So that if the Clothes…Volume itself was too like a Chaos; we have now instead of the solar Luminary that should still it; the airy Limbo which by intermixture will farther volatilize and discompose it!  As we shall perhaps see it our duty ultimately to deposit these Six Paper…Bags in the British Museum; farther description; and all vituperation of them; may be spared。  Biography or Autobiography of Teufelsdrockh there is; clearly enough; none to be gleaned here:  at most some sketchy; shadowy fugitive likeness of him may; by unheard…of efforts; partly of intellect; partly of imagination; on the side of Editor and of Reader; rise up between them。 Only as a gaseous…chaotic Appendix to that aqueous…chaotic Volume can the contents of the Six Bags hover round us; and portions thereof be incorporated with our delineation of it。

Daily and nightly does the Editor sit (with green spectacles) deciphering these unimaginable Documents from their perplexed _cursiv…schrift_; collating them with the almost equally unimaginable Volume; which stands in legible print。  Over such a universal medley of high and low; of hot; cold; moist and dry; is he here struggling (by union of like with like; which is Method) to build a firm Bridge for British travellers。  Never perhaps since our first Bridge…builders; Sin and Death; built that stupendous Arch from Hell…gate to the Earth; did any Pontifex; or Pontiff; undertake such a task as the present Editor。  For in this Arch too; leading; as we humbly presume; far otherwards than that grand primeval one; the materials are to be fished up from the weltering deep; and down from the simmering air; here one mass; there another; and cunningly cemented; while the elements boil beneath:  nor is there any supernatural force to do it with; but simply the Diligence and feeble thinking Faculty of an English Editor; endeavoring to evolve printed Creation out of a German printed and written Chaos; wherein; as he shoots to and fro in it; gathering; clutching; piecing the Why to the far…distant Wherefore; his whole Faculty and Self are like to be swallowed up。

Patiently; under these incessant toils and agitations; does the Editor; dismissing all anger; see his otherwise robust health declining; some fraction of his allotted natural sleep nightly leaving him; and little but an inflamed nervous…system to be looked for。  What is the use of health; or of life; if not to do some work therewith?  And what work nobler than transplanting foreign Thought into the barren domestic soil; except indeed planting Thought of your own; which the fewest are privileged to do?  Wild as it looks; this Philosophy of Clothes; can we ever reach its real meaning; promises to reveal new…coming Eras; the first dim rudiments and already…budding germs of a nobler Era; in Universal History。  Is not such a prize worth some striving?  Forward with us; courageous reader; be it towards failure; or towards success!  The latter thou sharest with us; the former also is not all our own。



In a psychological point of view; it is perhaps questionable whether from birth and genealogy; how closely scrutinized soever; much insight is to be gained。  Nevertheless; as in every phenomenon the Beginning remains always the most notable moment; so; with regard to any great man; we rest not till; for our scientific profit or not; the whole circumstances of his first appearance in this Planet; and what manner of Public Entry he made; are with utmost completeness rendered manifest。  To the Genesis of our Clothes…Philosopher; then; be this First Chapter consecrated。  Unhappily; indeed; he seems to be of quite obscure extraction; uncertain; we might almost say; whether of any:  so that this Genesis of his can properly be nothing but an Exodus (or transit out of Invisibility into Visibility); whereof the preliminary portion is nowhere forthcoming。

〃In the village of Entepfuhl;〃 thus writes he; in the Bag _Libra_; on various Papers; which we arrange with difficulty; 〃dwelt Andreas Futteral and his wife; childless; in still seclusion; and cheerful though now verging towards old age。  Andreas had been grenadier Sergeant; and even regimental Schoolmaster under Frederick the Great; but now; quitting the halbert and ferule for the spade and pruning…hook; cultivated a little Orchard; on the produce of which he; Cincinnatus…like; lived not without dignity。  Fruits; the peach; the apple; the grape; with other varieties came in their season; all which Andreas knew how to sell:  on evenings he smoked largely; or read (as beseemed a regimental Schoolmaster); and talked to neighbors that would listen about the Victory of Rossbach; and how Fritz the Only (_der Einzige_) had once with his own royal lips spoken to him; had been pleased to say; when Andreas as camp…sentinel demanded the pass…word; '_Schweig Hund_ (Peace; hound)!' before any of his staff…adjutants could answer。 '_Das nenn' ich mir einen Konig_; There is what I call a King;' would Andreas exclaim:  'but the smoke of Kunersdorf was still smarting his eyes。'

〃Gretchen; the housewife; won like Desdemona by the deeds rather than the looks of her now veteran Othello; lived not in altogether military subordination; for; as Andreas said; 'the womankind will not drill (_wer kann die Weiberchen dressiren_):' nevertheless she at heart loved him both for valor and wisdom; to her a Prussian grenadier Sergeant and Regiment's Schoolmaster was little other than a Cicero and Cid:  what you see; yet cannot see over; is as good as infinite。  Nay; was not Andreas in very deed a man of order; courage; downrightness (_Geradheit_); that understood Busching's _Geography_; had been in the victory of Rossbach; and left for dead in the camisade of Hochkirch?  The good Gretchen; for all her fretting; watched over him and hovered round him as only a true house…mother can:  assiduously she cooked and sewed and scoured for him; so that not only his old regimental sword and grenadier…cap; but the whole habitation and environment; where on pegs of honor they hung; looked ever trim and gay:  a roomy painted Cottage; embowered in fruit…trees and forest…trees; evergreens and honeysuckles; rising many…colored from amid shaven grass…plots; flowers struggling in through the very windows; under its long projecting eaves nothing but garden…tools in methodic piles (to screen them from rain); and seats where; especially on summer nights; a King might have wished to sit and smoke; and call it his。  Such a Bauergut (Copyhold) had Gretchen given her veteran; whose sinewy arms; and long…disused gardening talent; had made it what you saw。

〃Into this umbrageous Man's…nest; one meek yellow evening or dusk; when the Sun; hidden indeed from terrestrial Entepfuhl; did nevertheless journey visible and radiant along the celestial Balance (_Libra_); it was that a Stranger of reverend aspect entered; and; with grave salutation; stood before the two rather astonished housemates。  He was close…muffled in a wide mantle; which without farther parley unfolding; he deposited therefrom what seemed some Basket; overhung with green Persian silk; saying only: _Ihr lieben Leute; hier bringe ein unschatzbares Verleihen; nehmt es in 

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