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muffled and supplemental bray that came from the woods at intervals drew 

half   the   crowd    away    and   reduced     the  other   half   to  mere   perfunctory 

hearers。     The   demoralized   meeting   was   adjourned察  Colonel   Starbottle's 

withering      reply   remained      unuttered察   and   the   Bungstarter     party    were 


     For the rest of the evening Jinny was the heroine of the hour察but no 

cajolery   nor   flattery   could   induce   her   to   again   exhibit   her   powers。   In 

vain did   Dean   of Angel's   extemporize   a short   harangue   in   the hope   that 

Jinny would be tempted   to   reply察in   vain   was every  provocation offered 

that might sting her sensitive nature to eloquent revolt。               She replied only 

with her heels。       Whether or not this was simple caprice察or whether she 


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                                    DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

was     satisfied    with   her   maiden      effort察 or   indignant     at  her   subsequent 

treatment察  she   remained   silent。        ;She   made   her   little   game察─  said   Dan察

who   was   a   political   adherent   of   Starbottle's察  and   who   yet   from   that   day 

enjoyed the great speaker's undying hatred察 and even if me and her don't 

agree on politicsYOU let her alone。;                Alas察it would have been well for 

Dan   if   he   could   have   been      true   to   his   instincts察  but   the   offer   of   one 

hundred   dollars   from   the   Bungstarter   party   proved   too   tempting。              She 

passed   irrevocably   from   his   hands   into   those   of   the   enemy。           But   any 

reader of these lines will察I trust察rejoice to hear that this attempt to restrain 

free   political   expression   in   the   foot´hills   failed   signally。      For察  although 

she was again covertly introduced on the platform by the Bungstarters察and 

placed   face   to   face   with   Colonel   Starbottle   at   Murphy's   Camp察  she   was 

dumb。       Even a brass band failed to excite her emulation。                  Either she had 

become   disgusted   with   politics   or   the   higher  prices   paid   by  the  party  to 

other   and   less   effective   speakers   aroused   her   jealousy   and   shocked   her 

self´esteem察      but   she   remained      a   passive    spectator。      When      the   Hon。 

Sylvester Rourback察who received察for the use of his political faculties for 

a   single   night察  double   the   sum   for   which   she   was   purchased   outright察

appeared on the same platform with herself察she forsook it hurriedly and 

took to the woods。          Here she might have starved but for the intervention 

of   one   McCarty察  a   poor   market   gardener察  who   found   her察  and   gave   her 

food and shelter under the implied contract that she should forsake politics 

and   go   to   work。   The   latter   she   for   a   long   time   resisted察  but   as   she   was 

considered large enough by this time to draw a cart察McCarty broke her to 

single harness察with a severe fracture of his leg and the loss of four teeth 

and a small spring wagon。             At length察when she could be trusted to carry 

his wares to Murphy's Camp察and could be checked from entering a shop 

with the cart attached to hera fact of which she always affected perfect 

disbeliefher education was considered as complete as that of the average 

California   donkey。   It   was   still unsafe   to   leave   her  alone察  as   she  disliked 

solitude察and always made it a point to join any group of loungers with her 

unnecessary   cart察  and   even   to   follow   some   good´looking   miner   to   his 

cabin。      The first time this peculiarity was discovered by her owner was 

on his return to the street after driving a bargain within the walls of the 


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                                   DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

Temperance Hotel。           Jinny was nowhere to be seen。             Her devious course察

however察  was   pleasingly   indicated   by   vegetables   that   strewed   the   road 

until she was at last tracked to the veranda of the Arcade saloon察where she 

was   found   looking   through   the   window   at   a   game   of   euchre察  and   only 

deterred   by   the   impeding   cart   from   entering   the   building。        A  visit   one 

Sunday to the little Catholic chapel at French Camp察where she attempted 

to   introduce     an   antiphonal      service    and   the   cart察 brought     shame     and 

disgrace      upon    her   unlucky     master。      For    the   cart   contained     freshly´ 

gathered vegetables察and the fact that McCarty had been Sabbath´breaking 

was painfully evident。          Father Sullivan was quick to turn an incident that 

provoked only the risibilities of his audience into a moral lesson。                   ;It's the 

poor     dumb     beast   that   has   a  more     Christian    sowl    than   Michael察─     he 

commented察but here   Jinny  assented   so   positively  that they  were   fain   to 

drag her away by main force。 

     To her eccentric and thoughtless youth succeeded a calm maturity in 

which      her   conservative      sagacity     was    steadily   developed。       She     now 

worked for her living察subject察however察to a nice discrimination by which 

she   limited   herself   to   a   certain   amount   of   work察  beyond   which   neither 

threats察  beatings察  nor   cajoleries      would   force   her。    At   certain   hours    she 

would start for the stable with or without the incumbrances of the cart or 

Michael察turning two long and deaf ears on all expostulation or entreaty。 

;Now察  God   be   good   to   me察─  said   Michael察  one   day   picking   himself   out 

from a ditch as he gazed sorrowfully after the flying heels of Jinny察 but 

it's   only   the   second   load   of   cabbages   I'm   bringin'   the   day察  and   if   she's 

shtruck NOW察it's ruined I am entoirely。;               But he was mistaken察after two 

hours of rumination Jinny returned of her own free will察having evidently 

mistaken the time察and it is said even consented to draw an extra load to 

make      up   the   deficiency。      It   may    be   imagined      from    this   and   other 

circumstances        that   Michael     stood    a  little  in  awe    of   Jinny's   superior 

intellect察   and    that   Jinny    occasionally察     with   the   instinct    of   her   sex察

presumed upon it。         After the Sunday episode察already referred to察she was 

given   her   liberty   on   that   day察  a   privilege   she   gracefully   recognized   by 

somewhat unbending her usual austerity in the indulgence of a saturnine 

humor。       She    would     visit  the   mining     camps察    and察  grazing    lazily   and 


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                                  DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

thoughtfully before the cabins察would察by various artifices and coquetries 

known   to   the   female   heart察  induce   some   credulous   stranger   to   approach 

her with the intention of taking a ride。           She would submit hesitatingly to 

a halter察allow him to mount her back察and察with every expression of timid 

and fearful reluctance察at last permit him to guide her in a laborious trot 

out of sight of human habitation。           What happened then was never clearly 

known。      In   a   few   moments   the   camp   would   be   aroused   by   shouts   and 

execrations察and the spectacle of Jinny tearing by at a frightful pace察with 

the stranger clinging with his arms around her neck察afraid to slip off察from 

terror of her circumvolving heels察and vainly imploring assistance。                 Again 

and     again    she   would     dash   by    the   applauding     groups察    adding    the 

aggravation      of   her  voice    to  the  danger     of  her   heels察  until  suddenly 

wheeling察  she   would   gallop   to   Carter's   Pond察  and   deposit   her   luckless 

freight   in   the   muddy   ditch。   This   practical   joke   was   repeated   until   one 

Sunday she was approached by Juan Ramirez察a Mexican vaquero察booted 

and   spurred察  and   carrying   a   riata。   A  crowd   was   assembled   to   see   her 

discomfiture。      But察to the intense disappointment of the camp察Jinny察after 

quietly surveying the stranger察uttered a sardonic bray察and ambled away to 

the    little  cemetery    on    the  hill察 whose     tangled    chapparal     effectually 

prevented      all  pursuit   by   her   skilled   antagonist。     From     that  day    she 

forsook the camp察and spent her Sabbaths in mortuary reflections among 

the pine head´boards and cold ;hic jacets; of the dead。 

     Happy would i

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