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drift from two shores(働送)-及24准

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ain't it拭  Keep off my leg察will you察you dd Greaser察and stop stumbling 

round there      Lie down。; 

     But we knew that the Doctor had not completely finished his story察and 

we waited patiently for the conclusion。             Meanwhile the old察gray silence 

of   the   woods   again   asserted   itself察  but   shadows   were   now   beginning   to 

gather in the heavy beams of the roof above察and the dim aisles seemed to 

be narrowing and closing in around us。 Presently the Doctor recommenced 

lazily察as if no interruption had occurred。 

     ;As I said before察I never put much faith in that story察and shouldn't 

have told it察but for a rather curious experience of my own。                It was in the 

spring of '62察and I was one of a party of four察coming up from O'Neill's察

when   we   had   been   snowed   up。       It   was   awful   weather察  the   snow   had 

changed to sleet and rain after we crossed the divide察and the water was 

out everywhere察every ditch was a creek察every creek a river。                We had lost 

two    horses    on  the   North   Fork察  we   were    dead   beat察  off  the  trail察 and 

sloshing round察with night coming on察and the level hail like shot in our 

faces。 Things were looking bleak and scary when察riding a little ahead of 

the party察I saw a light twinkling in a hollow beyond。               My horse was still 

fresh察  and   calling   out   to   the  boys   to   follow   me   and   bear   for   the   light察  I 

struck out for it。      In another moment I was before a little cabin that half 

burrowed   in   the   black   chapparal察  I   dismounted   and   rapped   at   the   door。 

There was no response。          I then tried to force the door察but it was fastened 

securely from within。 I was all the more surprised when one of the boys察

who had overtaken me察told me that he had just seen through a window a 

man reading by the fire。         Indignant at this inhospitality察we both made a 

resolute onset against the door察at the same time raising our angry voices 

to a yell。    Suddenly there was a quick response察the hurried withdrawing 

of a bolt察and the door opened。 

     ;The occupant was a short察thick´set man察with a pale察careworn face察


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                                   DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

whose   prevailing   expression   was   one   of   gentle   good   humor   and   patient 

suffering。      When we entered察he asked us hastily why we had not 'sung 

out' before。 

     ;'But we KNOCKED' I said察impatiently察'and almost drove your door 


     ;'That's nothing' he said察patiently。         'I'm used to THAT。' 

     ;I looked again at the man's patient察fateful face察and then around the 

cabin。     In an instant the whole situation flashed before me。 'Are we not 

near Cave City' I asked。 

     ;'Yes'   he   replied察  'it's   just   below。 You   must   have   passed   it   in   the 


     ;'I   see。' I   again   looked   around   the   cabin。    'Isn't this   what   they  call 

the haunted house' 

     ;He looked at me curiously。           'It is' he said察simply。 

     ;You   can   imagine   my   delight      Here   was   an   opportunity   to   test   the 

whole story察to work down to the bed rock察and see how it would pan out 

We   were   too   many   and   too   well   armed   to   fear   tricks   or   dangers   from 

outsiders。     Ifas one theory had been heldthe disturbance was kept up 

by a band of concealed marauders or road agents察whose purpose was to 

preserve their haunts from intrusion察we were quite able to pay them back 

in kind for any assault。        I need not say that the boys were delighted with 

this prospect when the fact was revealed to them。                 The only one doubtful 

or apathetic spirit there was our host察who quietly resumed his seat and his 

book察with his old expression of patient martyrdom。                  It would have been 

easy   for   me   to   have   drawn   him   out察  but   I   felt   that   I   did   not   want   to 

corroborate   anybody   else's   experience察  only   to   record   my   own。         And   I 

thought it better to keep the boys from any predisposing terrors。 

     ;We ate our supper察and then sat察patiently and expectant察around the 

fire。    An hour slipped away察but no disturbance察another hour passed as 

monotonously。         Our host read his book察only the dash of hail against the 

roof broke the silence。        But; 

     The   Doctor   stopped。       Since   the   last   interruption察  I   noticed   he   had 

changed the easy slangy style of his story to a more perfect察artistic察and 

even studied manner。          He dropped now suddenly into his old colloquial 


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                                   DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

speech察  and   quietly   said此   If   you   don't   quit   stumbling   over   those   riatas察

Juan察I'll hobble YOU。         Come here察there察lie down察will you拭─

     We     all  turned     fiercely   on   the    cause    of  this   second     dangerous 

interruption察  but   a   sight   of   the   poor   fellow's   pale   and  frightened     face 

withheld   our   vindictive   tongues。        And   the   Doctor察  happily察  of   his   own 

accord察went on此

     ;But   I   had   forgotten   that   it   was   no   easy   matter   to   keep   these   high´ 

spirited boys察bent on a row察in decent subjection察and after the third hour 

passed without a supernatural exhibition察I observed察from certain winks 

and whispers察that they were determined to get up indications of their own。 

In a few moments violent rappings were heard from all parts of the cabin察

large stones adroitly thrown up the chimney fell with a heavy thud on the 

roof。    Strange groans and ominous yells seemed to come from the outside 

where the interstices between the logs were wide enough。                    Yet察through 

all this uproar察our host sat still and patient察with no sign of indignation or 

reproach   upon   his   good´humored   but   haggard            features。   Before   long    it 

became      evident    that   this  exhibition    was    exclusively     for   HIS   benefit。 

Under   the   thin   disguise   of   asking   him   to   assist   them   in   discovering   the 

disturbers OUTSIDE the cabin察those inside took advantage of his absence 

to turn the cabin topsy´turvy。 

     ;'You see what the spirits have done察old man' said the arch leader of 

this   mischief。     'They've     upset   that   there  flour   barrel   while    we   wasn't 

looking察and then kicked over the water jug and spilled all the water' 

     ;The patient man lifted his head and looked at the flour´strewn walls。 

Then he glanced down at the floor察but drew back with a slight tremor。 

     ;'It ain't water' he said察quietly。 

     ;'What is it察then' 

     ;'It's   BLOOD       Look'     ;The   nearest   man   gave   a   sudden   start   and 

sank back white as a sheet。 

     ;For there察gentlemen察on the floor察just before the door察where the old 

man had seen the dog hesitate and lift his feet察there theregentlemen 

upon my honor察slowly widened and broadened a dark red pool of human 

blood     Stop him       Quick      Stop him察I say ─

     There   was   a   blinding   flash   that   lit   up   the   dark   woods察  and   a   sharp 


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report    When we reached the Doctor's side he was holding the smoking 

pistol察just discharged察in one hand察while with the other he was pointing 

to the rapidly disappearing figure of Juan察our Mexican vaquero 

     ;Missed   him   by   G´d ─  said   the   Doctor。  ;But   did   you   hear   him拭

Did you see his livid face as he rose up at the name of blood拭              Did you 

see his guilty conscience in his face。        Eh拭    Why don't you speak拭What 

are you staring at拭─

     ;Was it the murdered man's ghost察Doctor拭─we all panted in one quick 


     ;Ghost be dd      No    But in that Mexican vaquerothat cursed Juan 

RamirezI saw and shot at his murderer ─


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                              DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 





                       BY JACK WHACKAWAY 

    Author    of  ;The    Boy   Slaver察─  The   Immature    Incendiary察─   The 

Precocious Pugilist察─etc。察etc。 

                                 CHAPTER I 

      It was a quiet New England village。       Nowhere in the valley of the 

Connecticut     the  autumn   sun   shone   upon   a  more   peaceful察 pastoral察

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