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4 breaking dawn破晓-第112节

小说: 4 breaking dawn破晓 字数: 每页4000字

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Of course I remembered。 〃He said; It's an interesting twist。 Like she's doing the exact opposite of what 
you can。'〃 

〃Yes。 And so I wondered。 Maybe she took your talent and flipped it; too。〃 

I considered that。 

〃You keep everyone out;〃 he began。 

〃And no one keeps her out?〃 I finished hesitantly。 

〃That's my theory;〃 he said。 〃And if she can get into your head; I doubt there's a shield on the planet who 
could keep her at bay。 That will help。 From what we've seen; no one can doubt the truth of her thoughts 
once they've allowed her to show them。 And I think no one can keep her from showing them; if she gets 
close enough。 If Aro allows her to explain___〃 

I shuddered to think of Renesmee so close to Aro's greedy; milky eyes。 

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〃Well;〃 he said; rubbing my tight shoulders。 〃At least there's nothing that can stop him from seeing the 

〃But is the truth enough to stop him?〃 I murmured。 

For that; Edward had no answer。 


〃Headed out?〃 Edward asked; his tone nonchalant。 There was a sort of forced composure about his 
expression。 He hugged Renesmee just a little bit tighter to his chest。 

〃Yes; a few last…minute things。。。;〃 I responded just as casually。 

He smiled my favorite smile。 〃Hurry back to me。〃 


I took his Volvo again; wondering if he'd read the odometer after my last errand。 How much had he 
pieced together? That I had a secret; absolutely。 Would he have deduced the reason why I didn't confide 
in him? Did he guess that Aro might soon know everything he knew? I thought Edward could have come 
to that conclusion; which explained why he had demanded no reasons from me。 I guessed he was trying 
not to speculate too much; trying to keep my behavior off his mind。 Had he put this together with my odd 
performance the morning after Alice left; burning my book in the fire? I didn't know if he could have 
made that leap。 

It was a dreary afternoon; already dark as dusk。 I sped through the gloom; my eyes on the heavy 
clouds。 Would it snow tonight? Enough to layer the ground and create the scene from Alice's vision? 
Edward estimated that we had about two more days。 Then we would set ourselves in the clearing; 
drawing the Volturi to our chosen place。 

As I headed through the darkening forest; I considered my last trip to Seattle。 I thought I knew Alice's 
purpose in sending me to the dilapidated drop point where J。 Jenks referred his shadier clients。 If I'd 
gone to one of his other; more legitimate offices; would I have ever known what to ask for? if I'd met him 
as Jason Jenks or Jason Scott; legitimate lawyer; would I ever have unearthed J。 Jenks; purveyor of 
illegal documents? I'd had to go the route that made it clear I was up to no good。 That was my clue。 

It was black when I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant a few minutes early; ignoring the eager 
valets by the entrance。 I popped in my contacts and then went to wait for J inside the restaurant。 Though 
I was in a hurry to be 

done with this depressing necessity and back with my family; J seemed careful to keep himself untainted 
by his baser associations; i had a feeling a handoff in the dark parking lot would offend his sensibilities。 

I gave the name Jenks at the podium; and the obsequious maftre d' led me upstairs to a small private 
room with a fire crackling in a stone hearth。 He took the calf…length ivory trench coat I'd worn to disguise 
the fact that I was wearing Alice's idea of appropriate attire; and gasped quietly at my oyster satin 
cocktail dress。 I couldn't help being a little flattered; I still wasn't used to being beautiful to everyone 
rather than just Edward。 The mattre d' stuttered half…formed compliments as he backed unsteadily from 
the room。 

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I stood by the fire to wait; holding my fingers close to the flame to warm them a little before the 
inevitable handshake。 Not that J wasn't obviously aware that there was something up with the Cullens; 
but it was still a good habit to practice。 

For one half second; I wondered what it would feel like to put my hand in the fire。 What it would feel 
like when I burned___ 

J's entrance distracted my morbidity。 The maftre d' took his coat; too; and it was evident that I was not 
the only one who had dressed up for this meeting。 

〃I'm so sorry I'm late;〃 J said as soon as we were alone。 

〃No; you're exactly on time。〃 

He held out his hand; and as we shook I could feel that his fingers were still quite noticeably warmer than 
mine。 It didn't seem to bother him。 

〃You look stunning; if I may be so bold; Mrs。 Cullen。〃 

〃Thank you; J。 Please; call me Bella。〃 

〃I must say; it's a different experience working with you than it is with Mr。 Jasper。 Much less。。。 
unsettling。〃 He smiled hesitantly。 

〃Really? I've always found Jasper to have a very soothing presence。〃 

His eyebrows pulled together。 〃Is that so?〃 he murmured politely while clearly still in disagreement。 How 
odd。 What had Jasper done to this man? 

〃Have you known Jasper long?〃 

He sighed; looking uncomfortable。 〃I've been working with Mr。 Jasper for more than twenty years; and 
my old partner knew him for fifteen years before that。。。。 He never changes。〃 J cringed delicately。 

〃Yeah; Jasper's kind of funny that way。〃 

J shook his head as if he could shake away the disturbing thoughts。 〃Won't you have a seat; Bella?〃 

〃Actually; I'm in a bit of a hurry。 I've got a long drive home。〃 As I spoke; I took the thick white envelope 
with his bonus from my bag and handed it to him。 

〃Oh;〃 he said; a little catch of disappointment in his voice。 He tucked the envelope into an inside pocket 
of his jacket without bothering to check the amount。 〃I was hoping we could speak for just a moment。〃 

〃About?〃 I asked curiously。 

〃Well; let me get you your items first。 I want to make sure you're satisfied。〃 

He turned; placed his briefcase on the table; and popped the latches。 He took out a legal…sized manila 

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Though I had no idea what I should be looking for; I opened the envelope and gave the contents a 
cursory glance。 J had flipped Jacob's picture and changed the coloring so that it wasn't immediately 
evident that it was the same picture on both his passport and driver's license。 Both looked perfectly 
sound to me; but that meant little。 I glanced at the picture on Vanessa Wolfe's passport for a fraction of a 
second; and then looked away quickly; a lump rising in my throat。 

〃Thank you;〃 I told him。 

His eyes narrowed slightly; and I felt he was disappointed that my examination was not more thorough。 
〃I can assure you every piece is perfect。 All will pass the most rigorous scrutiny by experts。〃 

〃I'm sure they are。 I truly appreciate what you've done for me; J。〃 

〃It's been my pleasure; Bella。 In the future; feel free to come to me for anything the Cullen family needs。〃 
He didn't even hint at it really; but this sounded like an invitation for me to take over Jasper's place as 

〃There was something you wanted to discuss?〃 

〃Er; yes。 It's a bit delicate。。 。。〃 He gestured to the stone hearth with a questioning expression。 I sat on the 
edge of the stone; and he sat beside me。 Sweat was dewing up on his forehead again; and he pulled a 
blue silk handkerchief from his pocket and began mopping。 

〃You are the sister of Mr。 Jasper's wife? Or married to his brother?〃 he asked。 

〃Married to his brother;〃 I clarified; wondering where this was leading。 

〃You would be Mr。 Edward's bride; then?〃 


He smiled apologetically。 〃I've seen all the names many times; you see。 My belated congratulations。 It's 
nice that Mr。 Edward has found such a lovely partner after all this time。〃 

〃Thank you very much。〃 

He paused; dabbing at the sweat。 〃Over the years; you might imagine that I've developed a very healthy 
level of respect for Mr。 Jasper and the entire family。〃 

I nodded cautiously。 

He took a deep breath and then exhaled without speaking。 

〃J; please just say whatever you need to。〃 

He took another breath and then mumbled quickly; slurring the words together。 

〃If you could just assure me that you are not planning to kidnap the little girl from her father; I would 
sleep better tonight。〃 

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〃Oh;〃 I said; stunned。 It took me a minute to understand the erroneous conclusion he'd 

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