one basket(匯倖精徨)-及23准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
Ben spoke of him seldom察but the boy was always present in his thoughts。
They had written him of their move察 but he had not seemed to get the
impression of its permanence。 His letters indicated that he thought they
were visiting Minnie察or taking a vacation in the city。 Dike's letters were
few。 Ben treasured them察 and read and reread them。 When the
Armistice news came察and with it the possibility of Dike's return察Ben tried
to fancy him fitting into the life of the city。 And his whole being revolted
at the thought。
He saw the pimply´faced察 sallow youths standing at the corner of
Halsted and Sixty´third察 spitting languidly and handling their limp
cigarettes with an amazing labial dexterity。 Their conversation was low´
voiced察 sinister察 and terse察 and their eyes narrowed as they watched the
overdressed察 scarlet´lipped girls go by。 A great fear clutched at Ben
Westerveld's heart。
The lack of exercise and manual labor began to tell on Ben。 He did
not grow fat from idleness。 Instead his skin seemed to sag and hang on
his frame察 like a garment grown too large for him。 He walked a great
deal。 Perhaps that had something to do with it。 He tramped miles of
city pave´ ments。 He was a very lonely man。 And then察one day察quite
by accident察he came upon South Water Street。 Came upon it察stared at it
as a water´crazed traveler in a desert gazes upon the spring in the oasis察
and drank from it察thirstily察gratefully。
South Water Street feeds Chicago。 Into that close´packed
thoroughfare come daily the fruits and vegetables that will supply a
million tables。 Ben had heard of it察vaguely察but had never attempted to
find it。 Now he stumbled upon it and察 standing there察 felt at home in
Chicago for the first time in more than a year。 He saw ruddy men
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walking about in overalls and carrying whips in their handswagon whips察
actually。 He hadn't seen men like that since he had left the farm。 The
sight of them sent a great pang of homesickness through him。 His hand
reached out and he ran an accustomed finger over the potatoes in a barrel
on the walk。 His fingers lingered and gripped them察 and passed over
them lovingly。
At the contact something within him that had been tight and hungry
seemed to relax察 satisfied。 It was his nerves察 feeding on those familiar
things for which they had been starving。
He walked up one side and down the other。 Crates of lettuce察bins of
onions察 barrels of apples。 Such vegetables The radishes were scarlet
globes。 Each carrot was a spear of pure orange。 The green and purple
of fancy asparagus held his expert eye。 The cauliflower was like a great
bouquet察fit for a bride察the cabbages glowed like jade。
And the men He hadn't dreamed there were men like that in this big察
shiny´shod察stiffly laundered察white´collared city。 Here were rufous men
in overallsworn察 shabby察 easy´looking overalls and old blue shirts察 and
mashed hats worn at a careless angle。 Men察 jovial察 good´natured察 with
clear eyes察and having about them some of the revivifying freshness and
wholesomeness of the products they handled。
Ben Westerveld breathed in the strong察 pungent smell of onions and
garlic and of the earth that seemed to cling to the vegetables察washed clean
though they were。 He breathed deeply察 gratefully察 and felt strangely at
It was a busy street。 A hundred times he had to step quickly to avoid
a hand truck察or dray察or laden wagon。 And yet the busy men found time
to greet him friendlily。 ;H'are you ─they said genially。 ;H'are you this
morning ─
He was marketwise enough to know that some of these busy people
were commission men察 and some grocers察 and some buyers察 stewards察
clerks。 It was a womanless thoroughfare。 At the busiest business corner察
though察in front of the largest commission house on the street察he saw a
woman。 Evidently she was transacting business察too察for he saw the men
bringing boxes of berries and vegetables for her inspection。 A woman in
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a plain blue skirt and a small black hat。
A funny job for a woman。 What weren't they mixing into nowadays
He turned sidewise in the narrow察crowded space in order to pass her
little group。 And one of the mena red´cheeked察 merry´looking young
fellow in a white apronlaughed and said此 Well察 Emma察 you win。
When it comes to driving a bargain with you察I quit。 It can't be did ─
Even then he didn't know her。 He did not dream that this straight察
slim察 tailored察 white´haired woman察 bargaining so shrewdly with these
men察 was the Emma Byers of the old days。 But he stopped there a
moment察 in frank curiosity察 and the woman looked up。 She looked up察
and he knew those intelligent eyes and that serene brow。 He had carried
the picture of them in his mind for more than thirty years察so it was not so
He did not hesitate。 He might have if he had thought a moment察but
he acted automatically。 He stood before her。 ;You're Emma Byers察ain't
She did not know him at first。 Small blame to her察so completely had
the roguish察 vigorous boy vanished in this sallow察 sad´eyed old man。
Then此 Why察 Ben ─ she said quietly。 And there was pity in her voice察
though she did not mean to have it there。 She put out one handthat
capable察reassuring handand gripped his and held it a moment。 It was
queer and significant that it should be his hand that lay within hers。
;Well察 what in all get´out are you doing around here察 Emma拭─ He
tried to be jovial and easy。 She turned to the aproned man with whom
she had been dealing and smiled。
;What am I doing here察Joe拭─
Joe grinned察 waggishly。 ;Nothin'察 only beatin' every man on the
street at his own game察and makin' so much money that;
But she stopped him there。 ;I guess I'll do my own explaining。;
She turned to Ben again。 ;And what are you doing here in Chicago拭─
Ben passed a faltering hand across his chin。 ;Me拭 Well察I'mwe're
living here察I s'pose。 Livin' here。;
She glanced at him sharply。 ;Left the farm察Ben拭─
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;Wait a minute。; She concluded her business with Joe察 finished it
briskly and to her own satisfaction。 With her bright brown eyes and her
alert manner and her quick little movements she made you think of a
wrena businesslike little wrena very early wren that is highly versed in
the worm´catching way。
At her next utterance he was startled but game。
;Have you had your lunch拭─
;I've been down here since seven察and I'm starved。 Let's go and have
a bite at the little Greek restaurant around the corner。 A cup of coffee and
a sandwich察anyway。;
Seated at the bare little table察she surveyed him with those intelligent察
understanding察 kindly eyes察 and he felt the years slip from him。 They
were walking down the country road together察 and she was listening
quietly and advising him。
She interrogated him gently。 But something of his old masterfulness
came back to him。 ;No察I want to know about you first。 I can't get the
rights of it察you being here on South Water察tradin' and all。;
So she told him briefly。 She was in the commission business。