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still unaware of the accident察─and she sank helpless at his feet。 

     ;Noble girl ─said the Boy Chief察gazing proudly on her prostrate form察

;and these are the people that a military despotism expects to subdue ─

                                  CHAPTER IV 

       But the  capture  of  several   wagon´loads   of   commissary  whisky察 and 

the    destruction    of  two   tons   of   stationery   intended    for   the  general 

commanding察  which   interfered   with   his   regular   correspondence   with   the 

War Department察at last awakened the United States military authorities to 

active   exertion。    A  quantity   of   troops   were   massed   before   the   ;Pigeon 

Feet; encampment察and an attack was hourly imminent。 

     ;Shine your boots察sir拭─

    It was the voice of a youth in humble attire察standing before the flap of 

the commanding general's tent。 

     The General raised his head from his correspondence。 

     ;Ah察─he said察looking down on the humble boy察 I see察I shall write 


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that   the   appliances   of   civilization   move   steadily   forward   with   the   army。 

Yes察─   he   added察    you   may    shine   my    military    boots。   You   understand察

however察that to get your pay you must first; 

     ;Make a requisition on the commissary´general察have it certified to by 

the   quartermaster察  countersigned   by   the   post´adjutant察  and   submitted   by 

you to the War Department; 

     ;And charged as stationery察─added the General察gently。                   ;You are察I 

see察  an   intelligent   and   thoughtful   boy。    I   trust   you   neither   use   whisky察

tobacco察nor are ever profane拭─I promised my sainted mother; 

     ;Enough       Go on with your blacking察I have to lead the attack on the 

'Pigeon     Feet'  at  eight   precisely。    It   is  now   half´past    seven察─  said   the 

General察  consulting   a   large  kitchen   clock   that   stood   in   the   corner   of   his 


     The    little  boot´black    looked    up察  the  General     was   absorbed     in  his 

correspondence。        The boot´black drew a tin putty blower from his pocket察

took unerring aim察and nailed in a single shot the minute hand to the dial。 

Going on with his blacking察yet stopping ever and anon to glance over the 

General's plan of campaign察spread on the table before him察he was at last 

interrupted by the entrance of an officer。 

     ;Everything is ready for the attack察General。             It is now eight o'clock。; 

     ;Impossible       It is only half´past seven。; 

     ;But my watch and the watches of your staff; 

     ;Are   regulated   by   my   kitchen   clock察  that   has   been   in   my  family   for 

years。    Enough       It is only half´past seven。; 

     The   officer   retired察  the   boot´black   had   finished   one   boot。    Another 

officer appeared。 

     ;Instead of   attacking   the   enemy察  General察  we   are   attacked   ourselves。 

Our pickets are already driven in。; 

     ;Military pickets should not differ from other pickets察─interrupted the 

boot´black察modestly。         ;To stand firmly they should be well driven in。; 

     ;Ha there is something in that察─said the General察thoughtfully。 ;But 

who are you察who speak thus拭─

     Rising to his full height察the boot´black threw off his outer rags察and 

revealed the figure of the Boy Chief of the ;Pigeon Feet。; 


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     ;Treason ─shrieked   the   General察   order   an   advance   along   the   whole 


     But in vain。      The next moment he fell beneath the tomahawk of the 

Boy Chief察and within the next quarter of an hour the United States Army 

was dispersed。       Thus ended the battle of Boot´black Creek。 

                                     CHAPTER V 

       And yet the Boy Chief was not entirely happy。               Indeed察at times he 

seriously thought of accepting the invitation extended by the Great Chief 

at Washington察  immediately  after   the   massacre of   the   soldiers察  and   once 

more revisiting the haunts of civilization。            His soul sickened in feverish 

inactivity察schoolmasters palled on his taste察he had introduced base ball察

blind   hooky察  marbles察  and   peg´   top   among   his   Indian   subjects察  but   only 

with indifferent success。 The squaws insisted in boring holes through the 

china alleys and wearing them as necklaces察his warriors stuck spikes in 

their base ball bats and made war clubs of them。                He could not but feel察

too察   that  the  gentle   Mushymush察       although    devoted    to   her  pale´faced 

brother察   was    deficient   in   culinary   education。      Her    mince    pies   were 

abominable察      her   jam   far  inferior  to   that  made    by   his  Aunt    Sally  of 

Doemville。       Only     an  unexpected      incident   kept   him   equally    from   the 

extreme of listless Sybaritic indulgence察or of morbid cynicism。 Indeed察at 

the age of twelve察he already had become disgusted with existence。 

     He   had   returned   to   his   wigwam   after   an   exhausting   buffalo   hunt   in 

which   he   had   slain two hundred   and seventy´five buffalos   with his   own 

hand察not counting the individual buffalo on which he had leaped so as to 

join the herd察and which he afterward led into the camp a captive and a 

present to the lovely Mushymush。            He had scalped two express riders and 

a   correspondent   of   the   ;New York   Herald;察  had   despoiled   the   Overland 

Mail Stage of a quantity of vouchers which enabled him to draw double 

rations from the government察and was reclining on a bear skin察smoking 

and   thinking   of   the   vanity   of   human   endeavor察  when   a   scout   entered察

saying that a pale´face youth had demanded access to his person。 

     ;Is he a commissioner拭         If so察say that the red man is rapidly passing 

to the happy hunting´grounds of his fathers察and now desires only peace察


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blankets察    and    ammunition察      obtain    the   latter   and    then   scalp    the 


     ;But it is only a youth who asks an interview。; 

     ;Does he look like an insurance agent拭           If so察say that I have already 

policies in three Hartford companies。           Meanwhile prepare the stake察and 

see that the squaws are ready with their implements of torture。; 

     The youth was admitted察he was evidently only half the age of the Boy 

Chief。     As   he   entered   the   wigwam   and   stood   revealed   to   his   host   they 

both started。     In another moment they were locked in each other's arms。 

     ;Jenky察old boy ─

     ;Bromley察old fel ─

     B。 F。 Jenkins察for such was the name of the Boy Chief察was the first to 

recover his calmness。        Turning to his warriors he said察proudly 

     ;Let my children retire while I speak to the agent of our Great Father 

in   Washington。       Hereafter      no  latch   keys    will  be   provided     for  the 

wigwams        of   the  warriors。      The     practice    of  late   hours    must    be 


     ;How ─said the warriors察and instantly retired。 

     ;Whisper察─said Jenkins察drawing his friend aside察 I am known here 

only as the Boy Chief of the 'Pigeon toes。'; 

     ;And I察─said Bromley Chitterlings察proudly察 am known everywhere 

as the Pirate Prodigythe Boy Avenger of the Patagonian Coast。; 

     ;But how came you here拭─

     ;Listen    My pirate brig察the 'Lively Mermaid' now lies at Meiggs's 

Wharf   in   San   Francisco察  disguised   as   a   Mendocino   lumber   vessel。     My 

pirate crew accompanied me here in a palace car from San Francisco。; 

     ;It must have been expensive察─said the prudent Jenkins。 

     ;It was察but they defrayed it by a collection from the other passengers 

you understand察an enforced collection。            The papers will be full of it to´ 

morrow。      Do you take the 'New York Sun'拭─

     ;No察I dislike their Indian policy。       But why are you here拭─

     ;Hear   me察  Jenk    'Tis   a   long   and   a   sad   story。 The   lovely   Eliza   J。 

Sniffen察who fled with me from Doemville察was seized by her parents and 

torn from my arms at New Rochelle。             Reduced to poverty by the breaking 


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of the savings bank of which he was presidenta failure to which I largely 

contributed察and the profits of which 

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