drift from two shores(働送)-及27准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
rearranged her own luxuriant tresses with characteristic grace察a comb察and
a small hand´mirror。
;If I couldn't afford any other clothes察 I might wear a switch察 too ─
hissed the Amazonian queen。 ;I suppose you don't dye it on account of
the salt water。 But perhaps you prefer green察dear拭─
;A little salt water might improve your own complexion察love。;
;Fishwoman ─screamed the Amazonian queen。
;Bloomerite ─shrieked the mermaid。
In another instant they had seized each other。
;Mutiny Overboard with them ─ cried the Pirate Prodigy察 rising to
the occasion察 and casting aside all human affection in the peril of the
A plank was brought and two women placed upon it。
;After you察 dear察─ said the mermaid察 significantly察 to the Amazonian
queen察 you're the oldest。;
;Thank you ─ said the Amazonian queen察 stepping back。 ;Fish is
always served first。;
Stung by the insult察with a wild scream of rage察the mermaid grappled
her in her arms and leaped into the sea。
As the waters closed over them forever察the Pirate Prodigy sprang to
his feet。 ;Up with the black flag察and bear away for New London察─he
shouted in trumpet´like tones。 ;Ha察ha Once more the Rover is free ─
Indeed it was too true。 In that fatal moment he had again loosed
himself from the trammels of human feeling察and was once more the Boy
Again I must ask my young friends to mount my hippogriff and hie
with me to the almost inaccessible heights of the Rocky Mountains。 There察
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for years察 a band of wild and untamable savages察 known as the ;Pigeon
Feet察─had resisted the blankets and Bibles of civilization。 For years the
trails leading to their camp were marked by the bones of teamsters and
broken wagons察and the trees were decked with the drying scalp locks of
women and children。 The boldest of military leaders hesitated to attack
them in their fortresses察 and prudently left the scalping knives察 rifles察
powder察 and shot察 provided by a paternal government for their welfare察
lying on the ground a few miles from their encampment察with the request
that they were not to be used until the military had safely retired。
Hitherto察 save an occasional incursion into the territory of the ;Knock´
knees察─a rival tribe察they had limited their depredations to the vicinity。
But lately a baleful change had come over them。 Acting under some
evil influence察they now pushed their warfare into the white settlements察
carrying fire and destruction with them。 Again and again had the
government offered them a free pass to Washington and the privilege of
being photographed察 but under the same evil guidance they refused。
There was a singular mystery in their mode of aggression。 School´
houses were always burned察 the schoolmasters taken into captivity察 and
never again heard from。 A palace car on the Union Pacific Railway察
containing an excursion party of teachers en route to San Francisco察was
surrounded察 its inmates captured察 andtheir vacancies in the school
catalogue never again filled。 Even a Board of Educational Examiners察
proceeding to Cheyenne察 were taken prisoners察 and obliged to answer
questions they themselves had proposed察 amidst horrible tortures。 By
degrees these atrocities were traced to the malign influence of a new chief
of the tribe。 As yet little was known of him but through his baleful
appellations察 Young Man who Goes for his Teacher察─and ;He Lifts the
Hair of the School Marm。; He was said to be small and exceedingly
youthful in appearance。 Indeed察 his earlier appellative察 He Wipes his
Nose on his Sleeve察─was said to have been given to him to indicate his
still boy´like habits。
It was night in the encampment and among the lodges of the ;Pigeon
Toes。; Dusky maidens flitted in and out among the camp´fires like
brown moths察 cooking the toothsome buffalo hump察 frying the fragrant
´ Page 92´
bear's meat察 and stewing the esculent bean for the braves。 For a few
favored ones spitted grasshoppers were reserved as a rare delicacy察
although the proud Spartan soul of their chief scorned all such luxuries。
He was seated alone in his wigwam察 attended only by the gentle
Mushymush察 fairest of the ;Pigeon Feet; maidens。 Nowhere were the
characteristics of her great tribe more plainly shown than in the little feet
that lapped over each other in walking。 A single glance at the chief was
sufficient to show the truth of the wild rumors respecting his youth。 He
was scarcely twelve察 of proud and lofty bearing察 and clad completely in
wrappings of various´colored scalloped cloths察 which gave him the
appearance of a somewhat extra´sized pen´wiper。 An enormous eagle's
feather察torn from the wing of a bald eagle who once attempted to carry
him away察 completed his attire。 It was also the memento of one of his
most superhuman feats of courage。 He would undoubtedly have scalped
the eagle but that nature had anticipated him。
;Why is the Great Chief sad拭─asked Mushymush察softly。 ;Does his
soul still yearn for the blood of the pale´faced teachers拭Did not the
scalping of two professors of geology in the Yale exploring party satisfy
his warrior's heart yesterday拭 Has he forgotten that Hayden and Clarence
King are still to follow拭 Shall his own Mushymush bring him a botanist
to´morrow拭 Speak察for the silence of my brother lies on my heart like the
snow on the mountain察and checks the flow of my speech。;
Still the proud Boy Chief sat silent。 Suddenly he said此 Hist ─ and
rose to his feet。 Taking a long rifle from the ground he adjusted its sight。
Exactly seven miles away on the slope of the mountain the figure of a man
was seen walking。 The Boy Chief raised the rifle to his unerring eye and
fired。 The man fell。
A scout was dispatched to scalp and search the body。 He presently
;Who was the pale face拭─eagerly asked the chief。
;A life insurance agent。;
A dark scowl settled on the face of the chief。
;I thought it was a book´peddler。;
;Why is my brother's heart sore against the book´peddler拭─ asked
´ Page 93´
;Because察─ said the Boy Chief察 fiercely察 I am again without my
regular dime novel察and I thought he might have one in his pack。 Hear me察
Mushymush察 the United States mails no longer bring me my 'Young
America' or my 'Boys' and Girls' Weekly。' I find it impossible察even with
my fastest scouts察 to keep up with the rear of General Howard察 and
replenish my literature from the sutler's wagon。 Without a dime novel or
a 'Young America' how am I to keep up this Injin business拭─
Mushymush remained in meditation a single moment。 Then she
looked up proudly。
;My brother has spoken。 It is well。 He shall have his dime novel。
He shall know what kind of a hair´pin his sister Mushymush is。;
And she arose and gamboled lightly as the fawn out of his presence。
In two hours she returned。 In one hand she held three small flaxen
scalps察in the other ;The Boy Marauder察─complete in one volume察price
ten cents。
;Three pale´faced children察─ she gasped察 were reading it in the tail
end of an emigrant wagon。 I crept up to them softly。 Their parents are
still unaware of the accident察─and she sank helpless at his feet。