one basket(匯倖精徨)-及26准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
group。 She was a born mimic察 audacious察 agile察 and with the gift of
burlesque。 The autumn that Angie Hatton came home from Europe
wearing the first tight skirt that Chippewa had ever seen察Tessie gave an
imitation of that advanced young woman's progress down Grand Avenue
in this restricting garment。 The thing was cruel in its fidelity察 though
containing just enough exaggeration to make it artistic。 She followed it
up by imitating the stricken look on the face of Mattie Haynes察cloak´and´
suit buyer at Megan's察who察having just returned from the East with what
she considered the most fashionable of the new fall styles察 now beheld
Angie Hatton in the garb that was the last echo of the last cry in Paris
modesand no model in Mattie's newly selected stock bore even the
remotest resemblance to it。
You would know from this that Tessie was not a particularly deft
worker。 Her big´knuckled fingers were cleverer at turning out a blouse
or retrimming a hat。 Hers were what are known as handy hands察but not
sensitive。 It takes a light and facile set of fingers to fit pallet and arbor
and fork together此close work and tedious。 Seated on low benches along
the tables察their chins almost level with the table top察the girls worked with
pincers and flame察 screwing together the three tiny parts of the watch's
anatomy that were their particular specialty。 Each wore a jeweler's glass
in one eye。 Tessie had worked at the watch factory for three years察and
the pressure of the glass on the eye socket had given her the slightly
hollow´ eyed appearance peculiar to experienced watchmakers。 It was
not unbecoming察 though察 and lent her察 somehow察 a spiritual look which
made her impudence all the more piquant。
Tessie wasn't always witty察really。 But she had achieved a reputation
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for wit which insured applause for even her feebler efforts。 Nap Ballou察
the foreman察 never left the escapement room without a little shiver of
nervous apprehensiona feeling justified by the ripple of suppressed
laughter that went up and down the long tables。 He knew that Tessie
Golden察 like a naughty schoolgirl when teacher's back is turned察 had
directed one of her sure shafts at him。
Ballou察 his face darkling察 could easily have punished her。 Tessie
knew it。 But he never did察 or would。 She knew that察 too。 Her very
insolence and audacity saved her。
;Someday察─Ballou would warn her察 you'll get too gay察and then you'll
find yourself looking for a job。;
;Go onfire me察─retorted Tessie察 and I'll meet you in Lancaster;a
form of wit appreciated only by watchmakers。 For there is a certain type
of watch hand who is as peripatetic as the old´time printer。 Restless察
ne'er´do´ well察spendthrift察he wanders from factory to factory through the
chain of watchmaking towns此 Springfield察 Trenton察 Waltham察 Lancaster察
Waterbury察Chippewa。 Usually expert察always unreliable察certainly fond
of drink察Nap Ballou was typical of his kind。 The steady worker had a
mingled admiration and contempt for him。 He察 in turn察 regarded the
other as a stick´in´the´mud。 Nap wore his cap on one side of his curly
head察 and drank so evenly and steadily as never to be quite drunk and
never strictly sober。 He had slender察sensitive fingers like an artist's or a
woman's察and he knew the parts of that intricate mechanism known as a
watch from the jewel to the finishing room。 It was said he had a wife or
two。 He was forty´ six察 good´looking in a dissolute sort of way察
possessing the charm of the wanderer察generous with his money。 It was
known that Tessie's barbs were permitted to prick him without retaliation
because Tessie herself appealed to his errant fancy。
When the other girls teased her about this obvious state of affairs察
something fine and contemptuous welled up in her。 ;Him Why察 say察
he ought to work in a pickle factory instead of a watchworks。 All he
needs is a little dill and a handful of grape leaves to make him good eatin'
as a relish。;
And she thought of Chuck Mory察 perched on the high seat of the
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American Express truck察hatless察sunburned察stockily muscular察clattering
down Winnebago Street on his way to the depot and the 750 train。
Something about the clear simplicity and uprightness of the firm little
figure appealed to Nap Ballou。 He used to regard her curiously with a
long察 hard gaze before which she would grow uncomfortable。 ;Think
you'll know me next time you see me拭─ But there was an uneasy feeling
beneath her flip exterior。 Not that there was anything of the beautiful察
persecuted factory girl and villainous foreman about the situation。 Tessie
worked at watchmaking because it was light察 pleasant察 and well paid。
She could have found another job for the asking。 Her money went for
shoes and blouses and lingerie and silk stockings。 She was forever
buying a vivid necktie for her father and dressing up her protesting mother
in gay colors that went ill with the drab察wrinkled face。 ;If it wasn't for
me察you'd go round looking like one of those Polack women down by the
tracks察─Tessie would scold。 ;It's a wonder you don't wear a shawl ─
That was the Tessie of six months ago察gay察carefree察holding the reins
of her life in her own two capable hands。 Three nights a week察 and
Sunday察she saw Chuck Mory。 When she went downtown on Saturday
night it was frankly to meet Chuck察 who was waiting for her on
Schroeder's drugstore corner。 He knew it察 and she knew it。 Yet they
always went through a little ceremony。 She and Cora察turning into Grand
from Winnebago Street察would make for the post office。 Then down the
length of Grand with a leaping glance at Schroeder's corner before they
reached it。 Yes察there they were察very clean´shaven察clean´shirted察slick´
looking。 Tessie would have known Chuck's blond head among a
thousand。 An air of studied hauteur and indifference as they approached
the corner。 Heads turned the other way。 A low whistle from the boys。
;Oh察how do ─
;Good evening ─
Both greetings done with careful surprise。 Then on down the street。
On the way back you took the inside of the walk察and your hauteur was
now stony to the point of insult。 Schroeder's corner simply did not exist。
On as far as Megan's察which you entered and inspected察up one brightly
lighted aisle and down the next。 At the dress´goods counter there was a
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neat little stack of pamphlets entitled ;In the World of Fashion。; You
took one and sauntered out leisurely。 Down Winnebago Street now察
homeward bound察talking animatedly and seemingly unconscious of quick
footsteps sounding nearer and nearer。 Just past the Burke House察where
the residential district began察and where the trees cast their kindly shadows此
;Can I see you home拭─ A hand slipped through her arm察a little tingling
;Oh察why察how do察Chuck Hello察Scotty。 Sure察if you're going our
At every turn Chuck left her side and dashed around behind her in
order to place himself at her right again察 according to the rigid rule of
Chippewa etiquette。 He took her arm only at street crossings until they
reached the tracks察which perilous spot seemed to justi