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´ Page 150´

                                  DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

symbol。       And   then   the   grace   and   glory   of   that   exquisite   spire   became 

slowly visible。      Fret by fret the sunlight stole slowly down察quivering and 

dropping from each察until at last the whole church beamed in rosy radiance。 

Up and down the long avenue the street lay in shadow察by some strange 

trick   of   the   atmosphere   the   sun   seemed   to   have   sought   out   only   that 

graceful structure for its blessing。         And then there was a dull rumble。             It 

was   the  first   omnibusthe   first throb   in   the great   artery  of   the   reviving 

city。   I looked up。      The church was again in shadow。 


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                                   DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

                    WITH THE ENTREES 

     ;Once察when I was a pirate ─

     The   speaker   was   an   elderly   gentleman   in   correct   evening   dress察  the 

room a tasteful one察the company of infinite respectability察the locality at 

once  fashionable  and   exclusive察the occasion   an   unexceptionable   dinner。 

To this should be added that the speaker was also the host。 

     With these conditions self´evident察all that good breeding could do was 

to   receive   the   statement   with   a   vague   smile   that   might   pass   for   good´ 

humored incredulity  or   courteous   acceptation   of   a   simple   fact。   Indeed察  I 

think we all rather tried to convey the impression that our host察when he 

WAS   a   pirateif   he   ever   really   was   onewas   all   that   a   self´respecting 

pirate   should   be察  and   never   violated   the   canons   of   good   society。    This 

idea was察to some extent察crystallized by the youngest Miss Jones in the 

exclamation察 Oh察how nice ─

     ;It was察of course察many years ago察when I was quite a lad。; 

     We all murmured ;Certainly察─as if piracy were a natural expression of 

the exuberance of youth。 

     ;I ought察perhaps察explain the circumstances that led me into this way 

of life。; 

     Here     Legrande察     a  courteous     attache    of   the   Patagonian      legation察

interposed   in   French   and   an   excess   of   politeness察   that   it   was   not   of   a 

necessity察─a statement to which his English neighbor hurriedly responded察


     ;There ess a boke察─he continued察in a well´bred察rapid whisper察 from 

Captain Canota Frenchmanmost eenterestinghe wasoh察a fine man 

of   educationand       what    you   call  a  'slavair';  but   here   he   was   quietly 

nudged into respectful silence。 

     ;I   ran   away   from   home察─  continued   our   host。     He   paused察  and   then 

added察appealingly察to the two distinguished foreigners present此 I do not 

know   if   I   can   make   you   understand   that   this   is   a   peculiarly   American 

predilection。      The   exodus   of   the   younger   males   of   an American   family 

against     the   parents'   wishes    does    not察  with   us察 necessarily     carry   any 


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                                  DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

obloquy with it。        To the average American the prospect of fortune and a 

better condition lies OUTSIDE of his home察with you the home means the 

estate察the succession of honors or titles察the surety that the conditions of 

life shall all be kept intact。       With us the children who do not expect察and 

generally   succeed   in   improving   the   fortunes   of   the   house察  are   marked 

exceptions。      Do I make myself clear拭─

     The     French´Patagonian         attache    thought     it   was    ;charming      and 

progressif。;      The Baron Von Pretzel thought he had noticed a movement 

of   that   kind   in  Germany察     which    was    expressed     in  a  single   word    of 

seventeen syllables。        Viscount Piccadilly said to his neighbor此 That察you 

know now察the younger sons察don't you see察go to Australia察you know in 

some beastly tradestock´raising or sheepyou know察but察by Jove them 


     ;My   father   always   treated   me   well察─  continued   our   host。     ;I   shared 

equally     with   my    brothers    the   privileges    and   limitations    of  our   New 

England home。         Nevertheless察I ran away and went to sea; 

     ;To seewhat拭─asked Legrande。 

     ;Aller sur mer察─said his neighbor察hastily。 

     ;Go on with your piracy ─said Miss Jones。 

     The   distinguished   foreigners   looked   at   each   other   and   then   at   Miss 

Jones。     Each made a mental note of the average cold´blooded ferocity of 

the young American female。 

     ;I shipped on board of a Liverpool 'liner'; continued our host。 

     ;What   ess   a    'liner'拭─  interrupted   Legrande察  sotto    voce察   to  his  next 

neighbor察who pretended not to hear him。 

     ;I   need   not   say   that   these   were   the   days   when   we   had   not   lost   our 

carrying trade察when American bottoms; 

     ;Que   est    ce察  'bot  toom'拭─  said   Legrande察  imploringly察     to  his   other 


     ;When   American   bottoms   still   carried   the   bulk   of   freight察  and   the 

supremacy of our flag; 

     Here   Legrande   recognized   a   patriotic   sentiment   and   responded   to   it 

with   wild   republican   enthusiasm察  nodding   his   head   violently。   Piccadilly 

noticed it察too察and察seeing an opening for some general discussion on free 


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                                   DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

trade察began half audibly to HIS neighbor此 Most extraordinary thing察you 

know察your American statesmen; 

     ;I deserted the ship at Liverpool; 

     But   here   two   perfunctory   listeners   suddenly   turned   toward   the   other 

end   of   the   table察  where   another   guest察  our   Nevada   Bonanza   lion察  was 

evidently   in     the  full  flood    of  pioneer    anecdote     and    narration。    Calmly 

disregarding the defection察he went on此

     ;I deserted the ship at Liverpool in consequence of my ill´ treatment 

by   the   second   matea   man   selected   for   his   position   by   reason   of   his 

superior physical strength and recognized brutality。 I have been since told 

that he graduated from the state prison。             On the second day out I saw him 

strike   a   man   senseless   with   a   belaying   pin   for   some   trifling   breach   of 

discipline。      I saw him repeatedly beat and kick sick men; 

     ;Did     you    ever   read   Dana's     'Two    Years    before   the   Mast'拭─    asked 

Lightbody察our heavy literary man察turning to HIS neighbor察in a distinctly 

audible   whisper。       ;Ah   there's   a   book    Got   all   this   sort   of   thing   in   it。 

Dev'lishly well written察too。; 

     The Patagonian alive for information此 What ess this Dana察eh拭─

     His left hand neighbor shortly此 Oh察that man ─

     His     right   hand     neighbor      curtly此    The    fellah    who     wrote     the 

Encyclopaedia   and   edits   'The   Sun'拭  that   was   put   up   in   Boston   for   the 

English mission and didn't get it。; 

     The Patagonian making a mental diplomatic note of the fact that the 

severe discipline of the editor of ;The Sun察─one of America's profoundest 

scholars察  while   acting   from   patriotic   motives察  as   the   second   mate   of   an 

American ;bottom察─had unfitted him for diplomatic service abroad此 Ah察

ciel ─

     ;I wandered on the quays for a day or two察until I was picked up by a 

Portuguese sailor察who察interesting himself in my story察offered to procure 

me   a   passage   to   Fayal   and   Lisbon察  where察  he   assured   me察  I   could   find 

more comfortable and profitable means of returning to my own land。                          Let 

me say here that this man察although I knew him afterward as one of the 

most unscrupulous and heartless of piratesin fact the typical buccaneer 

of   the   bookswas   to   me   always   kind察  considerate察  and察  at   times察  even 


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                                  DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

tender。    He   was   a   capital   seaman。     I   give   this   evidence   in   favor   of   a 

much ridiculed race察who have been able seamen for centuries。; 

     ;Did you ever read that Portuguese Guide´book拭─asked Lightbody of 

his neighbor察 it's the most exquisitely ridiculous thing; 

     ;Will the   great American pirate kindly  go   on察or   resume   his original 

functions察─said Miss Jones察over the table察with a significant look in the 

direction of Lightbody。         Bu

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