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wheat and our apples and our hogs。               Yessir     There ain't a bigger man´ 

size job in the world。; 


´ Page 83´

                                       ONE BASKET 

        Un Morso doo Pang                                                 1919А

     When   you   are   twenty   you   do   not   patronize   sunsets   unless   you   are 

unhappy察in love察or both。          Tessie Golden was both。           Six months ago a 

sunset   had   wrung   from   her   only   a   casual   tribute察  such   as此 My   Look 

how red the sky is ─delivered as unemotionally as a weather bulletin。 

     Tessie Golden sat on the top step of the back porch now察a slim察inert 

heap in a cotton house coat and scuffed slippers。               Her head was propped 

wearily   against   the   porch   post。    Her   hands   were   limp   in   her   lap。 Her 

face was turned toward the west察where shone that mingling of orange and 

rose known as salmon pink。            But no answering radiance in the girl's face 

met the glow in the Wisconsin sky。 

       Saturday night察after supper in Chippewa察Wisconsin察Tessie Golden 

of   the   presunset   era   would   have   been   calling   from   her   bedroom   to   the 

kitchen此     Ma察what'd you do with my pink blouse拭─

     And     from   the  kitchen此    It's   in  your   second    bureau    drawer。    The 

collar   was   kind   of   mussed   from   Wednesday   night察  and   I   give   it   a   little 

pressing while my iron was on。; 

     At seven´thirty Tessie would have emerged from her bedroom in the 

pink blouse that might have been considered alarmingly frank as to texture 

and precariously low as to neck had Tessie herself not been so reassuringly 

unopulent察  a   black   taffeta   skirt察  very   brief察  a   hat   with   a   good   deal   of 

French blue about it察fragile high´heeled pumps with bows。 

     As   she   passed   through   the   sitting   room   on   her   way   out察  her   mother 

would appear in the doorway察dishtowel in hand。                  Her pride in this slim 

young thing and her love of her she concealed with a thin layer of carping 


     ;Runnin'   downtown   again察  I   s'pose。;       A   keen   eye   on   the   swishing 

skirt hem。 

     Tessie察the quick´tongued察would toss the wave of shining hair that lay 

against either glowing cheek。           ;Oh察my察no       I just thought I'd dress up 

in case Angie Hatton drove past in her auto and picked me up for a little 

ride。    So's not to keep her waiting。; 

     Angie   Hatton   was   Old   Man   Hatton's   daughter。        Anyone   in   the   Fox 


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                                       ONE BASKET 

River Valley could have told you who Old Man Hatton was。                       You saw his 

name at the top of every letterhead of any importance in Chippewa察from 

the   Pulp   and   Paper   Mill   to   the   First   National   Bank察  and   including   the 

watch   factory察  the   canning   works察 and   the   Mid´Western   Land   Company。 

Knowing       this察  you   were    able   to  appreciate     Tessie's   sarcasm。     Angie 

Hatton was as unaware of Tessie's existence as only a young woman could 

be whose family residence was in Chippewa察Wisconsin察but who wintered 

in   Italy察  summered   in   the   mountains察  and   bought   so   the   town   said   her 

very   hairpins   in   New York。       When Angie   Hatton   came   home   from   the 

East the town used to stroll past on Mondays to view the washing on the 

Hatton line。      Angie's underwear察flirting so audaciously with the sunshine 

and zephyrs察was of silk and crepe de Chine and satinmaterials that we 

had always thought of heretofore as intended exclusively for party dresses 

and    wedding      gowns。     Of    course察   two   years   later   they   were   showing 

practically   the    same    thing   at  Megan's     dry´goods     store。   But     that  was 

always     the   way    with   Angie    Hatton。     Even     those   of  us   who    went    to 

Chicago to shop never quite caught up with her。 

     Delivered   of   this   ironic   thrust察 Tessie   would   walk   toward   the   screen 

door     with   a   little  flaunting    sway    of   the  hips。    Her     mother's     eyes察

following the slim figure察had a sort of grudging love in them。                    A spare察

caustic察  wiry   little   woman察  Tessie's   mother。      Tessie   resembled   her   as   a 

water color may resemble a blurred charcoal sketch。                  Tessie's wide mouth 

curved      into   humor     lines。    She     was    the   cutup     of  the   escapement 

department   at   the   watch   factory察  the   older   woman's   lips   sagged   at   the 

corners。      Tessie   was   buoyant   and   colorful   with   youth。      The   other   was 

shrunken and faded with years and labor。                As the girl minced across the 

room in her absurdly high´heeled shoes察the older woman thought此                        My察

but   she's   pretty   But   she   said   aloud此   I   should   think   you'd   stay   home 

once in a while and not be runnin' the streets every night。; 

     ;Time enough to be sittin' home when I'm old like you。; 

     And yet between these two there was love察and even understanding。 

     But    in  families    such    as  Tessie's察   demonstration      is  a  thing    to  be 

ashamed of察  affection   a thing to conceal。            Tessie's   father   was   janitor of 

the    Chippewa      High     School。     A    powerful     man察   slightly    crippled    by 


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                                      ONE BASKET 

rheumatism察loquacious察lively察fond of his family察proud of his neat gray 

frame house and his new cement sidewalk and his carefully tended yard 

and garden patch。 In all her life Tessie had never seen a caress exchanged 

between her parents。 

     Nowadays Ma Golden had little occasion for finding fault with Tessie's 

evening   diversion。      She   no   longer   had   cause   to   say察   Always   gaddin' 

downtown察or over to Cora's or somewhere察like you didn't have a home to 

stay in。     You ain't been in a evening this week察only when you washed 

your hair。; 

     Tessie   had   developed   a   fondness   for   sunsets   viewed   from   the   back 

porch she who had thought nothing of dancing until three and rising at 

half´ past six to go to work。 

     Stepping about in the kitchen after supper察her mother would eye the 

limp察relaxed figure on the back porch with a little pang at her heart。               She 

would come to the screen door察or even out to the porch on some errand or 

otherto empty the coffee grounds察to turn the row of half´ripe tomatoes 

reddening on the porch railing察to flap and hang up a damp tea towel。 

     ;Ain't you goin' out察Tess拭─


     ;What     you   want    to  lop  around    here   for拭  Such     a  grant   evening。 

Why don't you put on your things and run downtown察or over to Cora's or 


     ;What for拭listlessly。 

     ;What for      What does anybody go out for ─

     ;I don't know。; 

     If   they   could   have   talked   it   over   together察  these   two察  the   girl   might 

have found relief。       But the family shyness of their class was too   strong 

upon     them。    Once     Mrs。    Golden    had   said察  in  an  effort   at  sympathy察

;Person'd think Chuck Mory was the only one who'd gone to war an' the 

last fella left in the world。; 

     A  grim  flash   of the   old humor   lifted   the   corners   of the   wide   mouth。 

;He   is。    Who's   there   left拭  Stumpy   Gans察  up   at   the   railroad   crossing拭

Or   maybe   Fatty   Weiman察  driving   the   garbage。        Guess   I'll   doll   up   this 

evening and see if I can't make a hit with one of them。; 


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                                       ONE BASKET 

     She    relapsed    into   bitter  silence。    The    bottom     had   dropped     out  of 

Tessie Golden's world。 

       In order to understand the Tessie of today one would have to know 

the Tessie of six months agoTessie the impudent察the life´loving。                   Tessie 

Golden could say things to the escapement´room foreman that anyone else 

would   have   been   fired   for。     Her   wide   mouth   was   capable   of   glorious 

insolences。      Whenever        you    heard   shrieks    of  laughter    from    the   girls' 

washroom at noon you knew that Tessie was holding forth to an admiring 

group。     She   was   a   born   mimic察  audacious察  agile察  and   with   the   gift   of 

burlesque。      The     autumn     that  Angie     Hatton    ca

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