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4 breaking dawn破晓-第73节

小说: 4 breaking dawn破晓 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Are you sure; bloodsucker?〃 he demanded of Edward; his voice almost pleading。 I'd never heard him 
speak to Edward that way。 〃I don't like this。 Maybe she should wait—〃 

〃You had your test; Jacob。〃 

It was Jacob's test? 

〃But—;〃 Jacob began。 

〃But nothing;〃 Edward said; suddenly exasperated。 〃Bella needs to see our daughter。 Get out of her 

Jacob shot me an odd; frantic look and then turned and nearly sprinted into the house ahead of us。 

Edward growled。 

I couldn't make sense of their confrontation; and I couldn't concentrate on it; either。 I could only think 
about the blurred child in my memory and struggle against the haziness; trying to remember her face 

〃Shall we?〃 Edward said; his voice gentle again。 

I nodded nervously。 

He took my hand tightly in his and led the way into the house。 

They waited for me in a smiling line that was both welcoming and defensive。 Rosalie was several paces 
behind the rest of them; near the front door。 She was alone until Jacob joined her and then stood in front 
of her; closer than was normal。 There was no sense of comfort in that closeness; both of them seemed to 
cringe from the proximity。 

Someone very small was leaning forward out of Rosalie's arms; peering around Jacob。 Immediately; she 
had my absolute attention; my every thought; the way nothing else had owned them since the moment I'd 
opened my eyes。 

〃I was out just two days?〃 I gasped; disbelieving。 

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The stranger…child in Rosalie's arms had to be weeks; if not months; old。 She was maybe twice the size 
of the baby in my dim memory; and she seemed to be supporting her own torso easily as she stretched 
toward me。Her shiny bronze…colored hair fell in ringlets past her shoulders。 Her chocolate brown eyes 
examined me with an interest that was not at all childlike; it was adult; aware and intelligent。 She raised 
one hand; reaching in my direction for a moment; and then reached back to touch Rosalie's throat。 

If her face had not been astonishing in its beauty and perfection; I wouldn't have believed it was the same 
child。 My child。 

But Edward was there in her features; and I was there in the color of her eyes and cheeks。 Even Charlie 
had a place in her thick curls; though their color matched Edward's。 She must be ours。 Impossible; but 
still true。 

Seeing this unanticipated little person did not make her more real; though。 It only made her more 

Rosalie patted the hand against her neck and murmured; 〃Yes; that's her。〃 

Renesmee's eyes stayed locked on mine。 Then; as she had just seconds after her violent birth; she smiled 
at me。 A brilliant flash of tiny; perfect white teeth。 

Reeling inside; I took a hesitant step toward her。 

Everyone moved very fast。 

Emmett and Jasper were right in front of me; shoulder to shoulder; hands ready。 Edward gripped me 
from behind; fingers tight again on the tops of my arms。 Even Carlisle and Esme moved to get Emmett's 
and Jasper's flanks; while Rosalie backed to the door; her arms clutching at Renesmee。 Jacob moved; 
too; keeping his protective stance in front of them。 

Alice was the only one who held her place。 

〃Oh; give her some credit;〃 she chided them。 〃She wasn't going to do anything。 You'd want a closer 
look; too。〃 

Alice was right。 I was in control of myself。 I'd been braced for anything—for a scent as impossibly 
insistent as the human smell in the woods。 The temptation here was really not comparable。 Renesmee's 
fragrance was perfectly balanced right on the line between the scent of the most beautiful perfume and the 
scent of the most delicious food。 There was enough of the sweet vampire smell to keep the human part 
from being overwhelming。 

I could handle it。 I was sure。 

〃I'm okay;〃 I promised; patting Edward's hand on my arm。 Then I hesitated and added; 〃Keep close; 
though; just in case。〃 

Jasper's eyes were tight; focused。 I knew he was taking in my emotional climate; and I worked on 
settling into a steady calm。 I felt Edward free my arms as he read Jasper's assessment。 But; though Jasper 
was getting it firsthand; he didn't seem as certain。 

When she heard my voice; the too…aware child struggled in Rosalie's arms; reaching toward me。 

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Somehow; her expression managed to look impatient。 

〃Jazz; Em; let us through。 Bella's got this。〃 

〃Edward; the risk—;〃 Jasper said。 

〃Minimal。 Listen; Jasper—on the hunt she caught the scent of some hikers who were in the wrong place 
at the wrong time___〃 

I heard Carlisle suck in a shocked breath。 Esme's face was suddenly full of concern mingled with 
compassion。 Jasper's eyes widened; but he nodded just a tiny bit; as if Edward's words answered some 
question in his head。 Jacob's mouth screwed up into a disgusted grimace。 Emmett shrugged。 Rosalie 
seemed even less concerned than Emmett as she tried to hold on to the struggling child in her arms。 

Alice's expression told me that she was not fooled。 Her narrowed eyes; focused with burning intensity on 
my borrowed shirt; seemed more worried about what I'd done to my dress than anything else。 

〃Edward!〃 Carlisle chastened。 〃How could you be so irresponsible?〃 

〃I know; Carlisle; I know。 I was just plain stupid。 I should have taken the time to make sure we were in 
a safe 

zone before I set her loose。〃 

〃Edward;〃 I mumbled; embarrassed by the way they stared at me。 It was like they were trying to see a 
brighter red in my eyes。 

〃He's absolutely right to rebuke me; Bella;〃 Edward said with a grin。 〃I made a huge mistake。 The fact 
that you are stronger than anyone I've ever known doesn't change that。〃 

Alice rolled her eyes。 〃Tasteful joke; Edward。〃 

〃I wasn't making a joke。 I was explaining to Jasper why I know Bella can handle this。 It's not my fault 
everyone jumped to conclusions。〃 

〃Wait;〃 Jasper gasped。 〃She didn't hunt the humans?〃 

〃She started to;〃 Edward said; clearly enjoying himself。 My teeth ground together。 〃She was entirely 
focused on the hunt。〃 

〃What happened?〃 Carlisle interjected。 His eyes were suddenly bright; an amazed smile beginning to 
form on his face。 It reminded me of before; when he'd wanted the details on my transformation 
experience。 The thrill of new information。 

Edward leaned toward him; animated。 〃She heard me behind her and reacted defensively。 As soon as 
my pursuit broke into her concentration; she snapped right out of it。 I've never seen anything to equal her。 
She realized at once what was happening; and then。。。 she held her breath and ran away〃 

〃Whoa;〃 Emmett murmured。 〃Seriously?〃 

〃He's not telling it right;〃 I muttered; more embarrassed than before。 〃He left out the part where I 

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growled at him。〃 

〃Did ya get in a couple of good swipes?〃 Emmett asked eagerly。 

〃No! Of course not。〃 

〃No; not really? You really didn't attack him?〃 

〃Emmett!〃 I protested。 

〃Aw; what a waste;〃 Emmett groaned。 〃And here you're probably the one person who could take him 
—since he can't get in your head to cheat—and you had a perfect excuse; too。〃 He sighed。 〃I've been 
dying to see how he'd do without that advantage。〃 

I glared at him frostily。 〃I would never。〃 

Jasper's frown caught my attention; he seemed even more disturbed than before。 

Edward touched his fist lightly to Jasper's shoulder in a mock punch。 〃You see what I mean?〃 

〃It's not natural;〃 Jasper muttered。 

〃She could have turned on you—she's only hours old!〃 Esme scolded; putting her hand against her heart。 
〃Oh; we should have gone with you。〃 

I wasn't paying so much attention; now that Edward was past the punch line of his joke。 I was staring at 
the gorgeous child by the door; who was still staring at me。 Her little dimpled hands reached out toward 
me like she knew exactly who I was。 Automatically; my hand lifted to mimic hers。 

〃Edward;〃 I said; leaning around Jasper to see her better。 〃Please?〃 

Jasper's teeth were set; he didn't move。 

〃Jazz; this isn't anything you've seen before;〃 Alice said quietly。 〃Trust me。〃 

Their eyes met for a short second; and then Jasper nodded。 He moved out of my way; but put one hand 
on my shoulder and moved with me as I walked slowly forward。 

I thought about every step before I took it; analyzing my mood; the burn in my throat; the position of the 
others around me。 How strong I felt versus how well they would be able to contain me。 It was a slow 

And then the child in Rosalie's arms; struggling and reaching all this time while her expression got more 

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