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body察  how   explain   the   circumstance   of   his   taking   off察  how   evade   the 

ubiquitous reporter and the coroner's inquest察how a suspicion might arise 

that   I   had   in   some   way察  through   negligence   or   for   some   dark   purpose察

unknown   to   the   jury察  precipitated   the   catastrophe察 all   flashed before   me。 

Even the note察with its darkly suggestive offer of ;good material; for me察

looked     diabolically   significant。      What     might    not   an  intelligent   lawyer 

make of it拭

     I   tore   it   up   instantly察  and   with   feverish   courtesy   begged   him   to   be 


     ;You don't care to feel it拭─he asked察a little anxiously。 


     ;Nor see it拭─


     He sighed察a trifle sadly察as if I had rejected the only favor he could 

bestow。      I saw at once that he had been under frequent exhibition to the 

doctors察  and   that   he   was察  perhaps察  a   trifle   vain   of   this   attention。 This 

perception was corroborated a moment later by his producing a copy of a 

medical magazine察with a remark that on the sixth page I would find a full 

statement of his case。 

     ;Could I serve him in any way拭─I asked。 

     It appeared that I could。        If I could help him to any light employment察

something       that  did   not   require   any   great   physical    exertion    or  mental 

excitement察he would be thankful。              But he wanted me to understand that 

he   was   not察  strictly   speaking察  a   poor   man察  that   some   years   before   the 

discovery of his fatal complaint he had taken out a life insurance policy 


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                                   DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

for   five   thousand     dollars察  and   that  he   had   raked   and    scraped    enough 

together   to   pay   it   up察  and   that   he   would   not   leave   his   wife   and   four 

children destitute。       ;You see察─he added察 if I could find some sort of light 

work to do察and kinder sled along察you knowuntil; 

     He stopped察awkwardly。 

     I   have   heard   several   noted   actors   thrill   their   audiences   with   a   single 

phrase。     I think   I   never   was   as   honestly  moved by  any  spoken   word   as 

that    ;until察─ or   the  pause    that   followed     it。  He    was    evidently     quite 

unconscious of its effect察for as I took a seat beside him on the sofa察and 

looked more closely in his waxen face察I could see that he was evidently 

embarrassed察      and   would     have    explained    himself    further察  if  I  had   not 

stopped him。 

     Possibly it was the dramatic idea察or possibly chance察but a few days 

afterward察meeting a certain kind´hearted theatrical manager察I asked him 

if he had any light employment for a man who was an invalid拭                        Can he 

walk拭─      Yes。;     ;Stand up for fifteen minutes拭─ Yes。;              ;Then I'll take 

him。     He'll do for the last scene in the 'Destruction of Sennacherib'it's a 

tremendous       thing察  you   know。    We'll   have    two   thousand     people    on   the 

stage。;     I   was    a  trifle  alarmed    at  the   title察 and   ventured    to   suggest 

without     betraying     my   poor    friend's   secret   that  he   could   not   actively 

engage in the ;Destruction of Sennacherib察─and that even the spectacle of 

it might be too much for him。            ;Needn't see it at all察─said my managerial 

friend察 put him in front察nothing to do but march in and march out察and 

dodge curtain。; 

     He was engaged。          I admit I was at times haunted by grave doubts as 

to   whether     I  should    not   have   informed      the  manager      of  his  physical 

condition察and the possibility that he might some evening perpetrate a real 

tragedy     on   the   mimic     stage察  but   on    the  first  performance       of   ;The 

Destruction      of   Sennacherib察─     which    I  conscientiously      attended察   I  was 

somewhat   relieved。        I   had   often   been   amused   with   the   placid   way   in 

which   the   chorus   in   the   opera   invariably   received   the   most   astounding 

information察and witnessed the most appalling tragedies by poison or the 

block察  without   anything   more   than   a   vocal   protest   or   command察  always 

delivered   to   the   audience   and   never   to   the   actors察  but   I   think   my   poor 


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                                   DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

friend's utter impassiveness to the wild carnage and the terrible exhibitions 

of   incendiarism   that   were   going   on   around   him   transcended   even   that。 

Dressed in a costume that seemed to be the very soul of anachronism察he 

stood   a   little   outside   the   proscenium察  holding   a   spear察  the   other   hand 

pressed   apparently   upon   the   secret   within   his   breast察  calmly   surveying察

with his waxen face察the gay auditorium。                I could not help thinking that 

there was a certain pride visible even in his placid features察as of one who 

was     conscious     that   at  any   moment      he   might    change     this   simulated 

catastrophe   into   real   terror。   I   could   not   help   saying   this   to   the   Doctor察

who was with me。           ;Yes察─he said with professional exactitude察 when it 

happens he'll throw his arms up above his head察utter an ejaculation察and 

fall forward on his faceit's a singular thing察they always fall forward on 

their faceand they'll pick up the man as dead as Julius Caesar。; 

     After    that察 I  used   to  go   night   after   night察  with   a  certain   hideous 

fascination察     but察  while    it  will   be   remembered        the   ;Destruction      of 

Sennacherib; had a tremendous run察it will also be remembered that not a 

single life was really lost during its representation。 

     It   was   only   a   few   weeks   after   this   modest   first   appearance   on   the 

boards of  ;The   Man with   an Aneurism察─that察happening to be   at   dinner 

party of practical business men察I sought to interest them with the details 

of    the  above    story察  delivered    with    such   skill  and    pathos    as  I  could 

command。        I   regret   to  say   that察 as  a  pathetic    story察 it  for  a  moment 

seemed to be a dead failure。          At last a prominent banker sitting next to me 

turned to me with the awful question此 Why don't your friend try to realize 

on   his   life   insurance拭─   I   begged   his   pardon察  I   didn't   quite   understand。 

;Oh察discount察sell out。         Look hereafter a pause。          Let him assign his 

policy to me察it's not much of a risk察on your statement。 WellI'll give him 

his five thousand dollars察clear。; 

     And he did。       Under the advice of this cool´headedI think I may add 

warm´heartedbanker察 The Man with an Aneurism; invested his money 

in the name of and for the benefit of his wife in certain securities that paid 

him a small but regular stipend。           But he still continued upon the boards of 

the theatre。 

     By reason of some business engagements that called me away from the 


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                                  DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

city察  I   did   not   see   my   friend   the   physician   for   three   months   afterward。 

When I did I asked tidings of The Man with the Aneurism。                   The Doctor's 

kind face grew sad。        ;I'm afraidthat is察I don't exactly know whether I've 

good news or bad。        Did you ever see his wife拭─

     I never had。 

     ;Well察she was younger than he察and rather attractive。                One of those 

doll´faced   women。        You   remember察 he   settled   that   life insurance   policy 

on her and the children此she might have waited察she didn't。               The other day 

she eloped with some fellow察I don't remember his name察with the children 

and the five thousand dollars。; 

     ;And the shock killed him察─I said with poetic promptitude。 

     ;Nothat     isnot  yet察 I  saw   him   yesterday察─   said   the  Doctor察   with 

conscientious professional precision察looking over his list of calls。 

     ;Well察where is the poor fellow now拭─

     ;He's still at the theatre。     James察if these powders are called for察you'll 

find them察here in this envelope。          Tell Mrs。 Blank I'll be there at seven 

and she can give the baby this until I come。 Say there's no danger。                 These 

women are an awful bother           Yes察he's at the theatre yet。       Which way are 

you going拭      Down town拭        Why can't you step into my carriage察and I'll 

give you a lift察and we'll 

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