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the swiss twins-第11节

小说: the swiss twins 字数: 每页4000字

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shouted 〃cuckoo〃 seven times; and when they had eaten their
supper; and the children sat beside the great stove telling their
mother all over again about the old herdsman; and the eagle; and
the farmer's wife; and all the other events of their three days
on the mountain; the cuckoo waited fifteen whole minutes beyond
the hour before he could make up his mind to remind them of
bed=time。 Then he stuck his head out once more and cried 〃cuckoo〃
quite hysterically eight times。 Even then they lingered to talk
about Father and Fritz far away in the high alps; and of how glad
they were that they knew nothing of the dangers and anxieties
they had just been through。

〃Dear me!〃 said the mother; rising at last; 〃how fast the time
goes when we are happy! It's long past your bed hour; and you
must be very tired。 We must stop talking this very minute!〃

She sent the children upstairs; tucked them in bed; heard their
prayers; and kissed them good…night。 Their she came back to the
kitchen; patted Bello; why was sound asleep on the doorstep;
looked at the moon rising over the crest of Rigi; fastened the
door; pulled up the weights to wind the clock; and; taking her
candle; went upstairs to bed herself。

When at last the sound of her footsteps ceased; and the house was
quiet for the night; the cuckoo stuck out his head and looked
about the silent kitchen。 The moonlight streamed in at the
eastern window; the little mouse was creeping from her hole; and
the shadows were whispering together in corners。

〃On the whole;〃 said the cuckoo to himself; 〃I think I've managed
this thing very well。 Every one is happy again; and now I can
take a little rest myself。 The past three days have been very
wearying to one with my responsibilities。〃

〃Cuckoo;〃 he called nine times; then the tiny wooden door clapped
shut; and he too went to sleep。


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