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thankful   for   his   zealous   care   and   economy。       A  few察  I   think察 suffered   in 

noble silence察rather than bring the old man's infirmity to the public notice。 

     And so with this honor of Daddy and Mammy察the days of the miners 

were long and profitable in the land of the foot´hills。                 The mines yielded 

their   abundance察  the   winters   were   singularly   open   and   yet   there   was   no 

drouth   nor   lack   of   water察  and   peace   and   plenty   smiled   on   the   Sierrean 

foothills察from their highest sunny upland to the trailing falda of wild oats 

and poppies。        If a certain superstition got abroad among the other camps察

connecting the fortunes of Rough´ and´Ready with Daddy and Mammy察it 


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                                   DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

was a gentle察harmless fancy察and was not察I think察altogether rejected by 

the   old   people。    A   certain   large察  patriarchal察  bountiful   manner察  of   late 

visible in Daddy察and the increase of much white hair and beard察kept up 

the poetic illusion察while Mammy察day by day察grew more and more like 

somebody's fairy godmother。             An attempt was made by a rival camp to 

emulate      these   paying    virtues   of  reverence察    and   an   aged   mariner     was 

procured from the Sailor's Snug Harbor in San Francisco察on trial。 But the 

unfortunate seaman was more or less diseased察was not always presentable察

through   a   weakness   for   ardent   spirits察  and   finally察  to   use   the   powerful 

idiom of one of his disappointed foster´children察 up and died in a week察

without   slinging   ary   blessin'。;      But   vicissitude   reaches   young   and   old 

alike。    Youthful   Rough´and´   Ready  and   the  Saints   had   climbed   to   their 

meridian   together察  and   it   seemed   fit   that   they   should   together   decline。 

The     first  shadow    fell  with   the   immigration      to  Rough´and´Ready   of        a 

second aged pair。 The landlady of the Independence Hotel had not abated 

her   malevolence   towards   the   Saints察  and   had   imported   at   considerable 

expense her grand´aunt and grand´uncle察who had been enjoying for some 

years a sequestered retirement in the poorhouse at East Machias。                       They 

were indeed very old。          By what miracle察even as anatomical specimens察

they  had been preserved during   their  long   journey  was   a   mystery  to   the 

camp。      In some respects they had superior memories and reminiscences。 

The old manAbner Trixhad shouldered a musket in the war of 1812察his 

wife察  Abigail察  had   seen   Lady   Washington。         She   could   sing   hymns察  he 

knew every text between ;the leds; of a Bible。                 There is little doubt but 

that   in   many   respects察  to   the   superficial   and   giddy   crowd   of   youthful 

spectators察they were the more interesting spectacle。 

     Whether it was jealousy察distrust察or timidity that overcame the Saints察

was   never   known察  but   they   studiously   declined   to   meet   the   strangers。 

When      directly   approached       upon    the  subject察   Daddy     Downey      pleaded 

illness察  kept   himself   in   close   seclusion察  and   the   Sunday   that   the   Trixes 

attended   church   in   the  school´house   on   the   hill察  the   triumph   of   the  Trix 

party    was    mitigated    by   the  fact   that  the   Downeys      were    not   in  their 

accustomed pew。          ;You bet that Daddy and Mammy is lying low jest to 

ketch them old mummies yet察─explained a Downeyite。                      For by this time 


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                                   DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

schism      and   division    had    crept   into   the  camp察    the   younger     and   later 

members of the settlement adhering to the Trixes察while the older pioneers 

stood not only loyal to their own favorites察but even察in the true spirit of 

partisanship察     began     to  seek   for   a  principle    underlying      their   personal 

feelings。     ;I   tell   ye   what察  boys察─  observed   Sweetwater   Joe察   if   this   yer 

camp is goin' to be run by greenhorns察and old pioneers察like Daddy and 

the rest of us察must take back seats察it's time we emigrated and shoved out察

and tuk Daddy with us。            Why察they're talkin' of rotation in offiss察and of 

putting that skeleton that   Ma'am  Decker sets  up at the   table察to take her 

boarders' appetites away察into the post´ office in place o' Daddy。;                       And察

indeed察  there   were   some   fears   of   such   a   conclusion察  the   newer   men   of 

Rough´and´Ready   were   in   the   majority察  and   wielded   a   more   than   equal 

influence   of   wealth   and   outside       enterprise。     ;Frisco察─  as   a   Downeyite 

bitterly  remarked察  already  owned   half the   town。;              The old   friends   that 

rallied    around     Daddy     and    Mammy        were察  like   most    loyal    friends   in 

adversity察in bad case themselves察and were beginning to look and act察it 

was observed察not unlike their old favorites。 

     At this juncture Mammy died。 

     The sudden blow for a few days seemed to reunite dissevered Rough´ 

and´Ready。         Both      factions     hastened     to   the   bereaved      Daddy      with 

condolements察and offers of aid and assistance。                 But the old man received 

them      sternly。     A    change      had    come     over    the   weak     and    yielding 

octogenarian。         Those      who    expected      to  find   him    maudlin察     helpless察

disconsolate察shrank from the cold察hard eyes and truculent voice that bade 

them   ;begone察─  and   ;leave   him   with   his   dead。;        Even   his   own   friends 

failed   to   make   him   respond   to   their  sympathy察  and   were   fain   to   content 

themselves with his cold intimation that both the wishes of his dead wife 

and   his   own   instincts   were   against   any   display察  or   the   reception   of   any 

favor   from   the   camp   that   might   tend   to   keep   up   the   divisions   they   had 

innocently created。         The refusal of Daddy to accept any service offered 

was   so   unlike   him   as   to   have   but   one   dreadful   meaning      The   sudden 

shock      had   turned    his   brain    Yet    so   impressed      were    they    with   his 

resolution that they permitted him to perform the last sad offices himself察

and only a select few of his nearer neighbors assisted him in carrying the 


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                                   DRIFT FROM TWO SHORES 

plain   deal   coffin   from  his   lonely  cabin   in   the   woods   to   the   still   lonelier 

cemetery on the hill´top。 

     When   the   shallow   grave   was   filled察  he   dismissed   even   these   curtly察

shut   himself     up   in  his   cabin察  and   for   days   remained     unseen。     It   was 

evident that he was no longer in his right mind。 

     His   harmless   aberration   was   accepted   and   treated   with   a   degree   of 

intelligent delicacy hardly to be believed of so rough a community。 During 

his wife's sudden and severe illness察the safe containing the funds intrusted 

to   his   care   by   the   various   benevolent   associations   was   broken   into   and 

robbed察  and   although   the   act   was   clearly   attributable   to   his   carelessness 

and preoccupation察all allusion   to the fact was   withheld from him in   his 

severe   affliction。      When      he   appeared   again     before    the   camp察   and   the 

circumstances were considerately explained to him察with the remark that 

;the boys had made it all right察─the vacant察hopeless察unintelligent eye that 

he   turned   upon the   speaker   showed too plainly  that   he had   forgotten   all 

about it。     ;Don't trouble the old man察─said Whisky Dick察with a burst of 

honest poetry。       ;Don't   ye see   his memory's   dead察and lying there in the 

coffin    with    Mammy拭─       Perhaps     the   speaker    was    nearer    right   than   he 


     Failing in religious consolation察they took various means of diverting 

his   mind   with   worldly   amusements察  and   one   was   a   visit   to   a   traveling 

variety troupe察then performing in the town。                 The result of the visit was 

briefly   told   by  Whisky   Dick。       ;Well察  sir察  we   went   in察  and   I   sot   the   old 

man down in a front seat察and kinder propped him up with some other of 

the fellers   round him察 and there   he sot   as   silent and   awful   ez the   grave。 

And then that fancy dancer察Miss Grace 

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