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4 breaking dawn破晓-第111节

小说: 4 breaking dawn破晓 字数: 每页4000字

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nodded toward Benjamin; who stiffened。 Almost everyone was eavesdropping on the Romanians now; 
like me。 〃With their witch twins they have no need of the illusionist or the fire touch。〃 His eyes moved to 
Zafrina; then Kate。 

Stefan looked at Edward。 〃Nor is the mind reader is exactly necessary。 But I see your point。 Indeed; 
they will gain much if they win。〃 

〃More than we can afford to have them gain; wouldn't you agree?〃 

Stefan sighed。 〃I think i must agree。 And that means。。。〃 

〃That we must stand against them while there is still hope。〃 

〃If we can just cripple them; even; expose them 。。。〃 

〃Then; someday; others will finish the job。〃 

〃And our long vendetta will be repaid。 At last。〃 

They locked eyes for a moment and then murmured in unison。 〃It seems the only way。〃 

〃So we fight;〃 Stefan said。 

Though I could see that they were torn; self…preservation warring with revenge; the smile they exchanged 
was full of anticipation。 

〃We fight;〃 Vladimir agreed。 

I suppose it was a good thing; like Alistair; I was sure the battle was impossible to avoid。 In that case; 
two more vampires fighting on our side could only help。 But the Romanians' decision still made me 

〃We will fight; too;〃 Tia said; her usually grave voice more solemn than ever。 〃We believe the Volturi will 
overstep their authority。 We have no wish to belong to them。〃 Her eyes lingered on her mate。 

Benjamin grinned and threw an impish glance toward the Romanians。 〃Apparently; I'm a hot commodity。 
It appears I have to win the right to be free。〃 

〃This won't be the first time I've fought to keep myself from a king's rule;〃 Garrett said in a teasing tone。 
He walked over and clapped Benjamin on the back。 〃Here's to freedom from oppression。〃 

〃We stand with Carlisle;〃 Tanya said。 〃And we fight with him。〃 

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The Romanians' pronouncement seemed to have made the others feel the need to declare themselves as 

〃We have not decided/7Peter said。 He looked down at his tiny companion; Charlotte's lips were set in 
dissatisfaction。 It looked like she'd made her decision。 I wondered what it was。 

〃The same goes for me;〃 Randall said。 

〃And me;〃 Mary added。 

〃The packs will fight with the Cullens;〃 Jacob said suddenly。 〃We're not afraid of vampires;〃 he added 
with a smirk。 

〃Children;〃 Peter muttered。 

〃Infants;〃 Randall corrected。 

Jacob grinned tauntingly。 

〃Well; I'm in; too;〃 Maggie said; shrugging out from under Siobhan's restraining hand。 〃I know truth is on 
Carlisle's side。 I can't ignore that。〃 

Siobhan stared at the junior member of her coven with worried eyes。 〃Carlisle;〃 she said as if they were 
alone; ignoring the suddenly formal feel of the gathering; the unexpected outburst of declarations; 〃I don't 
want this to come to a fight。〃 

〃Nor do I; Siobhan。 You know that's the last thing I want。〃 He half…smiled。 〃Perhaps you should 
concentrate on keeping it peaceful。〃 

〃You know that won't help;〃 she said。 

I remembered Rose and Carlisle's discussion of the Irish leader; Carlisle believed that Siobhan had some 
subtle but powerful gift to make things go her way—and yet Siobhan didn't believe it herself。 

〃It couldn't hurt;〃 Carlisle said。 

Siobhan rolled her eyes。 〃Shall I visualize the outcome I desire?〃 she asked sarcastically。 

Carlisle was openly grinning now。 〃If you don't mind。〃 

〃Then there is no need for my coven to declare itself; is there?〃 she retorted。 〃Since there is no possibility 
of a fight。〃 She put her hand back on Maggie's shoulder; pulling the girl closer to her。 Siobhan's mate; 
Liam; stood silent and expressionless。 

Almost everyone else in the room looked mystified by Carlisle and Siobhan's clearly joking exchange; 
but they didn't explain themselves。 

That was the end of the dramatic speeches for the night。 The group slowly dispersed; some off to hunt; 
some to while away the time with Carlisle's books or televisions or computers。 

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Edward; Renesmee; and I went to hunt。 Jacob tagged along。 

〃Stupid leeches;〃 he muttered to himself when we got outside。 〃Think they're so superior。〃 He snorted。 

〃They'll be shocked when the infants save their superior lives; won't they?〃 Edward said。 

Jake smiled and punched his shoulder。 〃Hell yeah; they will。〃 

This wasn't our last hunting trip。 We all would hunt again nearer to the time we expected the Volturi。 As 
the deadline was not exact; we were planning to stay a few nights out in the big baseball clearing Alice 
had seen; just in 

case。 All we knew was that they would come the day that the snow stuck to the ground。 We didn't want 
the Volturi too close to town; and Demetri would lead them to wherever we were。 I wondered who he 
would track in; and guessed that it would be Edward since he couldn't track me。 

I thought about Demetri while I hunted; paying little attention to my prey or the drifting snowflakes that 
had finally appeared but were melting before they touched the rocky soil。 Would Demetri realize that he 
couldn't track me? What would he make of that? What would Aro? Or was Edward wrong? There were 
those little exceptions to what I could withstand; those ways around my shield。 Everything that was 
outside my mind was vulnerable—open to the things Jasper; Alice; and Benjamin could do。 Maybe 
Demetri's talent worked a little differently; too。 

And then I had a thought that brought me up short。 The half…drained elk dropped from my hands to the 
stony ground。 Snowflakes vaporized a few inches from the warm body with tiny sizzling sounds。 I stared 
blankly at my bloody hands。 

Edward saw my reaction and hurried to my side; leaving his own kill undrained。 

〃What's wrong?〃 he asked in a low voice; his eyes sweeping the forest around us; looking for whatever 
had triggered my behavior。 

〃Renesmee;〃 I choked。 

〃She's just through those trees;〃 he reassured me。 〃I can hear both her thoughts and Jacob's。 She's fine。〃 

〃That's not what I meant;〃 I said。 〃I was thinking about my shield—you really think it's worth something; 
that it will help somehow。 I know the others are hoping that I'll be able to shield Zafrina and Benjamin; 
even if I can only keep it up for a few seconds at a time。 What if that's a mistake? What if your trust in 
me is the reason that we fail?〃 

My voice was edging toward hysteria; though I had enough control to keep it low。 I didn't want to upset 

〃Bella; what brought this on? Of course; it s wonderful that you can protect yourself; but you're not 
responsible for saving anyone。 Don't distress yourself needlessly。〃 

〃But what if I can't protect anything?〃 I whispered in gasps。 〃This thing I do; it's faulty; it's erratic! 
There's no rhyme or reason to it。 Maybe it will do nothing against Alec at all。〃 

〃Shh;〃 he hushed me。 〃Don't panic。 And don't worry about Alec。 What he does is no different than what 

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Jane or Zafrina does。 It's just an illusion—he can't get inside your head any more than I can。〃 

〃But Renesmee does!〃 I hissed frantically through my teeth。 〃It seemed so natural; I never questioned it 
before。 It's always been just part of who she is。 But she puts her thoughts right into my head just like she 
does with everyone else。 My shield has holes; Edward!〃 

I stared at him desperately; waiting for him to acknowledge my terrible revelation。 His lips were pursed; 
as if he was trying to decide how to phrase something。 His expression was perfectly relaxed。 

〃You thought of this a long time ago; didn't you?〃 I demanded; feeling like an idiot for my months of 
overlooking the obvious。 

He nodded; a faint smile pulling up one corner of his mouth。 〃The first time she touched you。〃 

I sighed at my own stupidity; but his calm had mellowed me some。 〃And this doesn't bother you? You 
don't see it as a problem?〃 

〃I have two theories; one more likely than the other。〃 

〃Give me the least likely first。〃 

〃Well; she's your daughter;〃 he pointed out。 〃Genetically half you。 I used to tease you about how your 
mind was on a different frequency than the rest of ours。 Perhaps she runs on the same。〃 

This didn't work for me。 〃But you hear her mind just fine。 Everyone hears her mind。 And what if Alec 
runs on a different frequency? What if—?〃 

He put a finger to my lips。 〃I've considered that。 Which is why I think this next theory is much more 

I gritted my teeth and waited。 

〃Do you remember what Carlisle said to me about her; right after she showed you that first memory?〃 

Of course I remembered。 〃He 

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