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4 breaking dawn破晓-第31节

小说: 4 breaking dawn破晓 字数: 每页4000字

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stuck there; winding threads through my brain like a weed—poisonous and unkillable。 Bella; healthy and 
glowing; so different than now; but something the same: her body; not distorted; changed in a more 
natural way。 Round with my child。 

I tried to escape the venomous weed in my mind。 〃Make Bella see sense? What universe do you live 

〃At least try。〃 

I shook my head fast。 He waited; ignoring the negative answer because he could hear the conflict in my 

〃Where is this psycho crap coming from? Are you making this up as you go?〃 

〃I've been thinking of nothing but ways to save her since I realized what she was planning to do。 What 
she would die to do。 But I didn't know how to contact you。 I knew you wouldn't listen if I called。 I would 
have come to find you soon; if you hadn't come today。 But it's hard to leave her; even for a few minutes。 
Her condition。。。 it changes so fast。 The thing is。。。 growing。 Swiftly。 I can't be away from her now。〃 

〃What is it?〃 

〃None of us have any idea。 But it is stronger than she is。 Already。〃 

I could suddenly see it then—see the swelling monster in my head; breaking her from the inside out。 

〃Help me stop it;〃 he whispered。 〃Help me stop this from happening。〃 

〃How?By offering my stud services?〃 He didn't even flinch when I said that; but I did。 〃You're really 
sick。 She'll never listen to this。〃 

〃Try。 There's nothing to lose now。 How will it hurt?〃 

It would hurt me。 Hadn't I taken enough rejection from Bella without this? 

〃A little pain to save her? Is it such a high cost?〃 

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〃But it won't work。〃 

〃Maybe not。 Maybe it will confuse her; though。 Maybe she'll falter in her resolve。 One moment of doubt 
is all I need。〃 

〃And then you pull the rug out from under the offer? 'Just kidding; Bella'?〃 

〃If she wants a child; that's what she gets。 I won't rescind。〃 

I couldn't believe I was even thinking about this。 Bella would punch me—not that I cared about that; but 
it would probably break her hand again。 I shouldn't let him talk to me; mess with my head。 I should just 
kill him now。 

〃Not now;〃 he whispered。 〃Not yet。 Right or wrong; it would destroy her; and you know it。 No need to 
be hasty。 If she won't listen to you; you'll get your chance。 The moment Bella's heart stops beating; I will 
be begging for you to me。〃 

〃You won't have to beg long。〃 

The hint of a worn smile tugged at the corner of his mouth。 〃I'm very much counting on that。〃 

〃Then we have a deal。〃 

He nodded and held out his cold stone hand。 

Swallowing my disgust; I reached out to take his hand。 My fingers closed around the rock; and I shook 
it once。 

〃We have a deal;〃 he agreed。 


I felt like—like I don't know what。 Like this wasn't real。 Like I was in some Goth version of a bad 
sitcom。 Instead of being the AA/ dweeb about to ask the head cheerleader to the prom; I was the 
finished…second…place werewolf about to ask the vampire's wife to shack up and procreate。 Nice。 

No; I wouldn't do it。 It was twisted and wrong。 I was going to forget all about what he'd said。 

But I would talk to her。 I'd try to make her listen to me。 

And she wouldn't。 Just like always。 

Edward didn't answer or comment on my thoughts as he led the way back to the house。 I wondered 
about the place that he'd chosen to stop。 Was it far enough from the house that the others couldn't hear 
his whispers? Was that the point? 

Maybe。 When we walked through the door; the other Cullens' eyes were suspicious and confused。 No 
one looked disgusted or outraged。 So they must not have heard either favor Edward had asked me for。 

I hesitated in the open doorway; not sure what to do now。 It was better right there; with a little bit of 
breathable air blowing in from outside。 

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Edward walked into the middle of the huddle; shoulders stiff。 Bella watched him anxiously; and then her 
eyes flickered to me for a second。 Then she was watching him again。 

Her face turned a grayish pale; and I could see what he meant about the stress making her feel worse。 

〃We're going tolet Jacob and Bella speak privately;〃 Edward said。 There was no inflection at all in his 
voice。 Robotic。 

〃Over my pile of ashes;〃 Rosalie hissed at him。 She was still hovering by Bella's head; one of her cold 
hands placed possessively on Bella's sallow cheek。 

Edward didn't look at her。 〃Bella;〃 he said in that same empty tone。 〃Jacob wants to talk to you。 Are you 
afraid to 

be alone with him?〃 

Bella looked at me; confused。 Then she looked at Rosalie。 

〃Rose; it's fine。 Jake's not going to hurt us。 Go with Edward。〃 

〃It might be a trick;〃 the blonde warned。 

〃I don't see how;〃 Bella said。 

〃Carlisle and I will always be in your sight; Rosalie;〃 Edward said。 The emotionless voice was cracking; 
showing the anger through it。 〃We're the ones she's afraid of。〃 

〃No;〃 Bella whispered。 Her eyes were glistening; her lashes wet。 〃No; Edward。 I'm not___〃 

He shook his head; smiling a little。 The smile was painful to look at。 〃I didn't mean it that way; Bella。 I'm 
fine。 Don't worry about me。〃 

Sickening。 He was right—she was beating herself up about hurting his feelings。 The girl was a classic 
martyr。 She'd totally been born in the wrong century。 She should have lived back when she could have 
gotten herself fed to some lions for a good cause。 

〃Everyone;〃 Edward said; his hand stiffly motioning toward the door。 〃Please。〃 

The composure he was trying to keep up for Bella was shaky。 I could see how close he was to that 
burning man he'd been outside。 The others saw it; too。 Silently; they moved out the door while I shifted 
out of the way。 They moved fast; my heart beat twice; and the room was cleared except for Rosalie; 
hesitating in the middle of the floor; and Edward; still waiting by the door。 

〃Rose;〃 Bella said quietly。 〃I want you to go。〃 

The blonde glared at Edward and then gestured for him to go first。 He disappeared out the door。 She 
gave me a long warning glower; and then she disappeared; too。 

Once we were alone; I crossed the room and sat on the floor next to Bella。 I took both her cold hands 
in mine; rubbing them carefully。 

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〃Thanks; Jake。 That feels good。〃 

〃I'm not going to lie; Bells。 You're hideous。〃 

〃I know;〃 she sighed。 Tm scary…looking。〃 

〃Thing…from…the…swamp scary;〃 I agreed。 

She laughed。 〃It's so good having you here。 It feels nice to smile。 I don't know how much more drama I 
can stand。〃 

I rolled my eyes。 

〃Okay; okay;〃 she agreed。 〃I bring it on myself。〃 

〃Yeah; you do。 What're you thinking; Bells? Seriously!〃 

〃Did he ask you to yell at me?〃 

〃Sort of。 Though I can't figure why he thinks you'd listen to me。 You never have before。〃 

She sighed。 

〃I told you—;〃 I started to say。 

〃Did you know that 7 told you so' has a brother; Jacob?〃 she asked; cutting me off。 〃His name is 'Shut 
the hell up。〃 

〃Good one。〃 

She grinned at me。 Her skin stretched tight over the bones。 〃I can't take credit—i got it off a rerun of 
The Simpsons〃 

〃Missed that one。〃 

〃It was funny。〃 

We didn't talk for a minute。 Her hands were starting to warm up a little。 

〃Did he really ask you to talk to me?〃 

I nodded。 〃To talk some sense into you。 There's a battle that's lost before it starts。〃 

〃So why did you agree?〃 

I didn't answer。 I wasn't sure I knew。 

I did know this—every second I spent with her was only going to add to the pain I would have to suffer 
later。 Like a junkie with a limited supply; the day of reckoning was coming for me。 The more hits I took 
now; the harder it would be when my supply ran out。 

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〃It'll work out; you know;〃 she said after a quiet minute。 〃I believe that。〃 

That made me see red again。 〃Is dementia one of your symptoms?〃 I snapped。 

She laughed; though my anger was so real that my hands were shaking around hers。 

〃Maybe;〃 she said。 Tm not saying things will work out easily; Jake。 But how could I have lived through 
all that I've lived through and not believe in magic by this point?〃 


〃Especially for you;〃 she said。 She was smiling。 She pulled one of her hands away from mine and 
pressed it against my cheek。 Warmer than before; but it felt cool against my skin; like most things did。 

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