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drift from two shores(働送)-及23准

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     A dead silence。 

     The   Doctor   addressing   space   generally   ;Yes察  sir察  it   WAS   a   mighty 

queer story。; 

     Still the same reposeful indifference。           We all knew the Doctor's skill 

as a raconteur察we all knew that a story was coming察and we all knew that 

any interruption would be fatal。           Time and time again察in our prospecting 

experience察  had   a   word   of   polite   encouragement察  a   rash   expression   of 

interest察even a too eager attitude of silent expectancy察brought the Doctor 

to   a sudden   change of   subject。       Time   and   time   again have   we   seen   the 

unwary       stranger    stand    amazed      and    bewildered      between     our    own 

indifference and the sudden termination of a promising anecdote察through 

his   own    unlucky     interference。     So    we    said  nothing。     ;The     Judge; 

another     instance    of  arbitrary    nomenclaturepretended         to  sleep。    Jack 

began   to   twist   a   cigarrito。   Thornton   bit   off   the   ends   of   pine   needles 


     ;Yes察sir察─continued the Doctor察coolly resting the back of his head on 

the palms of his hands察 it WAS rather curious。                 All except the murder。 

THAT'S what gets me察for the murder had no new points察no fancy touches察

no    sentiment察   no   mystery。     Was     just  one   of  the  old   style察 'sub´head' 

paragraphs。      Old´fashioned   miner   scrubs   along   on   hardtack   and   beans察

and saves up a little money to go home and see relations。                  Old´fashioned 

assassin sharpens up knife察old style察loads old flint´lock察brass´mounted 

pistol察walks in on old´ fashioned miner one dark night察sends him home to 

his   relations   away   back   to   several   generations察  and   walks   off   with   the 

swag。     No mystery THERE察nothing to clear up察subsequent revelations 

only   impertinence。       Nothing   for   any   ghost   to   dowho   meant   business。 

More than that察over forty murders察same old kind察committed every year 

in Calaveras察and no spiritual post obits coming due every anniversary察no 

assessments made on the peace and quiet of the surviving community。                        I 

tell   you   what察  boys察 I've   always   been inclined   to   throw  off   on   the   Cave 

City ghost for that alone。        It's a bad precedent察sir。      If that kind o' thing is 

going to obtain in the foot´hills察we'll have the trails full of chaps formerly 

knocked over by Mexicans and road agents察every little camp and grocery 

will have stock enough on hand to go into business察and where's there any 


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                                  DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

security for surviving life and property察eh拭What's your opinion察Judge察as 

a fair´minded legislator拭─

     Of   course   there   was   no   response。      Yet   it   was   part   of   the   Doctor's 

system of aggravation to become discursive at these moments察in the hope 

of   interruption察   and   he   continued     for  some    moments      to  dwell    on   the 

terrible   possibility   of   a   state   of   affairs   in   which   a   gentleman   could   no 

longer     settle   a  dispute    with    an   enemy     without     being    subjected     to 

succeeding       spiritual  embarrassment。        But    all  this  digression    fell  upon 

apparently inattentive ears。 

     ;Well察  sir察 after   the   murder察  the   cabin   stood   for   a   long   time   deserted 

and    tenantless。     Popular     opinion     was   against    it。  One     day   a  ragged 

prospector察  savage   with   hard   labor   and   harder   luck察  came   to   the   camp察

looking for   a place   to live   and   a chance to prospect。 After the boys   had 

taken his measure察they concluded that he'd already tackled so much in the 

way of difficulties that a ghost more or less wouldn't be of much account。 

So they sent him to the haunted cabin。             He had a big yellow dog with him察

about as ugly and as savage as himself察and the boys sort o' congratulated 

themselves察from a practical view´point察 that while they were giving the 

old ruffian a shelter察they were helping in the cause of Christianity against 

ghosts and goblins。         They had little faith in the old man察but went their 

whole pile on that dog。         That's where they were mistaken。 

     ;The house stood almost three hundred feet from the nearest cave察and 

on dark nights察being in a hollow察was as lonely as if it had been on the top 

of Shasta。      If you ever saw the spot when there was just moon enough to 

bring out the little surrounding clumps of chapparal until they looked like 

crouching figures察and make the bits of broken quartz glisten like skulls察

you'd begin to understand how big a contract that man and that yellow dog 


     ;They went into possession that afternoon察and old Hard Times set out 

to cook his supper。        When it was over he sat down by the embers and lit 

his   pipe察  the   yellow   dog   lying   at   his   feet。 Suddenly   'Rap   rap'   comes 

from the door。       'Come in' says the man察gruffly。 'Rap' again。              'Come in 

and be dd to you' says the man察who has no idea of getting up to open 

the   door。   But   no   one   responded察  and   the   next   moment   smash   goes   the 


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                                  DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

only sound pane in the only window。 Seeing this察old Hard Times gets up察

with   the   devil   in   his   eye察  and   a   revolver   in   his   hand察  followed   by   the 

yellow dog察with every tooth showing察and swings open the door。                     No one 

there    But as the man opened the door察that yellow dog察that had been so 

chipper before察suddenly begins to crouch and step backward察step by step察

trembling      and   shivering察   and   at  last  crouches     down     in  the   chimney察

without even so much as looking at his master。                The man slams the door 

shut again察but there comes another smash。 

     This time it seems to come from inside the cabin察and it isn't until the 

man   looks     around    and   sees   everything     quiet   that   he  gets  up察 without 

speaking察and makes a dash for the door察and tears round outside the cabin 

like   mad察  but   finds   nothing   but   silence   and   darkness。    Then   he   comes 

back swearing and calls the dog。            But that great yellow dog that the boys 

would have staked all their money on is crouching under the bunk察and has 

to be dragged out like a coon from a hollow tree察and lies there察his eyes 

starting from their sockets察every limb and muscle quivering with fear察and 

his very hair drawn up in bristling ridges。            The man calls him to the door。 

He drags himself a few steps察stops察sniffs察and refuses to go further。                 The 

man   calls   him   again察  with   an   oath   and   a   threat。   Then察  what   does   that 

yellow dog do拭       He crawls edgewise towards the door察crouching himself 

against the bunk till he's flatter than a knife blade察then察half way察he stops。 

Then that dd yellow dog begins to walk gingerlylifting each foot up in 

the air察one after the other察still trembling in every limb。               Then he stops 

again。 Then he crouches。           Then he gives one little shuddering leapnot 

straight forward察but upclearing the floor about six inches察as if; 

     ;Over something察─interrupted the Judge察hastily察lifting himself on his 


     The   Doctor   stopped   instantly。      ;Juan察─  he   said   coolly察  to   one   of   the 

Mexican packers察 quit foolin' with that riata。              You'll have that stake out 

and that mule loose in another minute。             Come over this way ─

     The   Mexican   turned   a   scared察  white   face   to   the   Doctor察  muttering 

something察  and   let   go   the   deer´skin   hide。    We   all   up´raised   our   voices 

with    one    accord察   the   Judge    most    penitently    and   apologetically察    and 

implored the Doctor to go on。           ;I'll shoot the first man who interrupts you 


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                                  DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

again察─added Thornton察persuasively。 

     But the Doctor察with his hands languidly under his head察had lost his 

interest。    ;Well察  the   dog   ran   off   to   the   hills察  and   neither   the   threats   nor 

cajoleries of his master could ever make him enter the cabin again。                    The 

next day the man left the camp。           What time is it拭Getting on to sundown察

ain't it拭  Keep off my leg察will you察you dd Greaser察and stop stumbling 

round there    

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