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resignation。     It's pizon。    And I'll'    Why察dern my skin察yes we are察yes察

it's Joliet。   Wall察now察who'd hey thought we'd been nigh onto an hour。; 

     Two   or   three   anxious   passengers   from   their   berths此   Say察  look   yer察

stranger     Old man       What became of; 


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                                    DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

But the One Man and the Other Man had vanished。 


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                                 DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 



       I have always been an early riser。        The popular legend that ;Early to 

bed     and    early   to   rise察─  invariably     and    rhythmically     resulted    in 

healthfulness察    opulence察    and   wisdom察   I  beg   here   to  solemnly     protest 

against。    As an ;unhealthy; man察as an ;unwealthy; man察and doubtless 

by virtue of this protest an ;unwise; man察I am察I think察a glaring example 

of the untruth of the proposition。 

     For   instance察  it   is   my   misfortune察  as   an   early   riser察  to   live   upon   a 

certain fashionable avenue察where the practice of early rising is confined 

exclusively to domestics。        Consequently察when I issue forth on this broad察

beautiful thoroughfare at six A。 M。察I cannot help thinking that I am察to a 

certain extent察desecrating its traditional customs。 

     I have more than once detected the milkman winking at the maid with 

a    diabolical    suggestion    that   I  was    returning    from    a  carouse察    and 

Roundsman 9999 has once or twice followed me a block or two with the 

evident     impression    that   I  was   a  burglar   returning    from   a   successful 

evening out。      Nevertheless察these various indiscretions have brought me 

into   contact   with   a   kind   of   character   and   phenomena   whose   existence   I 

might otherwise have doubted。 

     First察let me speak of a large class of working´people whose presence 

is察I think察unknown to many of those gentlemen who are in the habit of 

legislating or writing about them。          A majority of these early risers in the 

neighborhood        of   which     I  may     call  my     ;beat;    carry   with    them 

unmistakable evidences of the American type。 I have seen so little of that 

foreign element that is popularly supposed to be the real working class of 

the   great   metropolis察  that   I   have   often   been   inclined   to   doubt   statistics。 

The   ground   that   my   morning   rambles   cover   extends   from   Twenty´third 

Street to Washington Park察and laterally from Sixth Avenue to Broadway。 

The   early   rising   artisans   that   I   meet   here察  crossing   three   avenues察  the 


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                                   DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

milkmen察  the   truck´drivers察  the   workman察  even   the   occasional   tramp察

wherever they may come from or go to察or what their real habitat may be察 

´are   invariably   Americans。        I   give   it   as   an   honest   record察  whatever   its 

significance or   insignificance   may  be察  that   during   the  last   year察  between 

the    hours    of  six   and   eight   A。   M。察  in  and    about    the  locality    I  have 

mentioned察I have met with but two unmistakable foreigners察an Irishman 

and a German。         Perhaps it may be necessary to add to this statement that 

the people I have met at those early hours I have never seen at any other 

time in the same locality。 

     As to their quality察the artisans were always cleanly dressed察intelligent察

and respectful。       I remember察however察one morning察when the ice storm 

of   the   preceding   night   had   made   the   sidewalks   glistening察  smiling   and 

impassable察to have journeyed down the middle of Twelfth Street with a 

mechanic   so   sooty   as   to   absolutely   leave   a   legible   track   in   the   snowy 

pathway。        He     was     the   fireman     attending     the    engine     in   a  noted 

manufactory察       and   in   our   brief   conversation      he    told   me   many     facts 

regarding   his   profession   which   I   fear   interested   me   more   than   the   after´ 

dinner     speeches      of   some     distinguished      gentlemen      I   had   heard     the 

preceding night。        I   remember   that he   spoke   of   his   engine   as   ;she察─  and 

related certain circumstances regarding her inconsistency察her aberrations察

her   pettishnesses察  that   seemed   to   justify   the   feminine   gender。      I   have   a 

grateful     recollection     of   him    as  being    one    who    introduced      me    to  a 

restaurant where chicory察thinly disguised as coffee察was served with bread 

at five cents a cup察and that he honorably insisted on being the host察and 

paid    his   ten  cents    for  our   mutual     entertainment      with   the   grace    of  a 

Barmecide。        I remember察in a more genial seasonI think early summer察 

´to   have   found   upon   the   benches   of   Washington   Park   a   gentleman   who 

informed   me   that   his   profession   was   that   of   a   ;pigeon   catcher;察  that   he 

contracted with certain parties in this city to furnish these birds for what 

he called their ;pigeon´shoots;察and that in fulfilling this contract he often 

was   obliged   to   go   as   far   west   as   Minnesota。    The   details   he   gavehis 

methods of entrapping the birds察his study of their habits察his evident belief 

that   the   city   pigeon察  however   well   provided   for   by   parties   who   fondly 

believed      the   bird    to  be    their   own察   was    really    ferae   naturae察    and 


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consequently ;game; for the pigeon´catcherwere all so interesting that I 

listened to him with undisguised delight。 When he had finished察however察

he said察 And now察sir察being a poor man察with a large family察and work 

bein' rather slack this year察if ye could oblige me with the loan of a dollar 

and   your   address察  until    remittances   what   I'm   expecting      come   in   from 

Chicago察you'll be doin' me a great service察─etc。察etc。              He got the dollar察

of course his information was worth twice the money察but I imagine he 

lost my address。       Yet it is only fair to say that some days after察relating his 

experience to a prominent sporting man察he corroborated all its details察and 

satisfied   me   that   my   pigeon´   catching   friend察  although   unfortunate察  was 

not an impostor。 

     And this leads me to speak of the birds。            Of all early risers察my most 

importunate察      aggressive察    and   obtrusive     companions       are   the  English 

sparrows。      Between six and seven A。 M。 they seem to possess the avenue察

and resent my intrusion。          I remember察one chilly morning察when I came 

upon a flurry of them察chattering察quarreling察skimming察and alighting just 

before me。      I stopped at last察fearful of stepping on the nearest。              To my 

great surprise察instead of flying away察he contested the ground inch by inch 

before     my    advancing     foot察  with   his  wings     outspread     and   open    bill 

outstretched察  very   much   like   that   ridiculous   burlesque   of   the   American 

eagle which the common canary´bird assumes when teased。 ;Did you ever 

see 'em wash in the fountain in the square拭─said Roundsman 9999察early 

one summer morning。           I had not。     ;I guess they're there yet。       Come and 

see 'em察─he said察and complacently accompanied me two blocks。                      I don't 

know      which    was   the   finer  sightthe    thirty  or  forty   winged     sprites察

dashing   in   and out   of   the  basin察 each   the  very  impersonation   of   a   light´ 

hearted察mischievous puck察or this grave policeman察with badge and club 

and shield察looking on with delight。            Perhaps my visible amusement察or 

the spectacle of a brother policeman just then going past with a couple of 

;drunk   and   disorderlies察─  recalled   his   official   responsibilities   and   duties。 

;They say them foreign sparrows drive all the other birds away察─he added察

severely察and then walked off with a certain reserved manner察as if it were 

not impossible for him to be called upon some morning to take the entire 

feathered assembly into custody察and if so called upon he should do it。 


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                                  DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

     Next察I think察in proce

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