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drift from two shores(働送)-及19准

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course。     It's a matter of; he began to fumble in his pockets察and finally 

produced      a  small   memorandum´         book察  which    he   glanced    over;it's  a 

matter of 250。; 

     ;I don't understand you察─said Mrs。 Catron察in indignant astonishment。 

     ;On the 15th of July察─said the captain察consulting his memorandum´ 

book察   Roger   sold   his   claim   at   Nye's   Ford   for   1500。   Now察  le's   see。 

Thar was nigh on 350 ez he admitted to me he lost at poker察and we'll add 

50 to that for treating察suppers察and drinks gin'rallyput Roger down for 

400。     Then     there   was   YOU。      Now     you   spent   250    on   your   trip  to 

'Frisco thet summer察then 200 went for them presents you sent your Aunt 

Jane察and thar was 400 for house expenses。                Well察thet foots up 1250。 

Now察what's become of thet other 250拭─

     Mrs。 Catron's woman's impulse to retaliate sharply overcame her first 

natural indignation at her visitor's impudence。 

     Therein she lost察woman´like察her ground of vantage。 

     ;Perhaps the woman he fled with can tell you察─she said savagely。 

     ;Thet察─said the captain察slowly察 is a good察a reasonable idee。 But it 

ain't   true察 from   all  I  can   gather   SHE    lent  HIM     money。     It  didn't   go 


     ;Roger Catron left me penniless察─said Mrs。 Catron察hotly。 

     ;Thet's   jist   what   gets   me。  You   oughter   have   250   somewhar   lying 


     Mrs。    Catron    saw   her   error。   ;May     I  ask   what   right   you   have   to 

question   me拭     If   you   have   any察  I   must   refer   you   to   my   lawyer   or   my 

brother´in´law察if you have none察I hope you will not oblige me to call the 

servants to put you from the house。; 

     ;Thet     sounds      reasonable     and    square察    too察─  said    the   captain察

thoughtfully察 I've a power of attorney from Roger Catron to settle up his 

affairs and pay his debts察given a week afore them detectives handed ye 

over his dead body。         But I thought that you and me might save lawyer's 

fees and all fuss and feathers察ef察in a sociable察sad´like waylookin' back 

sorter   on   Roger   ez   you   and   me   once   knew   himwe   had   a   quiet   talk 



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                                  DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

     ;Good   morning察  sir察─  said   Mrs。   Catron察  rising   stiffly。    The   captain 

hesitated a moment察a slight flush of color came in his face as he at last 

rose as the lady backed out of the room。               ;Good morning察ma'am察─said 

the captain察and departed。 

     Very little was known of this interview except the general impression 

in the family that Mrs。 Catron had successfully resisted a vague attempt at 

blackmail from one of her husband's former dissolute companions。                      Yet it 

is only fair to say that Mrs。 Catron snapped up察quite savagely察two male 

sympathizers on this subject察and cried a good deal for two days afterward察

and   once察  in   the   hearing   of   her   sister´in´law察  to   that   lady's   great   horror察

;wished she was dead。; 

     A week after this interview察as Lawyer Phillips sat in his office察he was 

visited    by  Macleod。      Recognizing察      possibly察   some    practical   difference 

between the widow and the lawyer察Captain Dick this time first produced 

his credentialsa ;power of attorney。;           ;I need not tell you察─said Phillips察

;that   the   death   of   your   principal   renders   this   instrument   invalid察  and   I 

suppose you know that察leaving no will察and no property察his estate has not 

been administered upon。; 

     ;Mebbe it is察and mebbe it isn't。           But I hain't askin' for anythin' but 

information。       There     was   a  bit  o'  prop'ty   and   a  mill   onto   it察 over  at 

Heavytree察ez sold for 10000。           I don't see察─said the captain察consulting 

his memorandum´book察 ez HE got anything out of it。; 

     ;It   was   mortgaged      for  7000察─   said   the  lawyer察   quickly察   and   the 

interest and fees amount to about 3000 more。; 

     ;The mortgage was given as security for a note拭─

     ;Yes察a gambling debt察─said the lawyer察sharply。 

     ;Thet's    so察  and   my   belief   ez   that  it  wasn't   a  square    game。     He 

shouldn't hev given no note。          Why察don't ye mind察'way back in '60察when 

you and me waz in Marysville察that night that you bucked agin faro察and 

lost   seving   hundred   dollars察  and   then   refoosed   to   take   up   your   checks察

saying it was fraud and a gambling debt拭               And don't ye mind when that 

chap kicked ye察and I helped to drag him off ye and; 

     ;I'm   busy   now察  Mr。   Macleod察─  said   Phillips察  hastily察   my   clerk   will 

give you all the information you require。            Good morning。; 


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                                   DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

     ;It's mighty queer察─said the captain察thoughtfully察as he descended the 

stairs察 but the moment the conversation gets limber and sociable´like察and 

I gets to runnin' free under easy sail察it's always 'Good morning察Captain' 

and we're becalmed。; 

     By    some    occult    influence察   all  the  foregoing     conversation察     slightly 

exaggerated察and the whole interview of the captain with the widow with 

sundry additions察became the common property of Sandy Bar察to the great 

delight   of   the   boys。    There   was   scarcely   a   person   who   had   ever   had 

business or social relations with Roger Catron察whom ;The Frozen Truth察─

as Sandy Bar delighted to designate the captain察had not ;interviewed察─as 

simply and directly。         It is said that he closed a conversation with one of 

the San Francisco detectives察who had found Roger Catron's body察in these 

words此 And now hevin' got   throo' bizness察I was   goin' to ask ye   what's 

gone   of   Matt。   Jones察  who   was   with   ye   in   the   bush   in Austraily。   Lord察

how he got me quite interested in ye察telling me how you and him got out 

on a ticket´of´leave察and was chased by them milishy guards察and at last 

swam out   to   a  San   Francisco   bark   and   escaped察─but   here  the inevitable 

pressure of previous business always stopped the captain's conversational 

flow。    The natural result of this was a singular reaction in favor of the late 

Roger Catron in the public sentiment of Sandy Bar察so strong察indeed察as to 

induce the Rev。 Mr。 Joshua McSnagly察the next Sunday察to combat it with 

the moral of   Catron's   life。      After the   service察 he was   approached   in the 

vestibule察 and   in   the   hearing   of   some   of   his   audience察  by  Captain   Dick察

with   the   following   compliment此   In   many   pints   ye   hed   jess   got   Roger 

Catron down to a hair。         I knew ye'd do it此why察Lord love ye察you and him 

had pints in common察and when he giv' ye that hundred dollars arter the 

fire in Sacramento察to help ye rebuild the parsonage察he said to meme 

not likin' ye on account o' my being on the committee that invited ye to 

resign from Marysville all along o' that affair with Deacon Pursell's darter察

and   a   piece   she   was察  parson   ehwell察  Roger察  he   ups   and   sez   to   me察

'Every   man   hez   his   faults'   sez   he察  and   sez   he察  'there's   no   reason   why   a 

parson ain't a human being like us察and that gal o' Pursell's is pizen察ez I 

know。'      So    ye  see察  I  seed   that  ye   was   hittin'  yourself    over   Catron's 

shoulder察like them early martyrs。;            But here察as Captain Dick was clearly 


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                                  DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

blocking up all egress from the church察the sexton obliged him to move on察

and again he was stopped in his conversational career。 

     But only for a time。       Before long察it was whispered that Captain Dick 

had   ordered   a   meeting   of   the   creditors察  debtors察  and   friends   of   Roger 

Catron at Robinson's Hall。          It was suggested察with some show of reason察

that   this   had   been   done   at   the   instigation   of   various   practical   jokers   of 

Sandy Bar察who had imposed on the simple directness of the captain察and 

the attendance that night certainly indicated something more than a mere 

business   meeting。  All   of   Sandy   Bar   crowded   into   Robinson's   Hall察  and 

long before Captain Dick made his appearance on the platform察with his 

inevitable memorandum´book察every inch of floor was crowded。 

     The   captain     began    to  read  the   expenditures     of   Roger   Catron    with 

relentless fidelity of detail。      Th

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