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4 breaking dawn破晓-第10节

小说: 4 breaking dawn破晓 字数: 每页4000字

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As if in response to that thought; Seth leaned toward Edward; arms extended。 Edward returned the hug 
with his free arm。 

I saw Sue shudder delicately。 

〃It's good to see things work out for you; man;〃 Seth said。 〃I'm happy for you。〃 

〃Thank you; Seth。 That means a lot to me。〃 Edward pulled away from Seth and looked at Sue and Billy。 
〃Thank you; as well。 For letting Seth come。 For supporting Bella today。〃 

〃You're welcome;〃 Billy said in his deep; gravelly voice; and I was surprised at the optimism in his tone。 
Perhaps a stronger truce was on the horizon。 

A bit of a line was forming; so Seth waved goodbye and wheeled Billy toward the food。 Sue kept one 
hand on each of them。 

Angela and Ben were the next to claim us; followed by Angela's parents and then Mike and Jessica 
—who were; to my surprise; holding hands。 I hadn't heard that they were together again。 That was nice。 

Behind my human friends were my new cousins…in…law; the Denali vampire clan。 I realized I was holding 
my breath as the vampire in front—Tanya; I assumed from the strawberry tint in her blond 
curls—reached out to embrace Edward。 Next to her; three other vampires with golden eyes stared at me 
with open curiosity。 One woman had long; pale blond hair; straight as corn silk。 The other woman and 
the man beside her were both black…haired; with a hint of an olive tone to their chalky complexions。 

And they were all four so beautiful that it made my stomach hurt。 

Tanya was still holding Edward。 

〃Ah; Edward;〃 she said。 〃I've missed you。〃 

Edward chuckled and deftly maneuvered out of the hug; placing his hand lightly on her shoulder and 
stepping back; as if to get a better look at her。 〃It's been too long; Tanya。 You look well。〃 

〃So do you。〃 

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〃Let me introduce you to my wife。〃 It was the first time Edward had said that word since it was officially 
true; he seemed like he would explode with satisfaction saying it now。 The Denalis all laughed lightly in 
response。 〃Tanya; this is my Bella。〃 

Tanya was every bit as lovely as my worst nightmares had predicted。 She eyed me with a look that was 
much more speculative than it was resigned; and then reached out to take my hand。 

〃Welcome to the family; Bella。〃 She smiled; a little rueful。 〃We consider ourselves Carlisle's extended 
family; and I am sorry about the; er; recent incident when we did not behave as such。 We should have 
met you sooner。 Can 

you forgive us?〃 

〃Of course;〃 I said breathlessly。 〃It's so nice to meet you。〃 

〃The Cullens are all evened up in numbers now。 Perhaps it will be our turn next; eh; Kate?〃 She grinned 
at the blonde。 

〃Keep the dream alive;〃 Kate said with a roll of her golden eyes。 She took my hand from Tanya's and 
squeezed it gently。 〃Welcome; Bella。〃 

The dark…haired woman put her hand on top of Kate's。 〃I'm Carmen; this is Eleazar。 We're all so very 
pleased to finally meet you。〃 

〃M…me; too;〃 I stuttered。 

Tanya glanced at the people waiting behind her—Charlie's deputy; Mark; and his wife。 Their eyes were 
huge as they took in the Denali clan。 

〃We'll get to know each other later。 We'll have eons of time for that!〃 Tanya laughed as she and her 
family moved on。 

All the standard traditions were kept。 I was blinded by flashbulbs as we held the knife over a spectacular 
cake—too grand; I thought; for our relatively intimate group of friends and family。 We took turns shoving 
cake in each other's faces; Edward manfully swallowed his portion as I watched in disbelief。 I threw my 
bouquet with atypical skill; right into Angela's surprised hands。 Emmett and Jasper howled with laughter 
at my blush while Edward removed my borrowed garter—which I'd shimmied down nearly to my 
ankle— verycarefully with his teeth。 With a quick wink at me; he shot it straight into Mike Newton's 

And when the music started; Edward pulled me into his arms for the customary first dance; I went 
willingly; despite my fear of dancing—especially dancing in front of an audience—just happy to have him 
holding me。 He did all the work; and I twirled effortlessly under the glow of a canopy of lights and the 
bright flashes from the cameras。 

〃Enjoying the party; Mrs。 Cullen?〃 he whispered in my ear。 

I laughed。 〃That will take a while to get used to。〃 

〃We have a while;〃 he reminded me; his voice exultant; and he leaned down to kiss me while we danced。 

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Cameras clicked feverishly。 

The music changed; and Charlie tapped on Edward's shoulder。 

It wasn't nearly as easy to dance with Charlie。 He was no better at it than I was; so we moved safely 
from side to side in a tiny square formation。 Edward and Esme spun around us like Fred Astaire and 
Ginger Rogers。 

〃I'm going to miss you at home; Bella。 I'm already lonely。〃 

I spoke through a tight throat; trying to make a joke of it。 〃I feel just horrible; leaving you to cook for 
yourself—it's practically criminal negligence。 You could arrest me。〃 

He grinned。 〃I suppose I'll survive the food。 Just call me whenever you can。〃 

〃I promise。〃 

It seemed like I danced with everyone。 It was good to see all my old friends; but I really wanted to be 
with Edward 

more than anything else。 I was happy when he finally cut in; just half a minute after a new dance started。 

〃Still not that fond of Mike; eh?〃 I commented as Edward whirled me away from him。 

〃Not when I have to listen to his thoughts。 He's lucky I didn't kick him out。 Or worse。〃 

〃Yeah; right。〃 

〃Have you had a chance to look at yourself?〃 

〃Urn。 No; I guess not。 Why?〃 

〃Then I suppose you don't realize how utterly; heart…breakingly beautiful you are tonight。 I'm not 
surprised Mike's having difficulty with improper thoughts about a married woman。 I am disappointed that 
Alice didn't make sure you were forced to look in a mirror。〃 

〃You are very biased; you know。〃 

He sighed and then paused and turned me around to face the house。 The wall of glass reflected the party 
back like a long mirror。 Edward pointed to the couple in the mirror directly across from us。 

〃Biased; am I?〃 

I caught just a glimpse of Edward's reflection—a perfect duplicate of his perfect face—with a 
dark…haired beauty at his side。 Her skin was cream and roses; her eyes were huge with excitement and 
framed with thick lashes。 The narrow sheath of the shimmering white dress flared out subtly at the train 
almost like an inverted calla lily; cut so skillfully that her body looked elegant and graceful—while it was 
motionless; at least。 

Before I could blink and make the beauty turn back into me; Edward suddenly stiffened and turned 
automatically in the other direction; as if someone had called his name。 

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〃Oh!〃 he said。 His brow furrowed for an instant and then smoothed out just as quickly。 

Suddenly; he was smiling a brilliant smile。 

〃What is it?〃 I asked。 

〃A surprise wedding gift。〃 


He didn't answer; he just started dancing again; spinning me the opposite way we'd been headed before; 
away from the lights and then into the deep swath of night that ringed the luminous dance floor。 

He didn't pause until we reached the dark side of one of the huge cedars。 Then Edward looked straight 
into the blackest shadow。 

〃Thank you;〃 Edward said to the darkness。 〃This is very。。。 kind of you。〃 

〃Kind is my middle name;〃 a husky familiar voice answered from the black night。 〃Can i cut in?〃 

My hand flew up to my throat; and if Edward hadn't been holding me I would have collapsed。 

〃Jacob!〃 I choked as soon as I could breathe。 〃Jacob!〃 

〃Hey there; Bells。〃 

I stumbled toward the sound of his voice。 Edward kept his grip under my elbow until another set of 
strong hands caught me in the darkness。 The heat from Jacob's skin burned right through the thin satin 
dress as he pulled me 

close。 He made no effort to dance; he just hugged me while I buried my face in his chest。 He leaned 
down to press his cheek to the top of my head。 

〃Rosalie won't forgive me if she doesn't get her official turn on the dance floor;〃 Edward murmured; and 
I knew he was leaving us; giving me a gift of his own—this moment with Jacob。 

〃Oh; Jacob。〃 I was crying now; I couldn't get the words out clearly。 〃Thank you。〃 

〃Stop blubbering;Bella。 You'll ruin your dress。 It's just me。〃 

〃Just? Oh; Jake! Everything is perfect now。〃 

Hesnorted。 〃Yeah—the party can start。 The best man finally made it。〃 

〃Now everyone I love is here。〃 

I felthis lips brush my hair。 〃SorryI'm late; honey。〃 

〃I'm just so happy you cam

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