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´ Page 117´

                                      ONE BASKET 

drove a skittish mare to a high´wheeled yellow runabout察had his clothes 

made at Proctor Brothers in Milwaukee察and talked about a game called 

golf。    It was he who advocated laying out a section of land for what he 

called links察and erecting a clubhouse thereon。 

     ;The section of the bluff overlooking the river察─he explained察 is full 

of natural hazards察besides having a really fine view。; 

     Chippewaor that comfortable察middle´class section of it which got its 

exercise walking home to dinner from the store at noon察and cutting the 

grass    evenings    after   supperlaughed      as  it  read  this  interview    in  the 

Chippewa Eagle。 

     ;A  golf   course察─  they   repeated   to   one   another察  grinning。 ;Conklin's 

cow pasture察up the river。        It's full of naturalwait a minutewhat was拭

oh察yeh察here it ishazards。        Full of natural hazards。        Say察couldn't you 

die ─

     For H。 Charnsworth Baldwin had been little Henry Baldwin before he 

went East to college。       Ten years later H。 Charnsworth察in knickerbockers 

and gay´topped stockings察was winning the cup in the men's tournament 

played on the Chippewa golf´club course察overlooking the river。                 And his 

name察in stout gold letters察blinked at you from the plate´glass windows of 

the office at the corner of Elm and Winnebago此

     NORTHERN LUMBER AND LAND COMPANY                                                  H。 

Charnsworth Baldwin察Pres。 

     Two blocks farther down Elm Street was another sign察not so glittering察

which      read此                                             Miss      Sophy     Decker 


     Sophy's   hatmaking察  in   the   beginning察  had   been   done   at   home。   She 

had    always    made    her   sisters'  hats察 and   her   own察  of   course察  and   an 

occasional   hat   for   a   girl   friend。 After   her   sisters   had   married察  Sophy 

found herself in possession of a rather bewildering amount of spare time。 

The   hat   trade grew  so that   sometimes   there   were six   rather   botchy  little 

bonnets   all   done   up   in   yellow   paper   pyramids   with   a   pin   at   the  top察

awaiting their future wearers。        After her mother's death Sophy still stayed 

on in the old house。 She took a course in millinery in Milwaukee察came 

home察    stuck   up   a  homemade       sign  in  the   parlor  window      the  untidy 


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                                      ONE BASKET 

cucumber   vines   came   down察  and   began   her   hatmaking   in   earnest。        In 

five years she had opened a shop on a side street near Elm察had painted the 

old    house察  installed   new    plumbing察    built   a  warty    stucco   porch察   and 

transformed the weedy察grass´tangled yard into an orderly stretch of green 

lawn and bright flower beds。          In ten years she was in Elm Street察and the 

Chippewa Eagle ran a half column twice a year describing her spring and 

fall openings。      On these occasions Aunt Sophy察in black satin and marcel 

wave and her most relentless corsets察was察in all the superficial things察not 

a pleat or fold or line or wave behind her city colleagues。              She had all the 

catch phrases此

     ;This is awfully good this year。; 

     ;Here's a sweet thing。       A Mornet model。; 

     ;。 。 。  Well察but察my dear察it's the stylethe lineyou're paying for察not 

the material。; 

     ;No察that hat doesn't do a thing for you。; 

     ;I've got it。   I had you in mind when I bought it。            Now don't say you 

can't wear henna。       Wait till you see it on。; 

     When   she   stood   behind      you   as   you   sat察  uncrowned   and   expectant 

before the mirror察 she would   poise the hat   four inches   above your head察

holding     it  in  the  tips  of  her  fingers察  a  precious察  fragile   thing。   Your 

fascinated eyes were held by it察and your breath as well。                 Then down it 

descended察slowly察slowly。         A quick pressure。 

     Her    fingers   firm   against   your   temples。     A    little  sigh  of  relieved 


     ;That's wonderful on you   。 。         You don't     Oh察my dear       But that's 

because you're not used to it。        You know how you said察for years察you had 

to have a brim察and couldn't possibly wear a turban察with your nose察until I 

proved to you that if the head size was only big 。 。 。               Well察perhaps this 

needs just a lit´tle lift here。     Ju´u´ust a nip。     There     That does it。; 

     And that did it。      Not that   Sophy Decker ever tried to sell you a  hat 

against   your   judgment察  taste察 or   will。   She   was   too   wise   a   psychologist 

and too shrewd a businesswoman for that。               She preferred that you go out 

of her shop hatless rather than with an unbecoming hat。                But whether you 

bought or not you took with you out of Sophy Decker's shop something 


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                                       ONE BASKET 

more     precious     than   any    hatbox    ever   contained。      Just    to   hear   her 

admonishing a customer察her good´natured face all aglow此

     ;My dear察always put on your hat before you get into your dress。 

     I do。   You can get your arms above your head察and set it right。                 I put 

on my hat and veil as soon's I get my hair combed。; 

     In   your   mind's   eye   you   saw   her察  a   stout察  well´stayed   figure   in   tight 

brassiere and scant slip察bare´armed and bare´bosomed察in smart hat and 

veil察attired as though for the street from the neck up and for the bedroom 

from the shoulders down。 

     The    East   End    set  bought    Sophy    Decker's    hats   because    they   were 

modish   and   expensive   hats。      But   she   managed察  miraculously察  to   gain   a 

large and lucrative following among the paper´mill girls and factory hands 

as   well。   You   would   have   thought   that   any   attempt   to   hold   both   these 

opposites   would   cause   her   to   lose   one   or   the   other。 Aunt   Sophy   said察

frankly察that of the two察she would have preferred to lose her smart trade。 

     ;The mill girls come in with their money in their hands察you might say。 

They get good wages and they want to spend them。                   I wouldn't try to sell 

them one of those little plain model hats。            They wouldn't understand 'em 

or   like   them。   And   if   I told   them  the   price   they'd   think   I  was   trying   to 

cheat    them。    They     want    a  hat  with   something     good    and   solid   on  it。 

Their   fathers   wouldn't   prefer   caviar   to   pork   roast察  would   they拭 It's   the 

same idea。; 

     Her shopwindows reflected her business acumen。                  One was chastely察

severely elegant察holding a single hat poised on a slender stick。 

     In the other were a dozen honest arrangements of velvet and satin and 


     At the spring opening she always displayed one of those little toques 

completely       covered    with    violets。    That    violet´covered      toque    was    a 


     ;I   don't   expect    'em   to  buy    it察─ Sophy    Decker     explained。     ;But 

everybody feels there should be a hat like that at a spring opening。                    It's 

like a fruit centerpiece at a family dinner。          Nobody ever eats it察but it has 

to be there。; 

     The   two   Baldwin   childrenAdele   and   Eugenefound   Aunt   Sophy's 


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                                      ONE BASKET 

shop a treasure trove。       Adele察during her doll days察possessed such boxes 

of satin and velvet scraps察and bits of lace and ribbon and jet as to make 

her the envy of all her playmates。           She used to crawl about the floor of 

the shop workroom and under the table and chairs like a little scavenger。 

     ;What in the world do you do with all that truck察child拭─asked Aunt 

Sophy。     ;You must have barrels of it。; 

     Adele stuffed another wisp of tulle into the pocket of her pinafore。 

     ;I keep it察─she said。 

     When she was ten Adele had said to her mother察 Why do you always 

say `Poor Sophy'拭─

     ;BecauseAunt Sophy's had so little in life。            She never has married察

and has always worked。; 

     Adele considered that。        ;If you don't get married do they say  you're 



     ;Then I'll get married察─announced Adele。             A small察dark察eerie child察

skinny     and   rather  foreign´looking。      The    boy察  Eugene察   had   the  beauty 

which should have been the girl's。          Very

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