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4 breaking dawn破晓-第20节

小说: 4 breaking dawn破晓 字数: 每页4000字

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〃I'll probably fail out in one semester。〃 

〃I'll tutor you。〃 The smile was wide now。 〃You're going to love college。〃 

〃Do you think we can find an apartment this late?〃 

He grimaced; looking guilty。 〃Well; we sort of already have a house there。 You know; just in case。〃 

〃You bought a house?〃 

〃Real estate is a good investment。〃 

I raised one eyebrow and then let it go。 〃So we're ready; then。〃 

〃I'll have to see if we can keep your 'before' car for a little longer___〃 

〃Yes; heaven forbid I not be protected from tanks。〃 

He grinned。 

〃How much longer can we stay?〃 I asked。 

〃We're fine on time。 A few more weeks; if you want。 And then we can visit Charlie before we go to 
New Hampshire。 We could spend Christmas with Renee___〃 

His words painted a very happy immediate future; one free of pain for everyone involved。 The 
Jacob…drawer; all but forgotten; rattled; and i amended the thought—for almost everyone。 

This wasn't getting any easier。 Now that I'd discovered exactly how good being human could be; it was 
tempting to let my plans drift。 Eighteen or nineteen; nineteen or twenty。。。 Did it really matter? I wouldn't 
change so much in a year。 And being human with Edward。。。 The choice got trickier every day。 

〃A few weeks;〃 I agreed。 And then; because there never seemed to be enough time; I added; 〃So I was 
thinking—you know what I was saying about practice before?〃 

He laughed。 〃Can you hold on to that thought? I hear a boat。 The cleaning crew must be here。〃 

He wanted me to hold on to that thought。 So did that mean he was not going to give me any more 
trouble about practicing? I smiled。 

〃Let me explain the mess in the white room to Gustavo; and then we can go out。 There's a place in the 
jungle on the south—〃 

〃I don't want to go out。 i am not hiking all over the island today。 I want to stay here and watch a movie。〃 

He pursed his lips; trying not to laugh at my disgruntled tone。 〃All right; whatever you'd like。 Why don't 
you pick one out while I get the door?〃 

〃I didn't hear a knock。〃 

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He cocked his head to the side; listening。 A half second later; a faint; timid rap on the door sounded。 He 
grinned and turned for the hallway。 

I wandered over to the shelves under the big TV and started scanning through the titles。 It was hard to 
decide where to begin。 They had more DVDs than a rental store。 

I could hear Edward's low; velvet voice as he came back down the hall; conversing fluidly in what I 
assumed was perfect Portuguese。 Another; harsher; human voice answered in the same tongue。 

Edward led them into the room; pointing toward the kitchen on his way。 The two Brazilians looked 
incredibly short and dark next to him。 One was a round man; the other a slight female; both their faces 
creased with lines。 Edward gestured to me with a proud smile; and I heard my name mixed in with a 
flurry of unfamiliar words。 I flushed a little as I thought of the downy mess in the white room; which they 
would soon encounter。 The little man smiled at me politely。 

But the tiny coffee…skinned woman didn't smile。 She stared at me with a mixture of shock; worry; and 
most of all; wide…eyed fear。 Before I could react; Edward motioned for them to follow him toward the 
chicken coop; and they were gone。 

When he reappeared; he was alone。 He walked swiftly to my side and wrapped his arms around me。 

〃What's with her?〃 I whispered urgently; remembering her panicked expression。 

He shrugged; unperturbed。 〃Kaure's part Ticuna Indian。 She was raised to be more superstitious—or 
you could call it more aware—than those who live in the modern world。 She suspects what I am; or 
close enough。〃 He still didn't sound worried。 〃They have their own legends here。 The Libishomen—a 
blood…drinking demon who preys exclusively on beautiful women。〃 He leered at me。 

Beautiful women only? Well; that was kind of flattering。 

〃She looked terrified;〃 I said。 

〃She is—but mostly she's worried about you。〃 


〃She's afraid of why I have you here; all alone。〃 He chuckled darkly and then looked toward the wall of 
movies。 〃Oh well; why don't you choose something for us to watch? That's an acceptably human thing to 

〃Yes; I'm sure a movie will convince her that you're human。〃 I laughed and clasped my arms securely 
around his neck; stretching up on my tiptoes。 He leaned down so that I could kiss him; and then his arms 
tightened around me; lifting me off the floor so he didn't have to bend。 

〃Movie; schmovie;〃 I muttered as his lips moved down my throat; twisting my fingers in his bronze hair。 

Then I heard a gasp; and he put me down abruptly。 Kaure stood frozen in the hallway; feathers in her 
black hair; a large sack of more feathers in her arms; an expression of horror on her face。 She stared at 
me; her eyes bugging out; as I blushed and looked down。 Then she recovered herself and murmured 
something that; even in an unfamiliar language; was clearly an apology。 Edward smiled and answered in a 
friendly tone。 She turned her dark eyes away 

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and continued down the hall。 

〃She was thinking what I think she was thinking; wasn't she?〃 I muttered。 

He laughed at my convoluted sentence。 〃Yes。〃 

〃Here;〃 I said; reaching out at random and grabbing a movie。 〃Put this on and we can pretend to watch 

It was an old musical with smiling faces and fluffy dresses on the front。 

〃Very honeymoonish;〃 Edward approved。 

While actors on the screen danced their way through a perky introduction song; I lolled on the sofa; 
snuggled into Edward's arms。 

〃Will we move back into the white room now?〃 I wondered idly。 

〃I don't know。。。。 I've already mangled the headboard in the other room beyond repair—maybe if we 
limit the destruction to one area of the house; Esme might invite us back someday。〃 

I smiled widely。 〃So there will be more destruction?〃 

He laughed at my expression。 〃I think it might be safer if it's premeditated; rather than if I wait for you to 
assault me again。〃 

〃It would only be a matter of time;〃 I agreed casually; but my pulse was racing in my veins。 

〃Is there something the matter with your heart?〃 

〃Nope。 Healthy as a horse。〃 I paused。 〃Did you want to go survey the demolition zone now?〃 

〃Maybe it would be more polite to wait until we're alone。 You may not notice me tearing the furniture 
apart; but it would probably scare them。〃 

In truth; I'd already forgotten the people in the other room。 〃Right。 Drat。〃 

Gustavo and Kaure moved quietly through the house while I waited impatiently for them to finish and 
tried to pay attention to the happily…ever…after on the screen。 I was starting to get sleepy—though; 
according to Edward; I'd slept half the day—when a rough voice startled me。 Edward sat up; keeping 
me cradled against him; and answered Gustavo in flowing Portuguese。 Gustavo nodded and walked 
quietly toward the front door。 

〃They're finished;〃 Edward told me。 

〃So that would mean that we're alone now?〃 

〃How about lunch first?〃 he suggested。 

I bit my lip; torn by the dilemma。 I was pretty hungry。 

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With a smile; he took my hand and led me to the kitchen。 He knew my face so well; it didn't matter that 
he couldn't read my mind。 

〃This is getting out of hand;〃 I complained when I finally felt full。 

〃Do you want to swim with the dolphins this afternoon—burn off the calories?〃 he asked。 

〃Maybe later。 I had another idea for burning calories。〃 

〃And what was that?〃 

〃Well; there's an awful lot of headboard left—〃 

But I didn't finish。 He'd already swept me up into his arms; and his lips silenced mine as he carried me 
with inhuman speed to the blue room。 


The line of black advanced on me through the shroud…like mist。 I could see their dark ruby eyes glinting 
with desire; lusting for the kill。 Their lips pulled back over their sharp; wet teeth—some to snarl; some to 

I heard the child behind me whimper; but I couldn't turn to look at him。 Though I was desperate to be 
sure that he was safe; I could not afford any lapse in focus now。 

They ghosted closer; their black robes billowing slightly with the movement。 I saw their hands curl into 
bone…colored claws。 They started to drift apart; angling to come at us from all sides。 We were 
surrounded。 We were going to die。 

And then; like a burst of light from a flash; the whole scene was different。 Yet nothing changed—the 
Volturi st

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