太子爷小说网 > 英语电子书 > 4 breaking dawn破晓 >


4 breaking dawn破晓-第122节

小说: 4 breaking dawn破晓 字数: 每页4000字

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The witnesses met his gaze with careful faces。 One; a small black…haired woman; looked briefly at the 
dark blond male at her side。 

〃Are those our only choices?〃 she asked suddenly; gaze flashing back to Aro。 〃Agree with you; or fight 
against you?〃 

〃Of course not; most charming Makenna;〃 Aro said; appearing horrified that anyone could come to that 
conclusion。 〃You may go in peace; of course; as Amun did; even if you disagree with the council's 

Makenna looked at her mate's face again; and he nodded minutely。 

〃We did not come here for a fight。〃 She paused; exhaled; then said; 〃We came here to witness。 And our 
witness is that this condemned family is innocent。 Everything that Garrett claimed is the truth。〃 

〃Ah;〃 Aro said sadly。 〃I'm sorry you see us in that way。 But such is the nature of our work。〃 

〃It is not what I see; but what I feel;〃 Makenna's maize…haired mate spoke in a high; nervous voice。 He 
glanced at Garrett。 〃Garrett said they have ways of knowing lies。 I; too; know when I am hearing the 
truth; and when I am not。〃 With frightened eyes he moved closer to his mate; waiting for Aro's reaction。 

〃Do not fear us; friend Charles。 No doubt the patriot truly believes what he says;〃 Aro chuckled lightly; 
and Charles's eyes narrowed。 

〃That is our witness;〃 Makenna said。 〃We're leaving now。〃 

She and Charles backed away slowly; not turning before they were lost from view in the trees。 One 
other stranger began to retreat the same way; then three more darted after him。 

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I evaluated the thirty…seven vampires that stayed。 A few of them appeared just too confused to make the 

decision。 But the majority of them seemed only too aware of the direction this confrontation had taken。 I 
guessed that they were giving up a head start in favor of knowing exactly who would be chasing after 

I was sure Aro saw the same thing I did。 He turned away; walking back to his guard with a measured 
pace。 He stopped in front of them and addressed them in a clear voice。 

〃We are outnumbered; dearest ones;〃 he said。 〃We can expect no outside help。 Should we leave this 
question undecided to save ourselves?〃 

〃No; master;〃 they whispered in unison。 

〃Is the protection of our world worth perhaps the loss of some of our number?〃 

〃Yes;〃 they breathed。 〃We are not afraid。〃 

Aro smiled and turned to his black…clad companions。 

〃Brothers;〃 Aro said somberly; 〃there is much to consider here。〃 

〃Let us counsel;〃 Caius said eagerly。 

〃Let us counsel;〃 Marcus repeated in an uninterested tone。 

Aro turned his back to us again; facing the other ancients。 They joined hands to form a black…shrouded 

As soon as Aro's attention was engaged in the silent counsel; two more of their witnesses disappeared 
silently into the forest。 I hoped; for their sakes; that they were fast。 

This was it。 Carefully; I loosened Renesmee's arms from my neck。 

〃You remember what I told you?〃 

Tears welled in her eyes; but she nodded。 〃I love you;〃 she whispered。 

Edward was watching us now; his topaz eyes wide。 Jacob stared at us from the corner of his big dark 

〃I love you; too;〃 I said; and then I touched her locket。 〃More than my own life。〃 I kissed her forehead。 

Jacob whined uneasily。 

I stretched up on my toes and whispered into his ear。 〃Wait until they're totally distracted; then run with 
her。 Get as far from this place as you possibly can。 When you've gone as far as you can on foot; she has 
what you need to get you in the air。〃 

Edward's and Jacob's faces were almost identical masks of horror; despite the fact that one of them was 
an animal。 

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Renesmee reached for Edward; and he took her in his arms。 They hugged each other tightly。 

〃This is what you kept from me?〃 he whispered over her head。 

〃From Aro;〃 I breathed。 


I nodded。 

His face twisted with understanding and pain。 Had that been the expression on my face when I'd finally 
put together Alice's clues? 

Jacob was growling quietly; a low rasp that was as even and unbroken as a purr。 His hackles were stiff 
and his 

teeth exposed。 

Edward kissed Renesmee's forehead and both her cheeks; then he lifted her to Jacob's shoulder。 She 
scrambled agilely onto his back; pulling herself into place with handfuls of his fur; and fit herself easily into 
the dip between his massive shoulder blades。 

Jacob turned to me; his expressive eyes full of agony; the rumbling growl still grating through his chest。 

〃You're the only one we could ever trust her with;〃 I murmured to him。 〃If you didn't love her so much; I 
could never bear this。 I know you can protect her; Jacob。〃 

He whined again; and dipped his head to butt it against my shoulder。 

〃I know;〃 I whispered。 〃I love you; too; Jake。 You'll always be my best man。〃 

A tear the size of a baseball rolled into the russet fur beneath his eye。 

Edward leaned his head against the same shoulder where he'd placed Renesmee。 〃Goodbye; Jacob; my 
brother。。。 my son。〃 

The others were not oblivious to the farewell scene。 Their eyes were locked on the silent black triangle; 
but I could tell they were listening。 

〃Is there no hope; then?〃 Carlisle whispered。 There was no fear in his voice。 Just determination and 

〃There is absolutely hope;〃 I murmured back。 It could be true; I told myself。 〃I only know my own 

Edward took my hand。 He knew that he was included。 When I said my fate; there was no question that 
I meant the two of us。 We were just halves of the whole。 

Esme's breath was ragged behind me。 She moved past us; touching our faces as she passed; to stand 
beside Carlisle and hold his hand。 

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Suddenly; we were surrounded by murmured goodbyes and I love you's。 

〃If we live through this;〃 Garrett whispered to Kate; 〃I'll follow you anywhere; woman。〃 

〃Now he tells me;〃 she muttered。 

Rosalie and Emmett kissed quickly but passionately。 

Tia caressed Benjamin's face。 He smiled back cheerfully; catching her hand and holding it against his 

I didn't see all the expressions of love and pain。 I was distracted by a sudden fluttering pressure against 
the outside of my shield。 I couldn't tell where it came from; but it felt like it was directed at the edges of 
our group; Siobhan and Liam particularly。 The pressure did no damage; and then it was gone。 

There was no change in the silent; still forms of the counseling ancients。 But perhaps there was some 
signal I'd missed。 

〃Get ready;〃 I whispered to the others。 〃It's starting。〃 

38。 POWER 

〃Chelsea is trying to break our bindings;〃 Edward whispered。 〃But she can't find them。 She can't feel us 
here。 。 。 。〃 His eyes cut to me。 〃Are you doing that?〃 

I smiled grimly at him。 〃I am all over this。〃 

Edward lurched away from me suddenly; his hand reaching out toward Carlisle。 At the same time; I felt 
a much sharper jab against the shield where it wrapped protectively around Carlisle's light。 It wasn't 
painful; but it wasn't pleasant; either。 

〃Carlisle? Are you all right?〃 Edward gasped frantically。 

〃Yes。 Why?〃 

〃Jane;〃 Edward answered。 

The moment that he said her name; a dozen pointed attacks hit in a second; stabbing all over the elastic 
shield; aimed at twelve different bright spots。 I flexed; making sure the shield was undamaged。 It didn't 
seem like Jane had been able to pierce it。 I glanced around quickly; everyone was fine。 

〃Incredible;〃 Edward said。 

〃Why aren't they waiting for the decision?〃 Tanya hissed。 

〃Normal procedure;〃 Edward answered brusquely。 〃They usually incapacitate those on trial so they can't 

I looked across at Jane; who was staring at our group with furious disbelief。 I was pretty sure that; 
besides me; she'd never seen anyone remain standing through her fiery assault。 

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It probably wasn't very mature。 But I figured it would take Aro about half a second to guess—if he 
hadn't already—that my shield was more powerful than Edward had known; I already had a big target on 
my forehead and there was really no point in trying to keep the extent of what I could do a secret。 So I 
grinned a huge; smug smile right 

at Jane。 

Her eyes narrowed; and I felt another stab of pressure; this time directed at me。 

I pulled my lips wider; showing my teeth。 


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