drift from two shores(働送)-及33准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
and it occurred to me that if there really was any work in my friend察the
Tramp察which my own indolence and preoccupation had failed to bring out察
he was the man to do it。
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I met him a week after。 It was with some embarrassment that I
inquired after my friend察 the Tramp。 ;Oh察 yes察─ he said察 reflectively察
;let's see此 he came Monday and left me Thursday。 He was察 I think察 a
stout察 strong man察 a well´meaning察 good´humored fellow察 but afflicted
with a most singular variety of diseases。 The first day I put him at work in
the stables he developed chills and fever caught in the swamps of
;Excuse me察─I said hurriedly察 you mean in Milwaukee ─
;I know what I'm talking about察─returned the Doctor察testily察 he told
me his whole wretched storyhis escape from the Confederate service察the
attack upon him by armed negroes察 his concealment in the bayous and
;Go on察Doctor察─I said察feebly察 you were speaking of his work。;
;Yes。 Well察 his system was full of malaria察the first day I had him
wrapped up in blankets察and dosed with quinine。 The next day he was
taken with all the symptoms of cholera morbus察and I had to keep him up
on brandy and capsicum。 Rheumatism set in on the following day察and
incapacitated him for work察and I concluded I had better give him a note to
the director of the City Hospital than keep him here。 As a pathological
study he was good察but as I was looking for a man to help about the stable察
I couldn't afford to keep him in both capacities。;
As I never could really tell when the Doctor was in joke or in earnest察I
dropped the subject。 And so my friend察the Tramp察gradually faded from
my memory察not however without leaving behind him in the barn where he
had slept a lingering flavor of whisky察onions察and fluffiness。 But in two
weeks this had gone察and the ;Shebang; as my friends irreverently termed
my habitation knew him no more。 Yet it was pleasant to think of him as
having at last found a job at brick´making察or having returned to his family
at Milwaukee察or making his Louisiana home once more happy with his
presence察 or again tempting the fish´producing mainthis time with a
noble and equitable captain。
It was a lovely August morning when I rode across the sandy
peninsula to visit a certain noted family察whereof all the sons were valiant
and the daughters beautiful。 The front of the house was deserted察but on
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the rear veranda I heard the rustle of gowns察 and above it arose what
seemed to be the voice of Ulysses察reciting his wanderings。 There was
no mistaking that voice察it was my friend察the Tramp
From what I could hastily gather from his speech察he had walked from
St。 John察N。 B。察to rejoin a distressed wife in New York察who was察however察
living with opulent but objectionable relatives。 ;An' shure察 miss察 I
wouldn't be askin' ye the loan of a cint if I could get worruk at me trade of
carpet´wavin'and maybe ye know of some mannfacthory where they
wave carpets beyant here。 Ah察miss察and if ye don't give me a cint察it's
enough for the loikes of me to know that me troubles has brought the tears
in the most beautiful oiyes in the wurruld察and God bless ye for it察miss ─
Now I knew that the Most Beautiful Eyes in the World belonged to one
of the most sympathetic and tenderest hearts in the world察and I felt that
common justice demanded my interference between it and one of the
biggest scamps in the world。 So察without waiting to be announced by the
servant察I opened the door察and joined the group on the veranda。
If I expected to touch the conscience of my friend察 the Tramp察 by a
dramatic entrance察 I failed utterly察 for no sooner did he see me察 than he
instantly gave vent to a howl of delight察and察falling on his knees before
me察grasped my hand察and turned oratorically to the ladies。
;Oh察 but it's himselfhimself that has come as a witness to me
carrakther Oh察 but it's himself that lifted me four wakes ago察 when I
was lyin' with a mortal wakeness on the say´coast察and tuk me to his house。
Oh察but it's himself that shupported me over the faldes察and whin the chills
and faver came on me and I shivered wid the cold察it was himself察 God
bless him察as sthripped the coat off his back察and giv it me察sayin'察'Take it察
Dinnis察 it's shtarved with the cowld say air ye'll be entoirely。' Ah察 but
look at him will ye察 miss Look at his swate察 modist facea blushin'
like your own察miss。 Ah look at him察will ye拭 He'll be denyin' of it in a
minitmay the blessin' uv God folly him。 Look at him察miss Ah察but it's
a swate pair ye'd make 。the rascal knew I was a married man。 Ah察miss察
if you could see him wroightin' day and night with such an illigant hand of
his ownhe had evidently believed from the gossip of my servants that I
was a professor of chirographyif ye could see him察miss察as I have察ye'd
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be proud of him。;
He stopped out of breath。 I was so completely astounded I could say
nothing此the tremendous indictment I had framed to utter as I opened the
door vanished completely。 And as the Most Beautiful Eyes in the
Wurruld turned gratefully to minewell
I still retained enough principle to ask the ladies to withdraw察while I
would take upon myself the duty of examining into the case of my friend察
the Tramp察and giving him such relief as was required。 I did not know
until afterward察however察that the rascal had already despoiled their scant
purses of three dollars and fifty cents。 When the door was closed upon
them I turned upon him。
;You infernal rascal ─
;Ah察Captain察and would ye be refusin' ME a carrakther and me givin'
YE such a one as Oi did God save us but if ye'd hav' seen the luk that
the purty one give ye。 Well察before the chills and faver bruk me spirits
entirely察when I was a young man察and makin' me tin dollars a week brick´
makin'察it's meself that wud hav' given;
;I consider察─I broke in察 that a dollar is a fair price for your story察and
as I shall have to take it all back and expose you before the next twenty´
four hours pass察I think you had better hasten to Milwaukee察New York察or
I handed him the dollar。 ;Mind察I don't want to see your face again。;
;Ye wun't察captain。;
And I did not。
But it so chanced that later in the season察 when the migratory
inhabitants had flown to their hot´air registers in Boston and Providence察I
breakfasted with one who had lingered。 It was a certain Boston lawyer察
replete with principle察honesty察self´ discipline察statistics察aesthetics察and a
perfect consciousness of possessing all these virtues察and a full recognition
of their market values。 I think he tolerated me as a kind of foreigner察
gently but firmly waiving all argument on any topic察frequently distrusting
my facts察generally my deductions察and always my ideas。 In conversation
he always appeared to descend only half way down a long moral and
intellectual staircase察 and always delivered his conclusions over the
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I had been speaking of my friend察the Tramp。 ;There is but one way
of treating that class of impostors察it is simply to recognize the fact that the
law calls him a 'vagrant' and makes his trade a misdemeanor。 Any
sentiment on the other side renders you particeps criminis。 I don't know
but an action would lie against you for encouraging tramps。 Now察I have
an efficacious way of dealing with these gentry。; He rose and took