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4 breaking dawn破晓-第75节

小说: 4 breaking dawn破晓 字数: 每页4000字

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that they'd all been waiting for。 

〃Rose;〃 I said through my teeth; very slowly and precisely。 〃Take Renesmee。〃 

Rosalie held her hands out; and Jacob handed my daughter to her at once。 Both of them backed away 
from me。 

〃Edward; I don't want to hurt you; so please let go of me。〃 

He hesitated。 

〃Go stand in front of Renesmee;〃 I suggested。 

He deliberated; and then let me go。 

I leaned into my hunting crouch and took two slow steps forward toward Jacob。 

〃You didn't;〃 I snarled at him。 

He backed away; palms up; trying to reason with me。 〃You know it's not something I can control。〃 

〃You stupid mutt How could you? My babyf 

He backed out the front door now as I stalked him; half…running backward down the stairs。 〃It wasn't 
my idea; Bella!〃 

〃I've held her all of one time; and already you think you have some moronic wolfy claim to her? She's 

〃I can share;〃 he said pleadingly as he retreated across the lawn。 

〃Pay up;〃 I heard Emmett say behind me。 A small part of my brain wondered who had bet against this 
outcome。 I didn't waste much attention on it。 I was too furious。 

〃How dare you imprint on my baby? Have you lost your mind?〃 

〃It was involuntary!〃 he insisted; backing into the trees。 

Then he wasn't alone。 The two huge wolves reappeared; flanking him on either side。 Leah snapped at 

A fearsome snarl ripped through my teeth back at her。 The sound disturbed me; but not enough to stop 
my advance。 

〃Bella; would you try to listen for just a second? Please?〃 Jacob begged。 〃Leah; back off;〃 he added。 

Leah curled her lip at me and didn't move。 

〃Why should I listen?〃 I hissed。 Fury reigned in my head。 It clouded everything else out。 

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〃Because you're the one who told me this。 Do you remember? You said we belonged in each other's 
lives; right? That we were family。 You said that was how you and I were supposed to be。 So。。。 now we 
are。 It's what you wanted。〃 

I glared ferociously。 I did dimly remember those words。 But my new quick brain was two steps ahead of 
his nonsense。 

〃You think you'll be part of my family as my son…in…lawV I screeched。 My bell voice ripped through two 
octaves and still came out sounding like music。 

Emmett laughed。 

〃Stop her; Edward;〃 Esme murmured。 〃She'll be unhappy if she hurts him。〃 

But I felt no pursuit behind me。 

〃No!〃 Jacob was insisting at the same time。 〃How can you even look at it that way? She's just a baby; 
for crying out loud!〃 

〃That's mypointl〃 I yelled。 

〃You know I don't think of her that way! Do you think Edward would have let me live this long if I did? 
All I want is for her to be safe and happy—is that so bad? So different from what you want?〃 He was 
shouting right back at me。 

Beyond words; I shrieked a growl at him。 

〃Amazing; isn't she?〃 I heard Edward murmur。 

〃She hasn't gone for his throat even once;〃 Carlisle agreed; sounding stunned。 

〃Fine; you win this one;〃 Emmett said grudgingly。 

〃You're going to stay away from her;〃 I hissed up at Jacob。 

〃I can't do that!〃 

Through my teeth: 〃Try。 Starting now〃 

〃It's not possible。 Do you remember how much you wanted me around three days ago? How hard it 
was to be apart from each other? That's gone for you now; isn't it?〃 

I glared; not sure what he was implying。 

〃That was her;〃 he told me。 〃From the very beginning。 We had to be together; even then。〃 

I remembered; and then I understood; a tiny part of me was relieved to have the madness explained。 But 
that relief somehow only made me angrier。 Was he expecting that to be enough for me? That one little 
clarification would make me okay with this? 

〃Run away while you still can;〃 I threatened。 

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〃C'mon;Bells! Nessie likes me; too;〃 he insisted。 

I froze。 My breathing stopped。 Behind me; I heard the lack of sound that was their anxious reaction。 

〃What。。。did youcall her?〃 

Jacob took a step farther back; managing to look sheepish。 〃Well;〃 he mumbled; 〃that name you came 
up with is kind of a mouthful and—〃 

〃You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness Monster?〃 I screeched。 

And then I lunged for his throat。 


Tm so sorry; Seth。 I should have been closer。〃 

Edward was still apologizing; and I didn't think that was either fair or appropriate。 After all; Edward 
hadn't completely and inexcusably lost control of his temper。 Edward hadn't tried to rip Jacob's head off 
—Jacob; who wouldn't even phase to protect himself—and then accidentally broken Seth's shoulder and 
collarbone when he jumped in between。 Edward hadn't almost killed his best friend。 

Not that the best friend didn't have a few things to answer for; but; obviously; nothing Jacob had done 
could have mitigated my behavior。 

So shouldn't / have been the one apologizing? I tried again。 

〃Seth; I—〃 

〃Don't worry about it; Bella; I'm totally fine;〃 Seth said at the same time that Edward said; 〃Bella; love; 
no one is judging you。 You're doing so well。〃 

They hadn't let me finish a sentence yet。 

It only made it worse that Edward was having a difficult time keeping the smile off his face。 I knew that 
Jacob didn't deserve my overreaction; but Edward seemed to find something satisfying in it。 Maybe he 
was just wishing that he had the excuse of being a newborn so that he could do something physical about 
his irritation with Jacob; too。 

I tried to erase the anger from my system entirely; but it was hard; knowing that Jacob was outside with 
Renesmee right now。 Keeping her safe from me; the crazed newborn。 

Carlisle secured another piece of the brace to Seth's arm; and Seth winced。 

〃Sorry; sorry!〃 I mumbled; knowing I'd never get a fully articulated apology out。 

〃Don't freak; Bella;〃 Seth said; patting my knee with his good hand while Edward rubbed my arm from 
the other side。 

Seth seemed to feel no aversion to having me sit beside him on the sofa as Carlisle treated him。 〃I'll be 

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back to normal in half an hour;〃 he continued; still patting my knee as if oblivious to the cold; hard texture 
of it。 〃Anyone would have done the same; what with Jake and Ness—〃 He broke off mid…word and 
changed the subject quickly。 〃I mean; at least you didn't bite me or anything。 That would've sucked。〃 

I buried my face in my hands and shuddered at the thought; at the very real possibility。 It could have 
happened so easily。 And werewolves didn't react to vampire venom the same way humans did; they'd 
told me only now。 It was poison to them。 

〃I'm a bad person。〃 

〃Of course you aren't。 I should have—;〃 Edward started。 

〃Stop that;〃 I sighed。 I didn't want him taking the blame for this the way he always took everything on 

〃Lucky thing Ness—Renesmee's not venomous;〃 Seth said after a second of awkward silence。 '〃Cause 
she bites Jake all the time。〃 

My hands dropped。 〃She does?〃 

〃Sure。 Whenever he and Rose don't get dinner in her mouth fast enough。 Rose thinks it's pretty 

I stared at him; shocked; and also feeling guilty; because I had to admit that this pleased me a teensy bit 
in a petulant way。 

Of course; I already knew that Renesmee wasn't venomous。 I was the first person she'd bitten。 I didn't 
make this observation aloud; as I was feigning memory loss on those recent events。 

〃Well; Seth;〃 Carlisle said; straightening up and stepping away from us。 〃I think that's as much as I can 
do。 Try to not move for; oh; a few hours; I guess。〃 Carlisle chuckled。 〃I wish treating humans were this 
instantaneously gratifying。〃 He rested his hand for a moment on Seth's black hair。 〃Stay still;〃 he ordered; 
and then he disappeared upstairs。 I heard his office door close; and I wondered if they'd already 
removed the evidence of my time there。 

〃I can probably manage sitting still for a while;〃 Seth agreed after Carlisle was already gone; and then he 
yawned hugely。 Carefully; making sure not to tweak his shoulder; Seth leaned his head against the sofa's 
back and closed his eyes。 Seconds later; his mouth fell slack。 

I frowned at his peaceful face for another minute。 Like Jacob; Seth seemed to have the gift of falling 
asleep at will。 Knowing I wouldn't be able to apologize again for a while; I got up; the motion didn't jostle 
the couch in the slightest。 Everything physical was so easy。 But the rest。。。 

Edward followed me to the back windows and took my hand。 

Leah was pacing along the river; stopping every now and then to look at the house。 It was easy to tell 
when she was looking for her brother and when she was lo

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