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     They moved to Chicago in the early spring。                The look that had been 

on Ben Westerveld's face when he drove Dike to the train that carried him 

to    camp     was    stamped     there    againindelibly      this  time察   it  seemed。 

Calhoun County in the spring has much the beauty of California。                       There 

is a peculiar golden light about it察and the hills are a purplish haze。                 Ben 

Westerveld察     walking     down    his  path   to  the   gate察 was    more    poignantly 

dramatic than   any  figure in a   rural   play。       He   did not   turn   to   look   back察

though察as they do in a play。         He dared not。 

     They   rented   a   flat   in   Englewood察  Chicago察  a   block   from   Minnie's。 

Bella was almost amiable these days。              She took to city life as though the 

past   thirty   years   had   never   been。   White   kid   shoes察  delicatessen   stores察

the movies察the haggling with peddlers察the crowds察the crashing noise察the 

cramped察  unnatural   mode   of   livingnecessitated   by  a   four´room  flatall 

these urban adjuncts seemed as natural to her as though she had been bred 

in the midst of them。 

     She    and    Minnie    used    to  spend    whole     days   in  useless    shopping。 

Theirs was a respectable neighborhood of well´paid artisans察bookkeepers察

and   small   shopkeepers。       The   women   did   their   own   housework   in   drab 

garments and soiled boudoir caps that hid a multitude of unkempt heads。 

They   seemed   to   find   a   great   deal   of   time   for   amiable察  empty   gabbling 

From   seven   to   four   you   might   see   a   pair   of   boudoir   caps   leaning   from 

opposite   bedroom   windows察  conversing   across   back   porches察  pausing   in 

the   task   of   sweeping   front   steps察  standing   at   a   street   corner察  laden   with 

grocery bundles。        Minnie wasted hours in what she called ;running over 

to Ma's for a minute。;        The two quarreled a great deal察being so nearly of 

a   nature。   But   the   very   qualities   that   combated   each   other   seemed察  by 

some strange chemical process察to bring them together as well。 

     ;I'm going downtown today to do a little shopping察─Minnie would say。 

;Do you want to come along察Ma拭─

     ;What you got to get拭─

     ;Oh察I thought I'd look at a couple little dresses for Pearlie。; 

     ;When I was your age I made every stitch you wore。; 

     ;Yeh察I bet they looked like it察too。           This ain't the farm。        I got all I 

can do to tend to the house察without sewing。; 


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                                      ONE BASKET 

     ;I did it。   I did the housework and the sewin' and cookin'察an' besides´ 


     ;A swell lot of housekeepin' you did。          You don't need to tell me。; 

     The    bickering    grew    to  a  quarrel。    But    in  the  end   they   took   the 

downtown   el   together。      You   saw   them察  flushed   of   face察  with   twitching 

fingers察indulging in a sort of orgy of dime spending in the five´and´ten´ 

cent store on the wrong side of State Street。 

     They pawed over bolts of cheap lace and bits of stuff in the stifling air 

of the crowded place。         They would buy a sack of salted peanuts from the 

great mound in the glass case察or a bag of the greasy pink candy piled in 

profusion on the counter察and this they would munch as they went。 

     They   came   home   late察  fagged   and   irritable察  and   supplemented   their 

hurried dinner with hastily bought food from the near´by delicatessen。 

     Thus ran the life of ease for Ben Westerveld察retired farmer。                And so 

now he lay impatiently in bed察rubbing a nervous forefinger over the edge 

of the sheet and saying to himself that察well察here was another day。                What 

day was it拭     L'see now。       Yesterday wasyesterday。          A little feeling of 

panic came   over him。        He   couldn't remember   what yesterday  had   been。 

He   counted   back   laboriously   and   decided   that   today   must   be   Thursday。 

Not that it made any difference。 

     They had lived in the city almost   a year now。             But   the city had not 

digested   Ben。     He   was   a   leathery   morsel   that   could   not   be   assimilated。 

There he  stuck in   Chicago's   crop察 contributing nothing察 gaining nothing。 

A rube in a comic collar ambling aimlessly about Halsted Street or State 

downtown。 You saw him conversing hungrily with the gritty and taciturn 

Swede   who   was   janitor   for   the   block   of   red´brick   flats。  Ben   used   to 

follow him around pathetically察engaging him in the talk of the day。                  Ben 

knew no men except the surly Gus察Minnie's husband。                 Gus察the firebrand察

thought Ben hardly worthy of his contempt。               If Ben thought察sometimes察

of the respect with which he had always been greeted when he clumped 

down the main street of Commercialif he thought of how the farmers for 

miles   around   had   come   to   him   for   expert   advice   and   opinionhe   said 


     Sometimes the janitor graciously allowed Ben to attend to the furnace 


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                                       ONE BASKET 

of the building in which he lived。          He took out ashes察shoveled coal。           He 

tinkered   and   rattled   and   shook   things。     You   heard   him   shoveling   and 

scraping down there察and smelled the acrid odor of his pipe。                  It gave him 

something to do。        He would emerge sooty and almost happy。 

     ;You been monkeying with that furnace again ─                 Bella would scold。 

;If you want something to do察why don't you plant a garden in the back 

yard and grow something拭           You was crazy about it on the farm。; 

     His face flushed a slow察dull red at that。           He could not explain to her 

that he lost no dignity in his own eyes in fussing about an inadequate little 

furnace察but that self´respect would not allow him to stoop to gardening 

he who had reigned over six hundred acres of bountiful soil。 

     On winter afternoons you saw him sometimes at the movies察whiling 

away one of his many idle hours in the dim察close´smelling atmosphere of 

the    place。   Tokyo      and   Rome     and   Gallipoli    came    to   him。    He    saw 

beautiful     tiger´women      twining    fair察 false  arms    about   the  stalwart    but 

yielding     forms   of   young    men    with   cleft  chins。   He    was    only   mildly 

interested。     He talked to anyone who would talk to him察though he was 

naturally a shy man。        He talked to the barber察the grocer察the druggist察the 

streetcar conductor察the milkman察the iceman。               But the price of wheat did 

not interest these gentlemen。          They did not know that the price of wheat 

was the most vital topic of conversation in the world。 

     ;Well察  now察─  he   would   say察   you   take   this   year's   wheat   crop察  with 

about 917000000 bushels of wheat harvested察why察that's what's going to 

win the war      Yes察sirree     No wheat察no winning察that's what I say。; 

     ;Ya´as察 it   is ─the   city   men   would scoff。    But   the   queer   part of   it   is 

that Farmer Ben was right。 

     Minnie got into the habit of using him as a sort of nursemaid。                It gave 

her many hours of freedom for gadding and gossiping。 

     ;Pa察will you look after Pearlie for a little while this morning拭               I got 

to   run   downtown   to   match   something   and   she   gets   so   tired   and   mean´ 

acting if I take her along。       Ma's going with me。; 

     He   loved   the   feel   of   Pearlie's   small察  velvet´soft   hand   in   his   big   fist。 

He    called   her   ;little  feller察─ and  fed   her  forbidden     dainties。   His    big 

brown   fingers   were   miraculously   deft   at   buttoning   and   unbuttoning   her 


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                                       ONE BASKET 

tiny garments察and wiping her soft lips察and performing a hundred tender 

offices。    He was playing a sort of game with himself察pretending this was 

Dike     become     a  baby    again。    Once     the   pair   managed     to   get  over   to 

Lincoln   Park察  where   they   spent   a   glorious   day   looking   at   the   animals察

eating popcorn察and riding on the miniature railway。 

     They returned察tired察dusty察and happy察to a double tirade。 

     Bella engaged in a great deal of what she called worrying about Dike。 

Ben spoke of him seldom察but the boy was always present in his thoughts。 

They   had   written   him   of   thei

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