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glinda of oz-第3节

小说: glinda of oz 字数: 每页4000字

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said to the girl。 〃If serious danger threatens you;

turn the ring around on your finger once to the right

and another turn to the left。 That will ring the alarm

bell in my palace and I will at once come to your

rescue。 But do not use the ring unless you are actually

in danger of destruction。 While you remain with

Princess Ozma I believe she will be able to protect you

from all lesser ills。〃

〃Thank you; Glinda;〃 responded Dorothy gratefully; as

she placed the ring on her finger。 〃I'm going to wear

my Magic Belt which I took from the Nome King; too; so

I guess I'll be safe from anything the Skeezers and

Flatheads try to do to me。〃

Ozma had many arrangements to make before she could

leave her throne and her palace in the Emerald City;

even for a trip of a few days; so she bade goodbye to

Glinda and with Dorothy climbed into the Red Wagon。 A

word to the wooden Sawhorse started that astonishing

creature on the return journey; and so swiftly did he

run that Dorothy was unable to talk or do anything but

hold tight to her seat all the way back to the Emerald


Chapter Two

Ozma and Dorothy

Residing in Ozma's palace at this time was a live

Scarecrow; a most remarkable and intelligent creature

who had once ruled the Land of Oz for a brief period

and was much loved and respected by all the people。

Once a Munchkin farmer had stuffed an old suit of

clothes with straw and put stuffed boots on the feet

and used a pair of stuffed cotton gloves for hands。 The

head of the Scarecrow was a stuffed sack fastened to

the body; with eyes; nose; mouth and ears painted on

the sack。 When a hat had been put on the head; the

thing was a good imitation of a man。 The farmer placed

the Scarecrow on a pole in his cornfield and it came to

life in a curious manner。 Dorothy; who was passing by

the field; was hailed by the live Scarecrow and lifted

him off his pole。 He then went with her to the Emerald

City; where the Wizard of Oz gave him some excellent

brains; and the Scarecrow soon became an important


Ozma considered the Scarecrow one of her best friends

and most loyal subjects; so the morning after her visit

to Glinda she asked him to take her place as Ruler of

the Land of Oz while she was absent on a journey; and

the Scarecrow at once consented without asking any


Ozma had warned Dorothy to keep their journey a

secret and say nothing to anyone about the Skeezers and

Flatheads until their return; and Dorothy promised to

obey。 She longed to tell her girl friends; tiny Trot

and Betsy Bobbin; of the adventure they were

undertaking; but refrained from saying a word on the

subject although both these girls lived with her in

Ozma's palace。

Indeed; only Glinda the Sorceress knew they were

going; until after they had gone; and even the

Sorceress didn't know what their errand might be。

Princess Ozma took the Sawhorse and the Red Wagon;

although she was not sure there was a wagon road all

the way to the Lake of the Skeezers。 The Land of Oz is

a pretty big place; surrounded on all sides by a Deadly

Desert which it is impossible to cross; and the Skeezer

Country; according to the map; was in the farthest

northwestern part of Oz; bordering on the north desert。

As the Emerald City was exactly in the center of Oz; it

was no small journey from there to the Skeezers。

Around the Emerald City the country is thickly

settled in every direction; but the farther away you

get from the city the fewer people there are; until

those parts that border on the desert have small

populations。 Also those faraway sections are little

known to the Oz people; except in the south; where

Glinda lives and where Dorothy has often wandered on

trips of exploration。

The least known of all is the Gillikin Country; which

harbors many strange bands of people among its

mountains and valleys and forests and streams; and Ozma

was now bound for the most distant part of the Gillikin


〃I am really sorry;〃 said Ozma to Dorothy; as they

rode away in the Red Wagon; 〃not to know more about the

wonderful Land I rule。 It is my duty to be acquainted

with every tribe of people and every strange and hidden

country in all Oz; but I am kept so busy at my palace

making laws and planning for the comforts of those who

live near the Emerald City; that I do not often find

time to make long journeys。〃

〃Well;〃 replied Dorothy; 〃we'll prob'bly find out a

lot on this trip; and we'll learn all about the

Skeezers and Flatheads; anyhow。 Time doesn't make much

diff'rence in the Land of Oz; 'cause we don't grow up;

or get old; or become sick and die; as they do other

places; so; if we explore one place at a time; we'll

by…an'…by know all about every nook and corner in Oz。〃

Dorothy wore around her waist the Nome King's Magic

Belt; which protected her from harm; and the Magic Ring

which Glinda had given her was on her finger。 Ozma had

merely slipped a small silver wand into the bosom of

her gown; for fairies do not use chemicals and herbs

and the tools of wizards and sorcerers to perform their

magic。 The Silver Wand was Ozma's one weapon of offense

and defense and by its use she could accomplish many


They had left the Emerald City just at sunrise and

the Sawhorse traveled very swiftly over the roads

towards the north; but in a few hours the wooden animal

had to slacken his pace because the farm houses had

become few and far between and often there were no

paths at all in the direction they wished to follow。 At

such times they crossed the fields; avoiding groups of

trees and fording the streams and rivulets whenever

they came to them。 But finally they reached a broad

hillside closely covered with scrubby brush; through

which the wagon could not pass。

〃It will be difficult even for you and me to get

through without tearing our dresses;〃 said Ozma; 〃so we

must leave the Sawhorse and the Wagon here until our


〃That's all right;〃 Dorothy replied; 〃I'm tired

riding; anyhow。 Do you s'pose; Ozma; we're anywhere

near the Skeezer Country?〃

〃I cannot tell; Dorothy dear; but I know we've been

going in the right direction; so we are sure to find it

in time。〃

The scrubby brush was almost like a grove of small

trees; for it reached as high as the heads of the two

girls; neither of whom was very tall。 They were obliged

to thread their way in and out; until Dorothy was

afraid they would get lost; and finally they were

halted by a curious thing that barred their further

progress。 It was a huge web  as if woven by gigantic

spiders  and the delicate; lacy film was fastened

stoutly to the branches of the bushes and continued to

the right and left in the form of a half circle。 The

threads of this web were of a brilliant purple color

and woven into numerous artistic patterns; but it

reached from the ground to branches above the heads of

the girls and formed a sort of fence that hedged them


〃It doesn't look very strong; though;〃 said Dorothy。

〃I wonder if we couldn't break through。〃 She tried but

found the web stronger than it seemed。 All her efforts

could not break a single thread。

〃We must go back; I think; and try to get around this

peculiar web;〃 Ozma decided。

So they turned to the right and; following the web

found that it seemed to spread in a regular circle。 On

and on they went until finally Ozma said they had

returned to the exact spot from which they had started。

〃Here is a handkerchief you dropped when we were here

before;〃 she said to Dorothy。

〃In that case; they must have built the web behind

us; after we walked into the trap;〃 exclaimed the

little girl。

〃True;〃 agreed Ozma; 〃an enemy has tried to imprison


〃And they did it; too;〃 said Dorothy。 〃I wonder who

it was。〃

〃It's a spider…web; I'm quite sure;〃 returned Ozma;

〃but it must be the work of enormous spiders。〃

〃Quite right!〃 cried a voice behind them。 Turning

quickly around they beheld a huge purple spider sitting

not two yards away and regarding them with its small

bright eyes。

Then there crawled from the bushes a dozen more great

purple spiders; which saluted the first one and said:

〃The web is finished; O King; and the strangers are

our prisoners。〃

Dorothy did not like the looks of these spiders at

all。 They had big heads; sharp claws; small eyes and

fuzzy hair all over their purple bodies。

〃They look wicked;〃 she whispered to Ozma。 〃What

shall we do?〃

Ozma gazed upon the spiders with a serious face。

〃What is your object in making us prisoners?〃 she


〃We need someone to keep house for us;〃 answered the

Spider King。 〃There is sweeping and dusting to be done;

and polishing and washing of dishes; and that is work

my people dislike to do。 So we decided that 

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