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call it squar。; 

     ;You can tell her察─said North察very honestly察 that I shall be only too 

glad   to   help   her   in   any   way察  without   ever   hoping   to   cancel   my   debt   of 

obligation to her。; 

     ;Then   it's   a   go拭─  said   the   mystified   Joe察  with   a   desperate   attempt   to 

convey the foregoing statement to his own intellect in three Saxon words。 

     ;It's a go察─replied North察cheerfully。 

     And   he   felt   relieved。    For   he   was   not   quite   satisfied   with   his   own 

want of frankness to her。          But here was a way to pay off the debt he owed 

her察and yet retain his own dignity。             And now he could tell her what he 

had   done察  and   he   trusted   to   the   ambitious   instinct   that   prompted   her   to 

seek a better education to explain his reasons for it。 

     He saw her that evening and confessed all to her frankly。                      She kept 

her head averted察but when she turned her blue eyes to him they were wet 

with     honest    tears。    North     had    a  man's    horror    of   a  ready    feminine 

lachrymal gland察but it was not like Bessy to cry察and it meant something察

and   then   she   did   it   in   a   large察  goddess´like   way察  without   sniffling察  or 

chocking察or getting her nose red察but rather with a gentle deliquescence察a 

harmonious melting察so that he was fain to comfort her with nearer contact察

gentleness in his own sad eyes察and a pressure of her large hand。 

     ;It's   all   right察  I   s'pose察─  she   said察  sadly察   but   I   didn't   reckon   on   yer 

havin' any relations察but thought you was alone察like me。; 

     James   North察  thinking   of   Hank   Fisher   and   the   ;mullater察─  could   not 

help    intimating     that   his  relations    were    very    wealthy    and    fashionable 

people察and had visited him last summer。               A recollection of the manner in 

which they had so visited him and his own reception of them prevented his 

saying     more。     But     Miss    Bessy    could    not   forego     a  certain   feminine 

curiosity察and asked察

     ;Did they come with Sam Baker's team拭─


     ;Last July拭─


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                                 DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 


     ;And Sam drove the horses here for a bite拭─

     ;I believe so。; 

     ;And them's your relations拭─

     ;They are。; 

     Miss    Robinson     reached    over   the  cradle   and   enfolded    the  sleeping 

infant in her powerful arms。          Then she lifted her eyes察wrathful through 

her still glittering tears察and said察slowly察 They don't havethischild 

then ─

     ;But why拭─

     ;Oh察why拭      I saw them       That's why察and enough           You can't play 

any such gay and festive skeletons on this poor baby for flesh and blood 

parents。    No察sir ─

     ;I   think   you   judge   them   hastily察  Miss   Bessy察─  said   North察  secretly 

amused察 my aunt may not察at first察favorably impress strangers察yet she 

has many friends。        But surely you do not object to my cousin Maria察the 

young lady拭─

     ;What that dried cuttle´fish察with nothing livin' about her but her eyes拭

James North察ye   may be   a fool like the old   woman察perhaps it's in the 

familybut ye ain't a devil察like that gal That ends it。; 

     And it did。     North dispatched a second letter to Maria saying that he 

had already made other arrangements for the baby。               Pleased with her easy 

victory察Miss Bessy became more than usually gracious察and the next day 

bowed her shapely neck meekly to the yoke of her teacher察and became a 

docile    pupil。   James     North    could   not  have   helped    noticing   her   ready 

intelligence察even had he been less prejudiced in her favor than he was fast 

becoming now。         If he had found it pleasant before to be admonished by 

her    there  was   still  more   delicious    flattery  in  her   perfect   trust  in  his 

omniscient skill   as a   pilot over   this unknown   sea。        There   was   a   certain 

enjoyment in guiding her hand over the writing´book察that I fear he could 

not    have   obtained    from    an   intellect  less  graciously     sustained    by  its 

physical   nature。     The   weeks   flew   quickly   by   on   gossamer   wings察  and 

when     she   placed   a  bunch    of   larkspurs   and   poppies    in  his  hand    one 

morning察he remembered for the first that it was spring。 


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                                  DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

     I cannot say that there was more to record of Miss Bessy's education 

than this。    Once North察half jestingly察remarked that he had never yet seen 

her   admirer察   Mr。   Hank    Fisher。    Miss    Bessy   coloring     but  cool;You 

never will ─     North white but hot ;Why拭─           Miss Bessy faintly;I'd 

rather    not。;   North     resolutely;I    insist。;   Bessy     yielding;As     my 

teacher拭─  North   hesitatingly察  at   the limitation   of   the   epithet;Y´e´e´s ─

Bessy;And        you'll   promise     never    to  speak    of   it  again拭─    North 

;Never。;      Bessy slowly;Well察he said I did an awful thing to go over to 

your    cabin    and   stay。;   North    in  the   genuine    simplicity    of  a  refined 

nature;But   how拭─       Miss   Bessy   half   piqued察  but   absolutely   admiring 

that nature;Quit and keep your promise ─

     They   were   so   happy   in   these   new   relations   that   it   occurred   to   Miss 

Bessy one day to take James North to task for obliging her to ask to be his 

pupil。    ;You     knew     how    ignorant    I  was察─  she   added察  and    Mr。   North 

retorted   by   relating   to   her   the   doctor's   criticism   on   her   independence。 

;To tell you the truth察─he added察 I was afraid you would not take it as 

kindly as he thought。; 

     ;That is察you thought me as vain as yourself。             It seems to me you and 

the doctor had a great deal to say to each other。; 

     ;On the contrary察─laughed North察 that was all we said。; 

     ;And you didn't make fun of me拭─

     Perhaps it was not necessary for North to take her hand to emphasize 

his denial察but he did。 

     Miss   Bessy察  being   still   reminiscent察  perhaps察  did   not   notice   it。   ;If   it 

hadn't   been   for   that   arI   mean   that   tharno察  that   babyI   wouldn't   have 

known you ─she said dreamily。 

     ;No察─returned North察mischievously察 but you still would have known 

Hank Fisher。; 

     No woman is perfect。          Miss Bessy looked at him with a suddenher 

first and lastflash of coquetry。        Then stooped and kissedthe baby。 

     James North was a simple gentleman察but not altogether a fool。                     He 

returned the kiss察but not vicariously。 

     There was a footstep on the porch。             These two turned the hues of a 

dying dolphin察and then laughed。             It was Joe。      He held a newspaper in 


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                                  DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

his hand。      ;I reckon ye woz right察Mr。 North察about my takin' these yar 

papers reg'lar。     For I allow here's suthin' that may clar up the mystery o' 

that baby's parents。;        With the hesitation of a slowly grappling intellect察

Joe   sat   down   on   the   table   and   read   from  the   San   Francisco   ;Herald;   as 

follows此 'It is now ascertained beyond doubt that the wreck reported by 

the Aeolus   was   the American brig   Pomare  bound   hence to Tahiti。                 The 

worst surmises are found correct。           The body of the woman has been since 

identified     as  that   of   the   beau´ti´ful    daughter    ofofofTerpTerp 

Terpish'Well I swow that name just tackles me。; 

     ;Gin it to me察Dad察─said Bessy pertly。           ;You never had any education察

any way。      Hear your accomplished daughter。;               With a mock bow to the 

new schoolmaster察and a capital burlesque of a confident school girl察she 

strode to the middle of the room the paper held and folded book´wise in 

her    hands。    ;Ahem       Where      did   you   leave    off拭  Oh察   'the  beautiful 

daughter of Terpsichorewhose name was prom´i´nently connected with a 

mysterious   social   scandal   of   last   yearthe   gifted   but   unfortunate   Grace 

Chatterton'Nodon't        stop   methere's    some    more     'The    body   of   her 

child察  a   lovely   infant   of   six   months察  has   not   been   recovered察  and   it   is 

supposed   was   washed   overboard。'          There   may   be   that's   the   child察  Mr。 

North。     Why察  Dad   Look察 O   my  God         He's  

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