drift from two shores(働送)-及34准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
an efficacious way of dealing with these gentry。; He rose and took a
double´barreled fowling´piece from the chimney。 ;When a tramp
appears on my property察I warn him off。 If he persists察I fire on himas I
would on any criminal trespasser。;
;Fire on him拭─I echoed in alarm。
;YesBUT WITH POWDER ONLY Of course HE doesn't know
that。 But he doesn't come back。;
It struck me for the first time that possibly many other of my friend's
arguments might be only blank cartridges察and used to frighten off other
trespassing intellects。
;Of course察 if the tramp still persisted察 I would be justified in using
shot。 Last evening I had a visit from one。 He was coming over the wall。
My shot gun was efficacious察you should have seen him run ─
It was useless to argue with so positive a mind察 and I dropped the
subject。 After breakfast I strolled over the downs察my friend promising to
join me as soon as he arranged some household business。
It was a lovely察peaceful morning察not unlike the day when I first met
my friend察the Tramp。 The hush of a great benediction lay on land and
sea。 A few white sails twinkled afar察but sleepily察one or two large ships
were creeping in lazily察 like my friend察the Tramp。 A voice behind me
startled me。
My host had rejoined me。 His face察however察looked a little troubled。
;I just now learned something of importance察─he began。 ;It appears
that with all my precautions that Tramp has visited my kitchen察 and the
servants have entertained him。 Yesterday morning察 it appears察 while I
was absent察he had the audacity to borrow my gun to go duck´shooting。
At the end of two or three hours he returned with two ducks andthe gun。;
;That was察at least察honest。;
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;Yesbut That fool of a girl says that察as he handed back the gun察he
told her it was all right察 and that he had loaded it up again to save the
master trouble。;
I think I showed my concern in my face察for he added察hastily此 It was
only duck´shot察a few wouldn't hurt him ─
Nevertheless察we both walked on in silence for a moment。 ;I thought
the gun kicked a little察─he said at last察musingly察 but the idea of Hallo
what's this拭─
He stopped before the hollow where I had first seen my Tramp。 It
was deserted察but on the mosses there were spots of blood and fragments
of an old gown察 blood´stained察 as if used for bandages。 I looked at it
closely此it was the gown intended for the consumptive wife of my friend察
the Tramp。
But my host was already nervously tracking the bloodstains that on
rock察 moss察 and boulder were steadily leading toward the sea。 When I
overtook him at last on the shore察he was standing before a flat rock察on
which lay a bundle I recognized察tied up in a handkerchief察and a crooked
grape´vine stick。
;He may have come here to wash his woundssalt is a styptic察─said
my host察who had recovered his correct precision of statement。
I said nothing察but looked toward the sea。 Whatever secret lay hid in
its breast察it kept it fast。 Whatever its calm eyes had seen that summer
night察it gave no reflection now。 It lay there passive察imperturbable察and
reticent。 But my friend察the Tramp察was gone
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He came toward me out of an opera lobby察between the actsa figure
as remarkable as anything in the performance。 His clothes察 no two
articles of which were of the same color察 had the appearance of having
been purchased and put on only an hour or two beforea fact more
directly established by the clothes´dealer's ticket which still adhered to his
coat´collar察 giving the number察 size察 and general dimensions of that
garment somewhat obtrusively to an uninterested public。 His trousers
had a straight line down each leg察as if he had been born flat but had since
developed察and there was another crease down his back察like those figures
children cut out of folded paper。 I may add that there was no
consciousness of this in his face察which was good´natured察and察but for a
certain squareness in the angle of his lower jaw察utterly uninteresting and
;You disremember me察─he said察briefly察as he extended his hand察 but
I'm from Solano察 in Californy。 I met you there in the spring of '57。 I
was tendin' sheep察 and you was burnin' charcoal。; There was not the
slightest trace of any intentional rudeness in the reminder。 It was simply
a statement of fact察and as such to be accepted。
;What I hailed ye for was only this察─he said察after I had shaken hands
with him。 ;I saw you a minnit ago standin' over in yon box chirpin'
with a ladya young lady察peart and pretty。 Might you be telling me her
I gave him the name of a certain noted belle of a neighboring city察who
had lately stirred the hearts of the metropolis察 and who was especially
admired by the brilliant and fascinating young Dashboard察 who stood
beside me。
The Man from Solano mused for a moment察and then said察 Thet's so
thet's the name It's the same gal ─
;You have met her察then拭─I asked察in surprise。
;Ye´es察─ he responded察 slowly此 I met her about fower months ago。
She'd bin makin' a tour of Californy with some friends察and I first saw her
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aboard the cars this side of Reno。 She lost her baggage´ checks察 and I
found them on the floor and gave 'em back to her察and she thanked me。 I
reckon now it would be about the square thing to go over thar and sorter
recognize her。; He stopped a moment察and looked at us inquiringly。
;My dear sir察─ struck in the brilliant and fascinating Dashboard察 if
your hesitation proceeds from any doubt as to the propriety of your attire察I
beg you to dismiss it from your mind at once。 The tyranny of custom察it
is true察 compels your friend and myself to dress peculiarly察 but I assure
you nothing could be finer than the way that the olive green of your coat
melts in the delicate yellow of your cravat察 or the pearl gray of your
trousers blends with the bright blue of your waistcoat察and lends additional
brilliancy to that massive oroide watch´chain which you wear。;
To my surprise察the Man from Solano did not strike him。 He looked
at the ironical Dashboard with grave earnestness察and then said quietly此
;Then I reckon you wouldn't mind showin' me in thar拭─
Dashboard was察I admit察a little staggered at this。 But he recovered
himself察and察bowing ironically察led the way to the box。 I followed him and
the Man from Solano。
Now察the belle in question happened to be a gentlewomandescended
from gentlewomenand after Dashboard's ironical introduction察in which
the Man from Solano was not spared察 she comprehended the situation
instantly。 To Dashboard's surprise she drew a chair to her side察made the
Man from Solano sit down察quietly turned her back on Dashboard察and in
full view of the brilliant audience and the focus of a hundred lorgnettes察
entered into conversation with him。
Here察for the sake of romance察I should like to say he became animated察
and exhibited some trait of excellencesome rare wit or solid sense。 But
the fact is he was dull and stupid to the last degree。 He persisted in
keeping the conversation upon the subject of the lost baggage´checks察and
every bright attempt of the lady to divert him failed signally。 At last察to
everybody's relief察he rose察and leaning over her chair察said此
;I calklate to stop over here some time察 miss察 and you and me