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sartor resartus-第12节

小说: sartor resartus 字数: 每页4000字

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se is the GOD'S…PRESENCE manifested not to our eyes only; but to our hearts; as in our fellow…man?〃

In such passages; unhappily too rare; the high Platonic Mysticism of our Author; which is perhaps the fundamental element of his nature; bursts forth; as it were; in full flood:  and; through all the vapor and tarnish of what is often so perverse; so mean in his exterior and environment; we seem to look into a whole inward Sea of Light and Love;though; alas; the grim coppery clouds soon roll together again; and hide it from view。

Such tendency to Mysticism is everywhere traceable in this man; and indeed; to attentive readers; must have been long ago apparent。  Nothing that he sees but has more than a common meaning; but has two meanings:  thus; if in the highest Imperial Sceptre and Charlemagne…Mantle; as well as in the poorest Ox…goad and Gypsy…Blanket; he finds Prose; Decay; Contemptibility; there is in each sort Poetry also; and a reverend Worth。  For Matter; were it never so despicable; is Spirit; the manifestation of Spirit:  were it never so honorable; can it be more?  The thing Visible; nay the thing Imagined; the thing in any way conceived as Visible; what is it but a Garment; a Clothing of the higher; celestial Invisible; 〃unimaginable formless; dark with excess of bright〃?  Under which point of view the following passage; so strange in purport; so strange in phrase; seems characteristic enough:

〃The beginning of all Wisdom is to look fixedly on Clothes; or even with armed eyesight; till they become _transparent_。  'The Philosopher;' says the wisest of this age; 'must station himself in the middle:'  how true! The Philosopher is he to whom the Highest has descended; and the Lowest has mounted up; who is the equal and kindly brother of all。

〃Shall we tremble before clothwebs and cobwebs; whether woven in Arkwright looms; or by the silent Arachnes that weave unrestingly in our Imagination? Or; on the other hand; what is there that we cannot love; since all was created by God?

〃Happy he who can look through the Clothes of a Man (the woollen; and fleshly; and official Bank…paper and State…paper Clothes) into the Man himself; and discern; it may be; in this or the other Dread Potentate; a more or less incompetent Digestive…apparatus; yet also an inscrutable venerable Mystery; in the meanest Tinker that sees with eyes!〃

For the rest; as is natural to a man of this kind; he deals much in the feeling of Wonder; insists on the necessity and high worth of universal Wonder; which he holds to be the only reasonable temper for the denizen of so singular a Planet as ours。  〃Wonder;〃 says he; 〃is the basis of Worship: the reign of wonder is perennial; indestructible in Man; only at certain stages (as the present); it is; for some short season; a reign _in partibus infidelium_。〃  That progress of Science; which is to destroy Wonder; and in its stead substitute Mensuration and Numeration; finds small favor with Teufelsdrockh; much as he otherwise venerates these two latter processes。

〃Shall your Science;〃 exclaims he; 〃proceed in the small chink…lighted; or even oil…lighted; underground workshop of Logic alone; and man's mind become an Arithmetical Mill; whereof Memory is the Hopper; and mere Tables of Sines and Tangents; Codification; and Treatises of what you call Political Economy; are the Meal?  And what is that Science; which the scientific head alone; were it screwed off; and (like the Doctor's in the Arabian Tale) set in a basin to keep it alive; could prosecute without shadow of a heart;but one other of the mechanical and menial handicrafts; for which the Scientific Head (having a Soul in it) is too noble an organ? I mean that Thought without Reverence is barren; perhaps poisonous; at best; dies like cookery with the day that called it forth; does not live; like sowing; in successive tilths and wider…spreading harvests; bringing food and plenteous increase to all Time。〃

In such wise does Teufelsdrockh deal hits; harder or softer; according to ability; yet ever; as we would fain persuade ourselves; with charitable intent。  Above all; that class of 〃Logic…choppers; and treble…pipe Scoffers; and professed Enemies to Wonder; who; in these days; so numerously patrol as night…constables about the Mechanics' Institute of Science; and cackle; like true Old…Roman geese and goslings round their Capitol; on any alarm; or on none; nay who often; as illuminated Sceptics; walk abroad into peaceable society; in full daylight; with rattle and lantern; and insist on guiding you and guarding you therewith; though the Sun is shining; and the street populous with mere justice…loving men:〃 that whole class is inexpressibly wearisome to him。  Hear with what uncommon animation he perorates:

〃The man who cannot wonder; who does not habitually wonder (and worship); were he President of innumerable Royal Societies; and carried the whole _Mecanique Celeste_ and _Hegel's Philosophy_; and the epitome of all Laboratories and Observatories with their results; in his single head;is but a Pair of Spectacles behind which there is no Eye。 Let those who have Eyes look through him; then he may be useful。

〃Thou wilt have no Mystery and Mysticism; wilt walk through thy world by the sunshine of what thou callest Truth; or even by the hand…lamp of what I call Attorney…Logic; and 'explain' all; 'account' for all; or believe nothing of it?  Nay; thou wilt attempt laughter; whoso recognizes the unfathomable; all…pervading domain of Mystery; which is everywhere under our feet and among our hands; to whom the Universe is an Oracle and Temple; as well as a Kitchen and Cattle…stall;he shall be a delirious Mystic; to him thou; with sniffing charity; wilt protrusively proffer thy hand…lamp; and shriek; as one injured; when he kicks his foot through it?_Armer Teufel_!  Doth not thy cow calve; doth not thy bull gender?  Thou thyself; wert thou not born; wilt thou not die?  'Explain' me all this; or do one of two things:  Retire into private places with thy foolish cackle; or; what were better; give it up; and weep; not that the reign of wonder is done; and God's world all disembellished and prosaic; but that thou hitherto art a Dilettante and sand…blind Pedant。〃


The Philosophy of Clothes is now to all readers; as we predicted it would do; unfolding itself into new boundless expansions; of a cloud…capt; almost chimerical aspect; yet not without azure loomings in the far distance; and streaks as of an Elysian brightness; the highly questionable purport and promise of which it is becoming more and more important for us to ascertain。  Is that a real Elysian brightness; cries many a timid wayfarer; or the reflex of Pandemonian lava?  Is it of a truth leading us into beatific Asphodel meadows; or the yellow…burning marl of a Hell…on…Earth?

Our Professor; like other Mystics; whether delirious or inspired; gives an Editor enough to do。  Ever higher and dizzier are the heights he leads us to; more piercing; all…comprehending; all…confounding are his views and glances。  For example; this of Nature being not an Aggregate but a Whole:

〃Well sang the Hebrew Psalmist:  'If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the Universe; God is there。'  Thou thyself; O cultivated reader; who too probably art no Psalmist; but a Prosaist; knowing GOD only by tradition; knowest thou any corner of the world where at least FORCE is not?  The drop which thou shakest from thy wet hand; rests not where it falls; but to…morrow thou findest it swept away; already on the wings of the North…wind; it is nearing the Tropic of Cancer。  How came it to evaporate; and not lie motionless?  Thinkest thou there is aught motionless; without Force; and utterly dead?

〃As I rode through the Schwarzwald; I said to myself:  That little fire which glows star…like across the dark…growing (_nachtende_) moor; where the sooty smith bends over his anvil; and thou hopest to replace thy lost horse…shoe;is it a detached; separated speck; cut off from the whole Universe; or indissolubly joined to the whole?  Thou fool; that smithy…fire was (primarily) kindled at the Sun; is fed by air that circulates from before Noah's Deluge; from beyond the Dog…star; therein; with Iron Force; and Coal Force; and the far stranger Force of Man; are cunning affinities and battles and victories of Force brought about; it is a little ganglion; or nervous centre; in the great vital system of Immensity。  Call it; if thou wilt; an unconscious Altar; kindled on the bosom of the All; whose iron sacrifice; whose iron smoke and influence reach quite through the All; whose dingy Priest; not by word; yet by brain and sinew; preaches forth the mystery of Force; nay preaches forth (exoterically enough) one little textlet from the Gospel of Freedom; the Gospel of Man's Force; commanding; and one day to be all…commanding。

〃Detached; separated!  I say there is no such separation:  nothing hitherto was ever stranded; cast aside; but all; were it only a withered leaf; works together with all; is borne forward on the bottomless; shoreless flood of Action; and lives through perpetual metamorphoses。  The withered leaf is not dead and lost; there are Forces in it and around it; though workin

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