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glinda of oz-第16节

小说: glinda of oz 字数: 每页4000字

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and Betsy were fond of both。

The third and last to join the expedition was an

enormous lion; one of Ozma's regular guardians and the

most important and intelligent beast in all Oz。 He

called himself the Cowardly Lion; saying that every

little danger scared him so badly that his heart

thumped against his ribs; but all who knew him knew

that the Cowardly Lion's fears were coupled with

bravery and that however much he might be frightened he

summoned courage to meet every danger he encountered。

Often he had saved Dorothy and Ozma in times of peril;

but afterward he moaned and trembled and wept because

he had been so scared。

〃If Ozma needs help; I'm going to help her;〃 said the

great beast。 〃Also; I suspect the rest of you may need

me on the journey  especially Trot and Betsy  for

you may pass through a dangerous part of the country。 I

know that wild Gillikin country pretty well。 Its

forests harbor many ferocious beasts。〃

They were glad the Cowardly Lion was to join them;

and in good spirits the entire party formed a

procession and marched out of the Emerald City amid the

shouts of the people; who wished them success and a

safe return with their beloved Ruler。

They followed a different route from that taken by

Ozma and Dorothy; for they went through the Winkie

Country and up north toward Oogaboo。 But before they

got there they swerved to the left and entered the

Great Gillikin Forest; the nearest thing to a

wilderness in all Oz。 Even the Cowardly Lion had to

admit that certain parts of this forest were unknown to

him; although he had often wandered among the trees;

and the Scarecrow and Tin Woodman; who were great

travelers; never had been there at all。

The forest was only reached after a tedious tramp;

for some of the Rescue Expedition were quite awkward on

their feet。 The Patchwork Girl was as light as a

feather and very spry; the Tin Woodman covered the

ground as easily as Uncle Henry and the Wizard; but

Tik…Tok moved slowly and the slightest obstruction in

the road would halt him until the others cleared it

away。 Then; too; Tik…Tok's machinery kept running down;

so Betsy and Trot took turns in winding it up。

The Scarecrow was more clumsy but less bother; for

although he often stumbled and fell he could scramble

up again and a little patting of his straw…stuffed body

would put him in good shape again。

Another awkward one was Jack Pumpkinhead; for walking

would jar his head around on his neck and then he would

be likely to go in the wrong direction。 But the Frogman

took Jack's arm and then he followed the path more


Cap'n Bill's wooden leg didn't prevent him from

keeping up with the others and the old sailor could

walk as far as any of them。

When they entered the forest the Cowardly Lion took

the lead。 There was no path here for men; but many

beasts had made paths of their own which only the eyes

of the Lion; practiced in woodcraft; could discern。 So

he stalked ahead and wound his way in and out; the

others following in single file; Glinda being next to

the Lion。

There are dangers in the forest; of course; but as

the huge Lion headed the party he kept the wild

denizens of the wilderness from bothering the

travelers。 Once; to be sure; an enormous leopard sprang

upon the Glass Cat and caught her in his powerful jaws;

but he broke several of his teeth and with howls of

pain and dismay dropped his prey and vanished among the


〃Are you hurt?〃 Trot anxiously inquired of the Glass


〃How silly!〃 exclaimed the creature in an irritated

tone of voice; 〃nothing can hurt glass; and I'm too

solid to break easily。 But I'm annoyed at that

leopard's impudence。 He has no respect for beauty or

intelligence。 If he had noticed my pink brains work;

I'm sure he would have realized I'm too important to be

grabbed in a wild beast's jaws。〃

〃Never mind;〃 said Trot consolingly; 〃I'm sure he

won't do it again。〃

They were almost in the center of the forest when

Ojo; the Munchkin boy; suddenly said: 〃Why; where's

Button Bright?〃

They halted and looked around them。 Button Bright was

not with the party。

Dear me;〃 remarked Betsy; 〃I expect he's lost again!〃

〃When did you see him last; Ojo?〃inquired Glinda。

〃It was some time ago;〃 replied Ojo。 〃He was trailing

along at the end and throwing twigs at the squirrels in

the trees。 Then I went to talk to Betsy and Trot; and

just now I noticed he was gone。〃

〃This is too bad;〃 declared the Wizard; 〃for it is

sure to delay our journey。 We must find Button Bright

before we go any farther; for this forest is full of

ferocious beasts that would not hesitate to tear the

boy to pieces。〃

〃But what shall we do?〃 asked the Scarecrow。 〃If any

of us leaves the party to search for Button Bright he

or she might fall a victim to the beasts; and if the

Lion leaves us we will have no protector。

〃The Glass Cat could go;〃 suggested the Frogman。

〃The beasts can do her no harm; as we have discovered。〃

The Wizard turned to Glinda。

〃Cannot your sorcery discover where Button Bright

is?〃 he asked。

〃I think so;〃 replied the Sorceress。

She called to Uncle Henry; who had been carrying her

wicker box; to bring it to her; and when he obeyed she

opened it and drew out a small round mirror。 On the

surface of the glass she dusted a white powder and then

wiped it away with her handkerchief and looked in the

mirror。 It reflected a part of the forest; and there;

beneath a wide…spreading tree; Button Bright was lying

asleep。 On one side of him crouched a tiger; ready to

spring; on the other side was a big gray wolf; its

bared fangs glistening in a wicked way。

〃Goodness me!〃 cried Trot; looking over Glinda's

shoulder。 〃They'll catch and kill him sure。〃

Everyone crowded around for a glimpse at the magic


〃Pretty bad  pretty bad!〃 said the Scarecrow


〃Comes of getting lost!〃 said Cap'n Bill; sighing。

〃Guess he's a goner!〃 said the Frogman; wiping his

eyes on his purple silk handkerchief。

〃But where is he?  Can't we save him?〃 asked Ojo the


〃If we knew where he is we could probably save him;〃

replied the little Wizard; 〃but that tree looks so much

like all the other trees; that we can't tell whether

it's far away or near by。〃

〃Look at Glinda!〃 exclaimed Betsy

Glinda; having handed the mirror to the Wizard; had

stepped aside and was making strange passes with her

outstretched arms and reciting in low; sweet tones a

mystical incantation。 Most of them watched the

Sorceress with anxious eyes; despair giving way to the

hope that she might be able to save their friend。 the

Wizard; however; watched the scene in the mirror; while

over his shoulders peered Trot; the Scarecrow and the

Shaggy Man。

What they saw was more strange than Glinda's actions。

The tiger started to spring on the sleeping boy; but

suddenly lost its power to move and lay flat upon the

ground。 The gray wolf seemed unable to lift its feet

from the ground。 It pulled first at one leg and then at

another; and finding itself strangely confined to the

spot began to back and snarl angrily。 They couldn't

hear the barkings and snarls; but they could see the

creature's mouth open and its thick lips move。 Button

Bright; however; being but a few feet away from the

wolf; heard its cries of rage; which wakened him from

his untroubled sleep。 The boy sat up and looked first

at the tiger and then at the wolf。 His face showed that

for a moment he was quite frightened; but he soon saw

that the beasts were unable to approach him and so he

got upon his feet and examined them curiously; with a

mischievous smile upon his face。 Then he deliberately

kicked the tiger's head with his foot and catching up a

fallen branch of a tree he went to the wolf and gave it

a good whacking。 Both the beasts were furious at such

treatment but could not resent it。

Button Bright now threw down the stick and with his

hands in his pockets wandered carelessly away。

〃Now;〃 said Glinda; 〃let the Glass Cat run and find

him。 He is in that direction;〃 pointing the way; 〃but

how far off I do not know。 Make haste and lead him back

to us as quickly as you can。〃

The Glass Cat did not obey everyone's orders; but she

really feared the great Sorceress; so as soon as the

words were spoken the crystal animal darted away and

was quickly lost to sight。

The Wizard handed the mirror back to Glinda; for the

woodland scene had now faded from the glass。 Then those

who cared to rest sat down to await Button Bright's

coming。 It was not long before be appeared through the

trees and as he rejoined his friends he said in a

peevish tone:

〃Don't ever send that Glass Cat to find me again。 She

was very impolite and; if we didn't all know that she

had no mann

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