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marquise de brinvilliers-第16节

小说: marquise de brinvilliers 字数: 每页4000字

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  It became still worse when she reached the threshold of the vestibule and saw the great crowd waiting in the court。  Then her face worked convulsively; and crouching down; as though she would bury her feet in the earth; she addressed the doctor in words both plaintive and wild: 〃Is it possible that; after what is now happening; M。 de Brinvilliers can endure to go on living?〃

〃Madame;〃 said the doctor; 〃when our Lord was about to leave His disciples; He did not ask God to remove them from this earth; but to preserve them from all sin。  'My Father;' He said; 'I ask not that You take them from the world; but keep them safe from evil。' If; madame; you pray for M。 de Brinvilliers; let it be only that he may be kept in grace; if he has it; and may attain to it if he has it not。〃

But the words were useless: at that moment the humiliation was too great and too public; her face contracted; her eyebrows knit; flames darted from her eyes; her mouth was all twisted。  Her whole appearance was horrible; the devil was once more in possession。 During this paroxysm; which lasted nearly a quarter of an hour; Lebrun; who stood near; got such a vivid impression of her face that the following night he could not sleep; and with the sight of it ever before his eyes made the fine drawing whichis now in the Louvre; giving to the figure the head of a tiger; in order to show that the principal features were the same; and the whole resemblance very striking。

The delay in progress was caused by the immense crowd blocking the court; only pushed aside by archers on horseback; who separated the people。 The marquise now went out; and the doctor; lest the sight of the people should completely distract her; put a crucifix in her hand; bidding her fix her gaze upon it。  This advice she followed till they gained the gate into the street where the tumbril was waiting; then she lifted her eyes to see the shameful object。  It was one of the smallest of carts; still splashed with mud and marked by the stones it had carried; with no seat; only a little straw at the bottom。  It was drawn by a wretched horse; well matching the disgraceful conveyance。

The executioner bade her get in first; which she did very rapidly; as if to escape observation。  There she crouched like a wild beast; in the left corner; on the straw; riding backwards。  The doctor sat beside her on the right。  Then the executioner got in; shutting the door behind him; and sat opposite her; stretching his legs between the doctor's。  His man; whose business it was to guide the horse; sat on the front; back to back with the doctor and the marquise; his feet stuck out on the shafts。  Thus it is easy to understand how Madame de Sevigne; who was on the Pont Notre…Dame; could see nothing but the headdress of the marquise as she was driven to Notre…Dame。

The cortege had only gone a few steps; when the face of the marquise; for a time a little calmer; was again convulsed。  From her eyes; fixed constantly on the crucifix; there darted a flaming glance; then came a troubled and frenzied look which terrified the doctor。  He knew she must have been struck by something she saw; and; wishing to calm her; asked what it was。

〃Nothing; nothing;〃 she replied quickly; looking towards him; 〃it was nothing。〃

〃But; madame;〃 said he; 〃you cannot give the lie to your own eyes; and a minute ago I saw a fire very different from the fire of love; which only some displeasing sight can have provoked。  What may this be?  Tell me; pray; for you promised to tell me of any sort of temptation that might assail you。〃

〃Sir;〃 she said; 〃I will do so; but it is nothing。〃  Then; looking towards the executioner; who; as we know; sat facing the doctor; she said; 〃Put me in front of you; please; hide that man from me。〃  And she stretched out her hands towards a man who was following the tumbril on horseback; and so dropped the torch; which the doctor took; and the crucifix; which fell on the floor。  The executioner looked back; and then turned sideways as she wished; nodding and saying; 〃Oh yes; I understand。〃  The doctor pressed to know what it meant; and she said; 〃It is nothing worth telling you; and it is a weakness in me not to be able to bear the sight of a man who has ill… used me。  The man who touched the back of the tumbril is Desgrais; who arrested me at Liege; and treated me so badly all along the road。 When I saw him; I could not control myself; as you noticed。〃

〃Madame;〃 said the doctor; 〃I have heard of him; and you yourself spoke of him in confession; but the man was sent to arrest you; and was in a responsible position; so that he had to guard you closely and rigorously; even if he had been more severe; he would only have been carrying out his orders。  Jesus Christ; madame; could but have regarded His executioners as ministers of iniquity; servants of injustice; who added of their own accord every indignity they could think of; yet all along the way He looked on them with patience and more than patience; and in His death He prayed for them。〃

In the heart of the marquise a hard struggle was passing; and this was reflected on her face; but it was only for a moment; and after a last convulsive shudder she was again calm and serene; then she said:

〃Sir; you are right; and I am very wrong to feel such a fancy as this: may God forgive me; and pray remember this fault on the scaffold; when you give me the absolution you promise; that this too may be pardoned me。〃  Then she turned to the executioner and said; 〃Please sit where you were before; that I may see M。 Desgrais。〃  The man hesitated; but on a sign from the doctor obeyed。  The marquise looked fully at Desgrais for some time; praying for him; then; fixing her eyes on the crucifix; began to pray for herself: this incident occurred in front of the church of Sainte…Genevieve des Ardents。

But; slowly as it moved; the tumbril steadily advanced; and at last reached the place of Notre…Dame。  The archers drove back the crowding people; and the tumbril went up to the steps; and there stopped。  The executioner got down; removed the board at the back; held out his arms to the marquise; and set her down on the pavement。  The doctor then got down; his legs quite numb from the cramped position he had been in since they left the Conciergerie。  He mounted the church steps and stood behind the marquise; who herself stood on the square; with the registrar on her right; the executioner on her left; and a great crowd of people behind her; inside the church; all the doors being thrown open。  She was made to kneel; and in her hands was placed the lighted torch; which up to that time the doctor had helped to carry。  Then the registrar read the 'amende honorable' from a written paper; and she began to say it after him; but in so low a voice that the executioner said loudly; 〃Speak out as he does; repeat every word。  Louder; louder!〃  Then she raised her voice; and loudly and firmly recited the following apology。

〃I confess that; wickedly and for revenge; I poisoned my father and my brothers; and attempted to poison my sister; to obtain possession of their goods; and I ask pardon of God; of the king; and of my country's laws。〃

The 'amende honorable' over; the executioner again carried her to the tumbril; not giving her the torch any more: the doctor sat beside her: all was just as before; and the tumbril went on towards La Greve。  From that moment; until she arrived at the scaffold; she never took her eyes off the crucifix; which the doctor held before her the whole time; exhorting her with religious words; trying to divert her attention from the terrible noise which the people made around the car; a murmur mingled with curses。

When they reached the Place de Greve; the tumbril stopped at a little distance from the scaffold。  Then the registrar M。 Drouet; came up on horseback; and; addressing the marquise; said; 〃Madame; have you nothing more to say?  If you wish to make any declaration; the twelve commissaries are here at hand; ready to receive it。〃

〃You see; madame;〃 said the doctor; 〃we are now at the end of our journey; and; thank God; you have not lost your power of endurance on the road; do not destroy the effect of all you have suffered and all you have yet to suffer by concealing what you know; if perchance you do know more than you have hitherto said。〃

〃I have told all I know;〃 said the marquise; 〃and there is no more I can say。〃

〃Repeat these words in a loud voice;〃 said the doctor; 〃so that everybody may hear。〃

Then in her loudest voice the marquise repeated

〃I have told all I know; and there is no more I can say。〃

After this declaration; they were going to drive the tumbril nearer to the scaffold; but the crowd was so dense that the assistant could not force a way through; though he struck out on every side with his whip。  So they had to stop a few paces short。  The executioner had already got down; and was adjusting the ladder。  In this terrible moment of waiting; the marquise looked calmly and gratefully at the doctor; and when she felt that the tumbril had stopped; said; 〃Sir; it is not here we part: you promised not to leave me till my head is cut off。  I trust you will keep your word。〃

〃To be sure I will;〃 the doctor replied; 〃we shall n

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