太子爷小说网 > 英语电子书 > 4 breaking dawn破晓 >


4 breaking dawn破晓-第18节

小说: 4 breaking dawn破晓 字数: 每页4000字

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And then my dreams felt so real—nightmares mostly; made more vivid; I guessed; by the too…bright 
colors of the island—that I woke up tired no matter how long I slept。 

About a week or so after we'd gotten to the island; I decided to try compromise。 It had worked for us in 
the past。 

I was sleeping in the blue room now。 The cleaning crew wasn't due until the next day; and so the white 
room still had a snowy blanket of down。 The blue room was smaller; the bed more reasonably 
proportioned。 The walls were 

dark; paneled in teak; and the fittings were all luxurious blue silk。 

I'd taken to wearing some of Alice's lingerie collection to sleep in at night—which weren't so revealing 
compared to the scanty bikinis she'd packed for me when it came right down to it。 I wondered if she'd 
seen a vision of why I would want such things; and then shuddered; embarrassed by that thought。 

I'd started out slow with innocent ivory satins; worried that revealing more of my skin would be the 
opposite of helpful; but ready to try anything。 Edward seemed to notice nothing; as if I were wearing the 
same ratty old sweats I wore at home。 

The bruises were much better now—yellowing in some places and disappearing altogether in others—so 
tonight I pulled out one of the scarier pieces as I got ready in the paneled bathroom。 It was black; lacy; 
and embarrassing to look at even when it wasn't on。 I was careful not to look in the mirror before I went 
back to the bedroom。 I didn't want to lose my nerve。 

I had the satisfaction of watching his eyes pop open wide for just a second before he controlled his 

〃What do you think?〃 I asked; pirouetting so that he could see every angle。 

He cleared his throat。 〃You look beautiful。 You always do。〃 

〃Thanks;〃 I said a bit sourly。 

I was too tired to resist climbing quickly into the soft bed。 He put his arms around me and pulled me 

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against his chest; but this was routine—it was too hot to sleep without his cool body close。 

〃I'll make you a deal;〃 I said sleepily。 

〃I will not make any deals with you;〃 he answered。 

〃You haven't even heard what I'm offering。〃 

〃It doesn't matter。〃 

I sighed。 〃Dang it。 And I really wanted。。。 Oh well。〃 

He rolled his eyes。 

I closed mine and let the bait sit there。 I yawned。 

It took only a minute—not long enough for me to zonk out。 

〃All right。 What is it you want?〃 

I gritted my teeth for a second; fighting a smile。 If there was one thing he couldn't resist; it was an 
opportunity to give me something。 

〃Well; I was thinking。。。 I know that the whole Dartmouth thing was just supposed to be a cover story; 
but honestly; one semester of college probably wouldn't kill me;〃 I said; echoing his words from long ago; 
when he'd tried to persuade me to put off becoming a vampire。 〃Charlie would get a thrill out of 
Dartmouth stories; I bet。 Sure; it might be embarrassing if I can't keep up with all the brainiacs。 Still。。。 
eighteen; nineteen。 It's really not such a big difference。 It's not like I'm going to get crow's feet in the next 

He was silent for a long moment。 Then; in a low voice; he said; 〃You would wait。 You would stay 

I held my tongue; letting the offer sink in。 

〃Why are you doing this to me?〃 he said through his teeth; his tone suddenly angry。 〃Isn't it hard enough 
without all of this?〃 He grabbed a handful of lace that was ruffled on my thigh。 For a moment; I thought 
he was going to rip it from the seam。 Then his hand relaxed。 〃It doesn't matter。 I won't make any deals 
with you。〃 

〃I want to goto college。〃 

〃No; you don't。 And there is nothing that is worth risking your life again。 That's worth hurting you。〃 

〃But I do want to go。 Well; it's not college as much as it's that I want—I want to be human a little while 

He closed his eyes and exhaled through his nose。 〃You are making me insane; Bella。 Haven't we had this 
argument a million times; you always begging to be a vampire without delay?〃 

〃Yes; but。。。 well; I have a reason to be human that I didn't have before。〃 

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〃What's that?〃 

〃Guess;〃 I said; and I dragged myself off the pillows to kiss him。 

He kissed me back; but not in a way that made me think I was winning。 It was more like he was being 
careful not to hurt my feelings; he was completely; maddeningly in control of himself。 Gently; he pulled me 
away after a moment and cradled me against his chest。 

〃You are so human; Bella。 Ruled by your hormones。〃 He chuckled。 

〃That's the whole point; Edward。 I like this part of being human。 I don't want to give it up yet。 I don't 
want to wait through years of being a blood…crazed newborn for some part of this to come back to me。〃 

I yawned; and he smiled。 

〃You're tired。 Sleep; love。〃 He started humming the lullaby he'd composed for me when we first met。 

〃I wonder why I'm so tired;〃 I muttered sarcastically。 〃That couldn't be part of your scheme or anything。〃 

He just chuckled once and went back to humming。 

〃For as tired as I've been; you'd think I'd sleep better。〃 

The song broke off。 〃You've been sleeping like the dead; Bella。 You haven't said a word in your sleep 
since we got here。 If it weren't for the snoring; I'd worry you were slipping into a coma。〃 

I ignored the snoring jibe; I didn't snore。 〃I haven't been tossing? That's weird。 Usually I'm all over the 
bed when I'm having nightmares。 And shouting。〃 

〃You've been having nightmares?〃 

〃Vivid ones。 They make me so tired。〃 I yawned。 〃I can't believe I haven't been babbling about them all 

〃What are they about?〃 

〃Different things—but the same; you know; because of the colors。〃 


〃It's all so bright and real。 Usually; when I'm dreaming; I know that I am。 With these; I don't know I'm 
asleep。 It makes them scarier。〃 

He sounded disturbed when he spoke again。 〃What is frightening you?〃 

I shuddered slightly。 〃Mostly 。。。〃 I hesitated。 

〃Mostly?〃 he prompted。 

I wasn't sure why; but I didn't want to tell him about the child in my recurring nightmare; there was 

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something private about that particular horror。 So; instead of giving him the full description; I gave him 
just one element。 Certainly enough to frighten me or anyone else。 

〃The Volturi;〃 I whispered。 

He hugged me tighter。 〃They aren't going to bother us anymore。 You'll be immortal soon; and they'll have 
no reason。〃 

I let him comfort me; feeling a little guilty that he'd misunderstood。 The nightmares weren't like that; 
exactly。 It wasn't that I was afraid for myself—I was afraid for the boy。 

He wasn't the same boy as that first dream—the vampire child with the bloodred eyes who sat on a pile 
of dead people I loved。 This boy I'd dreamed of four times in the last week was definitely human; his 
cheeks were flushed and his wide eyes were a soft green。 But just like the other child; he shook with fear 
and desperation as the Volturi closed in on us。 

In this dream that was both new and old; I simply had to protect the unknown child。 There was no other 
option。 At the same time; I knew that I would fail。 

He saw the desolation on my face。 〃What can I do to help?〃 

I shook it off。 〃They're just dreams; Edward。〃 

〃Do you want me to sing to you? Ill sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away。〃 

〃They're not all bad。 Some are nice。 So。。。 colorful。 Underwater; with the fish and the coral。 It all seems 
like it's really happening—I don't know that I'm dreaming。 Maybe this island is the problem。 It's really 
bright here。〃 

〃Do you want to go home?〃 

〃No。 No; not yet。 Can't we stay awhile longer?〃 

〃We can stay as long as you want; Bella;〃 he promised me。 

〃When does the semester start? I wasn't paying attention before。〃 

He sighed。 He may have started humming again; too; but I was under before I could be sure。 

Later; when I awoke in the dark; it was with shock。 The dream had been so very real。。。 so vivid; so 
sensory。。。。 I gasped aloud; now; disoriented by the dark room。 Only a second ago; it seemed; I had been 
under the brilliant sun。 

〃Bella?〃 Edward whispered; his arms tight around me; shaking me gently。 〃Are you all right; sweetheart?〃 

〃Oh;〃 I gasped again。 Just a dream。 Not real。 To my utter astonishment; tears overflowed from my eyes 
without warning; gushing down my face。 

〃Bella!〃 he said—louder; alarmed now。 〃What's wrong?〃 He wiped the tears from my hot cheeks with 
cold; frantic fingers; but others followed。 


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