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´ Page 127´

                                      ONE BASKET 

Charnsworth stopped short in his pacing and regarded his daughter with a 

queer look察a  concentrated look察as though what she had said   had set in 

motion a whole mass of mental machinery within his brain。 

     ;When did he ask you拭─

     ;He's asked me a dozen times。            But it's different now。       All the men 

will   be   going   to   war。 There   won't   be   any   left。  Look   at   England   and 

France。     I'm not going to be left。;       She turned squarely toward her father察

her young face set and hard。          ;You know what I mean。           You know what 

I mean。; 

     Flora察sitting up in   bed察was sobbing。          ;I think   you might have told 

your mother察Adele。        What are children coming to           You stand there and 

say察 I'm going to marry Daniel Oakley。'             Oh察I am so faint 。 。 。 all of a 

sudden 。 。 。    Get the spirits of ammonia。; 

     Adele    turned    and   walked    out  of  the   room。    She    was   married    six 

weeks later。      They  had a   regular prewar   weddingveil察flowers察  dinner察

and all。    Aunt Sophy arranged the folds of her gown and draped her veil。 

The girl stood looking at herself in the mirror察a curious half smile twisting 

her lips。    She seemed slighter and darker than ever。 

     ;In all this white察and my veil察I look just like a fly in a quart of milk察─

she said察with a laugh。       Then察suddenly察she turned to her aunt察who stood 

behind     her察 and   clung   to  her察 holding    her  tight察 tight。  ;I   can't ─  she 

gasped。     ;I can't    I can't ─

     Aunt Sophy held her off and looked at her察her eyes searching the girl。 

     ;What   do   you   mean察 Della拭     Are   you   just   nervous   or   do   you   mean 

you don't want to marry him拭           Do you mean that拭         Then what are you 

marrying for拭      Tell me     Tell your Aunt Sophy。; 

     But Adele was straightening herself and pulling out the crushed folds 

of her veil。    ;To pay the mortgage on the old homestead察of course。                 Just 

like the girl in the play。;     She laughed a little。      But Aunt Sophy did not。 

     ;Now look here察Della。         If you're; 

     But   there   was   a   knock   at   the   door。 Adele   caught   up   her   flowers。 

;It's all right察─she said。    Aunt Sophy stood with her back against the door。 

;If  it's   money察─  she   said。 ;It   is It   is察  isn't   it I've   got   money  saved。 

It was for you children。        I've always been afraid。        I knew he was sailing 


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                                      ONE BASKET 

pretty close察with his speculations and all察since the war。             He can have it 

all。   It isn't too late yet。   Adele     Della察my baby。; 

     ;Don't察  Aunt   Sophy。     It   wouldn't   be   enough察  anyway。     Daniel   has 

been   wonderful察  really。     Dad's   been   stealing   money   for   years。    Dan's。 

Don't look like that。      I'd have hated being poor察anyway。 

     Never   could   have   got   used   to   it。 It   is   ridiculous察  though察  isn't   it拭

Like   something   in   the   movies。     I   don't   mind。  I'm   lucky察  really察  when 

you come to think of it。       A plain little black thing like me。; 

     ;But your mother; 

     ;Mother doesn't know a thing。; 

     Flora wept mistily all through the ceremony察but Adele was composed 

enough for two。 

     When察scarcely a month later察Baldwin came to Sophy Decker察his face 

drawn and queer察Sophy knew。 

     ;How much拭─she said。 

     ;Thirty thousand will cover it。        If you've got more than that; 

     ;I thought OakleyAdele said; 

     ;He did察but he won't any  more察and this thing's got to be met。                 It's 

this   damned     war   that's  done   it。 I'd   have   been   all  right。  People     got 

scared。    They wanted their money。           They wanted it in cash。; 

     ;Speculating with it察were you拭─

     ;Oh察well察a woman doesn't understand these business deals。; 

     ;No察naturally察─said Aunt Sophy察 a butterfly like me。; 

     ;Sophy察for God's sake don't joke now。             I tell you this will cover it察

and everything   will be   all right。      If   I had   anybody else   to go to for the 

money I wouldn't ask you。          But you'll get it back。     You know that。; 

     Aunt Sophy got up察heavily察and went over to her desk。                 ;It was for 

the children察anyway。        They won't need it now。; 

     He looked up at that。       Something in her voice。         ;Who won't拭       Why 

won't they拭─

     ;I don't know what made me say that。            I had a dream。; 



     ;Oh察   well察  we're   all  nervous。    Flora    has  dreams     every   night   and 


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                                      ONE BASKET 

presentiments   every   fifteen      minutes。    Now察  look     here察  Sophy。    About 

this   money。     You'll   never    know     how    grateful   I  am。     Flora    doesn't 

understand these things察but I can talk to you。           It's like this; 

     ;I might as well be honest about it察─Sophy interrupted。              ;I'm doing it察

not for you察but for Flora察and Dellaand Eugene。              Flora has lived such a 

sheltered life。     I sometimes wonder if she ever really knew any of you。 

Her   husband察  or   her   children。   I   sometimes   have   the   feeling   that   Della 

and Eugene are my childrenwere my children。; 

     When he   came  home  that night   Baldwin told  his   wife  that   old   Soph 

was getting queer。       ;She talks about the children being hers察─he said。 

     ;Oh察well察she's awfully fond of them察─Flora explained。                 ;And she's 

lived her little察narrow life察with nothing to bother her but her hats and her 

house。     She doesn't know what it means to suffer as a mother suffers  

poor Sophy。; 

     ;Um察─Baldwin grunted。 

     When   the   official   notification   of   Eugene's   death   came   from   the   War 

Department察Aunt   Sophy was   so   calm it   might   have appeared   that   Flora 

had been right。       She took to her bed now in earnest察did Flora。               Sophy 

neglected everything to give comfort to the stricken two。 

     ;How can you sit there like that ─          Flora would rail。      ;How can you 

sit there like that     Even if you weren't his mother察surely you must feel 


     ;It's the way he died that comforts me察─said Aunt Sophy。 

     ;What difference does that make ─

     AMERICAN RED CROSS                        Croix Rouge Americaine 

     MY   DEAR   MRS。   BALDWIN此                  I   am   sure   you   must   have   been 

officially notified by the U。S。 War Dept。 of the death of your son察Lieut。 

Eugene H。 Baldwin。          But I want to write you what I can of his last hours。 

I   was   with   him   much   of   that   time   as   his   nurse。 I'm   sure   it   must   mean 

much to a mother to hear from a woman who was privileged to be with her 

boy at the last。         Your son was brought to our hospital one night badly 

gassed   from   the   fighting   in   the Argonne   Forest。     Ordinarily   we   do   not 

receive   gassed   patients察  as   they   are   sent   to   a   special   hospital   near   here。 

But two nights before察the Germans wrecked that hospital察so many gassed 


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                                      ONE BASKET 

patients   have   come   to   us。        Your   son   was   put   in   the   officers'   ward察

where   the   doctors   who   examined   him   told   me   there   was   absolutely   no 

hope for him察as he had inhaled so much gas that it was only a matter of a 

few hours。 

     I could scarcely believe that a man so big and strong as he was could 

not pull through。            The first bad attack he had察losing his breath and 

nearly choking察rather frightened him察although the doctor and I were both 

with him。      He held my hand tightly in his察begging me not to leave him察

and repeating察over and over察that it was good to have a woman near。                   He 

was propped high in bed and put his head on my shoulder while I fanned 

him   until   he   breathed    more    easily。  I   stayed   with   him   all  that  night察

though   I   was   not   on   duty。  You   see察  his   eyes   also   were   badly   burned。 

But before he died he was able to see very well。              I stayed with him every 

minute of that night and have never seen a finer character than he showed 

during all that fight for life。          He had several bad attacks that night and 

came     through    each   one    simply   because

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