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uncle remus-第15节

小说: uncle remus 字数: 每页4000字

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en he git mighty mad。 He sorter speck who de somebody is; but ole Brer Rabbit he cover his tracks so cute dat Brer Fox dunner how ter ketch 'im。 Bimeby; one day Brer Fox take a walk all roun' de groun'…pea patch; en 'twan't long 'fo' he fine a crack in de fence whar de rail done bin rub right smoove; en right dar he sot 'im a trap。 He tuck'n ben' down a hick'ry saplin'; growin' in de fence…cornder; en tie one een' un a plow4ine on de top; en in de udder een' he fix a loop…knot; en dat he fasten wid a trigger right in de crack。 Nex' mawnin' w'en ole Brer Rabbit come slip…pin' 'long en crope thoo de crack; de loop…knot kotch 'im behime de folegs; en de saplin' flew'd up; en dar he wuz 'twix' de heavens en de yeth。 Dar he swulig; cn he fear'd he gwineter fall; en he fear'd he wer'n't gwineter fall。 W'ile he wuz a fixin' up a tale fer Brer Fox; he hear a lumberin' down de road; en present'y yer cum ole Brer B'ar arriblin' 'long film whar he bin takin' a bee…tree。 Brer Rabbit; he hail 'im:

〃'Howdy; Brer B'ar!'

〃Brer Ba'r; he look 'roun en bimeby he see Brer Rabbit swingin' fum de saplin'; en he holler out:

〃'Heyo; Brer Rabbit! How you come on dis mawnin'?'

〃'Much oblije; I'm middlin'; Brer B'ar;' sez Brer Rabbit; sezee。

〃Den Brer B'ar; he ax Brer Rabbit w'at he doin' up dar in de elements; en Brer Rabbit; he up'n say he makin' dollar minnit。 Brer B'ar; he say how。 Brer Rabbit say he keepin' crows out'n Brer Fox's groun' pea patch; en den he ax Brer B'ar ef he don't wanter make dollar minnit; kaze he got big fambly er ohil…luns fer to take keer un; en den he make sech nice skeercrow。 Brer B'ar 'low dat he take de job; en den Brer Rabbit show 'im how ter ben' down de saplin'; en 'twan't long 'fo' Brer B'ar wuz swingin' up dar in Brer Rabbit place。 Den Brer Rabbit; he put out fer Brer Fox house; en w'en he got dar he sing out:

〃'Brer Fox! Oh; Brer Fox! Come out yer; Brer Fox; en Ill show you de man w'at bin stealin' yo' goobers。'

〃Brer Fox; he grab up his walkin'…stick; en bofe un urn went runnin' back down ter der goober…patch; en w'en dey got dar; sho 'nuff; dar wuz ole Brer B'ar。

〃'Oh; yes! youer kotch; is you?' sez Brer Fox; en 'fo' Brer B'ar could 'splain; Brer Rabbit he Jump up en down; en holler out:

〃'Hit 'im in de mouf; Brer Fox; hit 'im in do mouf'; en Brer Fox; he draw back wid de walkin'cane; en blip he tuck 'im; en eve'y time Brer B'ar'd try ter 'splain; Brer Fox'd shower down on him。

〃W'iles all dis 'uz gwine on; Brer Rabbit; he slip off en git in a mud…hole en des lef' his eyes stickin' out; kaze he know'd dat Brer B'ar'd be a comin' atter 'im。 Sho 'nuff; bimeby here come Brer B'ar down de road; en w'en he git ter de mud…hole; he Say:

Howdy; Brer Frog; is you seed Brer Rabbit go by yer?'

He des gone by;' sez Brer Rabbit; en ole man B'ar tuck off down de road like a skeer'd mule; en Brer Rabbit; he come out en dry hisse'f in de sun; en go home ter his fambly same ez enny udder man。

〃The Bear didn't catch the Rabbit; then?〃 inquired the little boy; sleepily。

〃Jump up film dar; honey!〃 exclaimed Uncle Remus; by way of reply。 〃I ain't got no time fer ter be settin' yer proppin' yo' eyeleds open。〃


'WELL; Uncle Remus;〃 said the little boy; count…mg to see if he hadn't lost a marble somewhere; 〃the Bear didn't catch the Rabbit after all; did he?〃

〃Now you talkin'; honey;〃 replied the old man; his earnest face breaking up into little eddies of smiles… now you talkin' sho。 'Tain't bin proned inter no Brer B'ar fer ter kotch Brer Rabbit。 Hit sorter like settin' a mule fer ter trap a hummin'…bird。 But Brer B'ar; he tuck'n got hisse'f inter some mo' trubble; w'ich it look like it mighty easy。 Ef folks could make der livin' longer gittin' inter trubble;〃 continued the old man; looking curiously at the little boy; 〃ole Miss Favers wouldn't be bodder'n yo' ma fer ter borry a cup full er sugar eve'y now en den; en it look like ter me dat I knows a  nigger dat wouldn't be squattin' 'roun' yer makin' dese yer  fish…baskits。〃

〃How did the Bear get into more  trouble; Uncle Remus?〃 asked the little boy。

〃N atchul; honey。 Brer B'ar; he tuck a notion dat  ole  Brer Bull…frog wuz de man w'at fool 'im; en he say dat he'd come up wid 'im ef 'twuz a year atterwuds。 But 'twan't no year; an 'twan't no mont'; en mo'n dat; hit wan't skasely a week; w'en bimeby one day Brer B'ar wuz gwine home fum de takin' un a bee…tree; en lo en beholes; who should he see but ole Brer Bull…frog settin' out on de aidge er de mud…muddle fas' 'sleep! Brer B'ar drap his axe; he did; en crope up; en retch out wid his paw; en scoop ole Brer Bull…frog in des dis away。〃 Here the old man used his hand ladle…fashion; by way of illustration。 〃He scoop 'im in; en dar he wuz。 W'en Brer B'ar got his dampers on 'im good; he sot down en talk at 'im。

〃'Howdy; Brer Bull…frog; howdy! En how yo fambly? I hope deyer well; Brer Bull…frog; kaze dis day you got some bizness wid me w'at'll las' you a mighty long time。'

〃Brer Bull…frog; he dunner w'at ter say。 He dunner wat's up; en he don't say nuthin'。 Ole Brer B'ar he keep runnin' on:

〃'Youer de man w'at tuck en fool me 'bout Brer Rabbit t'er day。 You had yo' fun; Brer Bull…frog; en now I'll git mine。'

〃Den Brer Bull…frog; he gin ter git skeerd; he did; en he up'n say:

〃'W'at I bin doin'; Brer B'ar? How I bin foolin' you?'

〃Den Brer B'ar laff; en make like he dunno; but he keep on talkin'。

〃'Oh; no; Brer Bull…frog! You ain't de man w'at stick yo' head up out'n de water en tell me Brer Rabbit done gone on by。 Oh; no! you ain't de man。 I bonn' you ain't。 'Bout dat time; you wuz at home with yo' fambly; whar you allers is。 I dunner whar you wuz; but I knows whar you is; Brer Bull…frog; en hit's you en me fer it。 Atter de sun goes down dis day you don't fool no mo' folks gwine 'long dis road。'

〃Co'se; Brer Bull…frog dunner w'at Brer B'ar drivin' at; but he know sump'n hatter be done; en dat mighty soon; kaze Brer B'ar 'gun to snap his jaws tergedder en foam at de mouf; en Brer Bull…frog holler out:

〃'Oh; pray; Brer B'ar! Lemme off dis time; en I won't never do so no mo'。 Oh; pray; Brer B'ar! do lemme off dis time; en I'll show you de fattes' bee…tree in de woods。'

〃Ole Brer B'ar; he chomp his toofies en foam at de mouf。 Brer Bull…frog he des up'n squall:

〃'Oh; pray; Brer B'ar! I won't never do so no mo'! Oh; pray; Brer B'ar! Lenune off dis time!'

〃But ole Brer B'ar say he gwineter make way wid 'im; en den he sot en study; ole Brer B'ar did; how he gwineter squench Brer Bull…frog。 He know he can't drown 'im; en he ain't got no fier fer ter bu'n 'im; en he git mighty pestered。 Bimeby ole Brer Bull…frog; he sorter stop his cryin' en his boo…hooin'; en he up'n say:

〃'Ef you gwineter kill me; Brer B'ar; kyar me ter dat big flat rock out dar on de aidge er de mill…pon'; whar I kin see my fambly; en atter I see urn; den you kin take you axe en sqush me。'

〃Dis look so fa'r and squar' dat Brer B'ar he 'gree; en he take ole Brer Bull…frog by wunner his behime legs; en sling his axe on his shouder; en off he put fer de big flat rock。 When he git dar he lay Brer Bullfrog down on de rock; en Brer Bull…frog make like he lookin' 'roun' fer his folks。 Den Brer B'ar; he draw long breff en pick up his axe。 Den he spit in his han's en draw back en come down on de rock…pow!〃

〃'Did he kill the Frog; Uncle Remus?〃 asked the little boy; as the old man paused to scoop up a thimbleful of glowing embers in his pipe。

'Deed; en dat hc didn't; honey。 'Twix' de time w'en Brer B'ar raise up wid his axe en w'en he come down wid it; ole Brer Bull…frog he lipt up en dove down in de mill…pon'; kerblink…kerblunk! En w'en he riz way out in de pon' he riz a singin'; en dish yer's de song w'at he sing:

〃'Ingle…go…jang; my joy; my joy… Ingle…go…jang; my joy! I'm right at home; my joy; my joy… Ingle…go…jang; my joy!'〃

〃That's a mighty funny song;〃 said the little boy。

'Funny now; I speck;〃 said the old man; 〃but 'twern't funny in dem days; en 'twouldn't be funny now ef folks know'd much 'bout de Bull…frog langwidge ez dey useter。 Dat's w'at。〃


〃ONE time;〃 said Uncle Remus; sighing heavily and settling himself back in his seat with an afr of melancholy resiguation…〃one time Brer Rabbit wnz gwine 'long down de road shakin' his big bushy tail; en feelin' des ez scrumpshus ez a bee…martin wid a fresh bug。〃 Here the old man paused and glanced at the little boy; but it was evident that the youngster had become so accustomed to the marvelous developments of Uncle Remus's stories; that the extraordinary statement made no nnusual impression upon him。 Therefore the old man began again; and this time in a louder and more insinuating tone:

〃One time ole man Rabbit; he wuz gwine 'long down de road shakin' his long; bushy tail; en feelin' mighty biggity。〃

This was effective。

〃Great goodiiess; Uncle Remus!〃 exclaimed the little boy in open…eyed wonder; 〃everybody knows that rabbits haven't got long; bushy tails。〃

The old man shifted his position in his chafr and allowed his venerable head to drop forward until his whole appearance was suggestive of the deepest dejection; and this was intensified by

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