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uncle remus-第14节

小说: uncle remus 字数: 每页4000字

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iggle ter his chilluns:

〃'He diggy; diggy; diggy; but no meat dar! He diggy; diggy; diggy; but no meat dar!'

〃Kase all de tiine de cow wuz layin' pile up in his smoke…'ouse; en him en his chilluns wuz eatin' fried beef an inguns eve'y time dey mouf water。

〃Now den; honey; you take dis yer w'ip;〃 continued the old man; twining the leather thong around the little boy's neck; 〃en scamper up ter de big 'ouse en tell Miss Sally fer ter gin you some un it de flex' time she fine yo' tracks in de sugar…bairl。〃


〃DERE wuz nudder man dat sorter play it sharp on Brer Rabbit;〃 said Uncle Remus; as; by some mysterious process; he twisted a hog's bristle into the end of a piece of thread…an operation which the little boy watched with great interest。 〃In dem days;〃 continued the old man; 〃de creeturs kyar'd on marters same ez fokes。 Dey went inter fahmin'; en I speck ef de troof wuz ter come out; dey kep' sto'; en had der camp…meetin' times en der bobbycues' w'en de wedder wuz 'greeble。〃

Uncle Remus evidently thought that the little boy wouldn't like to hear of any further discomfiture of Brer Rabbit; who had come to be a sort of hero; and he was not mistaken。

〃I thought the Terrapin was the only one that fooled the Rabbit;〃 said the little boy; dismally。

〃Hit's des like I tell you; honey。 Dey ain't no smart man; 'cep' w'at dey's a smarter。 Ef ole Brer Rabbit hadn't er got kotch up wid; de nabers 'ud er took 'im for a h'ant; en in dem times dey bu'nt witches 'fo' you could squinch yo' eyeballs。 Dey did dat。〃

〃Who fooled the Rabbit this time?〃 the little boy asked。

When Uncle Remus had the bristle 〃sot〃 in the thread; he proceeded with the story:

〃One time Brer Ra'bbit en ole Brer Buzzard 'cluded dey'd sorter go snacks; en crap tergedder。 Hit wuz a mighty good year; en de truck tu'n out monstus well; but bimeby; w'en de time come fer dividjun; hit come ter light dat ole Brer Buzzard ain't got nuthin'。 De crap wuz all gone; en dey want nuthin' dar fer ter show fer it。 Brer Rabbit; he make like he in a wuss flx'n Brer Buzzard; en he mope 'roun'; he did; like he fear'd dey gwineter sell 'im out。

〃Brer Buzzard; he ain't sayin' nuthin'; but he keep up a monstus thinkin'; en one day he come 'long en holler en tell Brer Rabbit dat he done fine rich gole…mine des 'cross de river。

〃'You come en go longer me; Brer Rabbit;' sez Brer Tukky Buzzard; sezee。 'Ill scratch en you kin grabble; en 'tween de two un us well make short wuk er dat gole…mine;' sezee。

〃Brer Rabbit; he wuz high up fer de job; but he study en study; he did; how he gwinter git 'cross de water; kaze ev'y time he git his foot wet all de fambly kotch cole。 Den he up'n ax Brer Buzzard how he gwine do; en Brer Buzzard he up'n say dat he kyar Brer Rabbit 'cross; en wid dat ole Brer Buzzard; he squot down; he did; en spread his wings; en Brer Rabbit; he mounted; en up dey riz。〃 There was a pause。

〃What did the Buzzard do then?〃 asked the little boy。

〃Dey riz;〃 continued Uncle Remus; 〃en w'en dey lit; dey lit in de top er de highest sorter pine; en de pine w'at dey lit in wuz growin' on er ilun; en de ilun wuz in de middle er de river; wid de deep water runnin' all 'roun'。 Dey ain't mo'n lit 'fo' Brer Rabbit; he know w'ich way de win' 'uz blowin'; en by de time ole Brer Buzzard got hisse'f ballunce on a lim'; Brer Rabbit; he up'n say; sezee:

W'iles we er res'n here; Brer Buzzard; en bein's you bin so good; I got sump'n fer ter tell you;' sezee。 'I got a gole…mine er my own; one w'at I make myse'f; en I speck we better go back ter mine 'fo' we bodder 'longer yone; sezee。

〃Den ole Brer Buzzard; he laff; he did; twel he shake; en Brer Rabbit; he sing out:

〃Hole on; Brer Buzzard! Don't flop yo' wings w'en you laff; kaze den if you duz; sump'n 'ill drap fum up yer; en my gole…mine won't do you no good; en needer will yone do me no good。'

〃But 'fo' dey got down furn dar; Brer Rabbit done tole all 'bout de crap; en he hatter promeus fer ter 'vide fa'r en squar。 So Brer Buzzard; he kyar 'im back; en Brer Rabbit he walk weak in de knees a mont' atterwuds。〃


〃FINE um whar you will en w'en you may;〃 remarked Uncle Remus with emphasis; 〃good chilluns allers gits tuck keer on。 Dar wuz Brer Rabbit's chilluns; dey minded der daddy en mammy furn day's een' ter day's een'。 W'cn ole man Rabbit say scoot;' dey scooted; en w'en ole Miss Rabbit say 'scat;' dey scatted。 Dey did dat。 En dey kep der doze clean; en dey ain't had no smut on der nose nudder。〃

Involuntarily the hand of the little boy went up to his face; and he scrubbed the end of his nose with his coat…sleeve。

〃Dey wuz good chilluns;〃 continued the old man; heartily; 〃en ef dey hadn't er bin; der wuz one time w'en dey wouldn't er bin no little rabbits…na'er one。 Dat's w'at。〃

〃What time was that; Uncle Remus?〃 the little boy asked。

〃De time w'en Brer Fox drapt in at Brer Rabbit house; en didn't foun' nobody dar ceppin' de little Rabbits。 Ole Brer Rabbit; he wnz off some'rs raiding on a collard patch; en ole Miss Rabbit she wuz tendin' on a quiltin' in de naberhood; en wiles de little Rabbits wuz playin' hidin'…switch; in drapt Brer Fox。 Dc little Rabbitg wuz so fat dat dey fa'rly make his mouf water; but he 'member 'bout Brer Wolf; en he skeered fer ter gobble urn up ceppin' he got some skuse。 De little Rabbits; dey mighty skittish; en dey sorter huddle deyse'f up tergedder en watch Brer Fox motions。 Brer Fox; he sot dar en study w'at sorter skuse he gwineter make up。 Bimeby he see a great big stalk er sugar…cane stan'in' up in de coruder; en he cle'r up his th'oat en talk biggity:

〃'Yer! you young Rabs dar; sail 'roun' yer en broke mc a piece er dat sweetnin'…tree;' sezee; en den he koff。

〃De little Rabbits; dey got out de sugar…cane; dey did; en dey rastle wid it; en sweat over it; but twan't no  use。  Dey couldn't  broke it。 Brer Fox; he make like he ain't  watchin'; but he keep on holler'n:

〃'Hurry up dar; Rabs! I'm a waitin' on you。

〃En de little Rabbits; dey hustle 'roun' en rasfle wid it; but they couldn't broke it。 Bimeby dey hear little bird singin' on top er de house; en de song w'at de little hird sing wuz dish yer。

〃'Take yo' toofies en gnyaw it;  Take yo' toofies en saw it;  Saw it en yoke it;  En den you kin broke it。'

〃Den de little Rabbits; dey git mighty glad; en dey guyawed de cane mos' 'fo' 'ole Brer Fox could git his legs oncrosst; en w'en dey kyard 'im de cane; Brer Fox; he sot dar en study how he gwineter make some mo' skuse fer nabbin' un um; en bimeby he git up en git down de sifter w'at wuz hangin' on de wall; en holler out:

〃'Come yer; Rabs! Take dish yer sifter; en run down't de spring en fetch me some fresh water。'

〃De little Rabbits; dey run down't de spring; en try ter dip up de water wid de sifter; but co'se hit all run out; en hit keep on runnin' out; twell bimeby de little Rabbits sot down en 'gun ter cry。 Den de little bird settin' up in de tree he begin fer ter sing; en dish yer's de song w'at he sing:

〃'Sifter hole water same ez a tray; Ef you fill it wid moss en dob it wid clay; De Fox git madder de longer you stay… Fill it wid moss en dob it wid clay。'

〃Up dey jump; de little Rabbits did; en dey fix de sifter so 'twon't leak; en den dey kyar de water ter ole 

Brer Fox。 Den Brer Fox he git mighty mad; en p'int out a great big stick er wood; en tell de little Rabbits fer ter put dat on de fier。 De little chaps dey got 'roun' de wood; dey did; en dey hF at it so hard twel dey could see der own sins; but de wood ain't budge。 Den dey hear de little bird singin'; en dish yer's de song w'at he sing:

〃'Spit in yo' han's en tug it en toll it; En git behine it; en push it; en pole it;  Spit in yo' han's en r'ar back en roll it。'

〃En des 'bout de time dey got de wood on de fier; der daddy; he come skippin' in; en de little bird; he flew'd away。 Brer Fox; he seed his game wuz up; en 'twan't long 'fo' he make his skuse en start fer ter go。

〃'You better Stay en take a snack wid me; Brer Fox;' sez Brer Rabbit; sezee。 'Sence Brer Wolf done quite comin' en settin' up wid me; I gittin' so I feels right lonesome dese long nights;' sezee。

〃But Brer Fox; he button up his coat…collar tight en des put out fer home。 En dat w'at you better do; honey; kaze I see Miss Sally's shadder sailin' backerds en for'ds 'fo' de winder; en de fus' news you know she'll be spectin' un you。


〃DAR wuz one season7 said Uncle Remus; pulling thoughtfully at his whiskers; 〃w'en Brer Fox say to hisse'f dat he speck he better whirl in en plant a goober…patch; en in dem days; mon; hit wnz tech en go。 De wud wern't mo'n out'n his mouf 'fo' de groun' 'uz brok'd up en de goobers 'uz planted。 Ole Brer Rabbit; he sot off en watch de motions; he did; en he sorter shet one eye en sing to his chilluns:

〃'Ti…yi! Tungalee! I eat um pea; I pick urn pea。 Hit grow in de groun'; hit grow so free; Ti…yi! dem goober pea。

〃Sho' 'nuff w'en de goobers 'gun ter ripen up; eve'y time Brer Fox go down ter his patch; he fine whar somebody bin grabblin' 'mongst de vines; en he git mighty mad。 He sorter speck who de somebody is; but ole Brer Rabbit he cover his tracks so

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