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skin contributed to it察and the natural penciling of her eyebrows。                  But the 

thing that accented it察and gave it a last touch察was the way in which her 

black hair came down in a little point just in the center of her forehead察

where hair meets brow。          It grew to form what is known as a cowlick。               A 

prettier name for it is widow's peak。           Your eye lighted on it察pleased察and 

from it traveled its   gratified way down her   white temples察past her little 


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                                      ONE BASKET 

ears察to the smooth black coil at the nape of her neck。               It was a trip that 

rested you。 

     At the end of the last performance on the night of his second visit to 

the Bijou察Orville waited until the audience had begun to file out。                  Then 

he leaned forward over the rail that separated orchestra from audience。 

     ;Could you察─he said察his tones dulcet察 could you oblige me with the 

name of that last piece you played拭─

     Terry   was   stacking   her   music。     ;George ─  she   called   to   the   drum。 

;Gentleman wants to know the name of that last piece。;                 And prepared to 


     ;`My Georgia Crackerjack'; said the laconic drum。 

     Orville Platt took a hasty side step in the direction of the door toward 

which   Terry   was   headed。      ;It's   a   pretty   thing察─  he   said   fervently。 ;An 

awful pretty thing。       Thanks。     It's beautiful。; 

       Terry flung a last insult at him over her shoulder此            Don't thank ME 

for it。   I didn't write it。; 

     Orville Platt did not go across the street to the hotel。          He wandered up 

Cass Street察and into the ten´o'clock quiet of Main Street察and down as far 

as the park and back。        ;Pretty as a pink      And play   。 。     And good察too。 


     A fat man in love。 

     At the end of six months they were married。             Terry was surprised into 

it。   Not that she was not fond of him。            She was察and grateful to him察as 

well。    For察pretty as she was察no man had ever before asked Terry to be 

his   wife。     They   had   made   love   to   her。   They   had   paid   court   to   her。 

They had sent her large boxes of stale drugstore chocolates察and called her 

endearing names as they made cautious declarations such as此

     ;I've known a lot of girls察but you've got something different。               I don't 

know。     You've got so much sense。           A fellow can chum around with you。 

Little pal。; 

     Wetona   would      be   their   home。   They   rented   a   comfortable察  seven´ 

room     house    in  a  comfortable察     middle´class     neighborhood察     and   Terry 

dropped   the   red    velvet   turbans   and   went   in   for   picture   hats。 Orville 

bought her a piano whose tone was so good that to her ear察accustomed to 


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                                       ONE BASKET 

the metallic discords of the Bijou instrument察it sounded out of tune。                   She 

played a great deal at first察but unconsciously she missed the sharp spat of 

applause that used to follow her public performance。                   She would play a 

piece察  brilliantly察  and   then   her   hands   would   drop   to   her   lap。  And   the 

silence of her own sitting room would fall flat on her ears。                  It was better 

on   the   evenings   when   Orville   was   home。        He   sang察  in   his   throaty察  fat 

man's tenor察to Terry's expert accompaniment。 

     ;This is better than playing for those ham actors察isn't it察hon拭─                 And 

he would pinch her ear。 


     But   after   the   first   year   she   became   accustomed   to   what   she   termed 

private life。     She joined an afternoon sewing club察and was active in the 

ladies' branch of the U。C。T。          She developed a knack at cooking察too察and 

Orville察after a week or ten days of hotel fare in small Wisconsin towns察

would come home to sea´foam biscuits察and real soup察and honest pies and 

cake。     Sometimes察in the midst of an appetizing meal he would lay down 

his   knife   and   fork   and   lean   back   in   his   chair察  and   regard   the   cool   and 

unruffled Terry with a sort of reverence in his eyes。                 Then he would get 

up察and come around to the other side of the table察and tip her pretty face 

up to his。 

     ;I'll   bet   I'll   wake   up察  someday察  and   find   out   it's   all   a   dream。 You 

know this kind of thing doesn't really happennot to a dub like me。; 

     One     year察  two察  three察  four。    Routine。      A    little  boredom。      Some 

impatience。 She began to find fault with the very things she had liked in 

him此his superneatness察his fondness for dashing suit patterns察his throaty 

tenor察his worship of her。         And the flap。       Oh察above all察that flap        That 

little察  innocent察   meaningless       mannerism      that   made     her   tremble    with 

nervousness。       She hated it so that she could not trust herself to speak of it 

to him。      That   was   the trouble。      Had   she   spoken   of   it察  laughingly  or   in 

earnest察  before   it   became   an   obsession   with   her察  that   hideous   breakfast 

quarrel察  with   its   taunts察  and   revilings察  and   open   hate察  might   never   have 

come to pass。 

     Terry   Platt   herself   didn't   know   what   was   the   matter   with   her。   She 

would have denied that anything was wrong。                   She didn't even throw her 


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                                        ONE BASKET 

hands   above   her   head   and   shriek此      I   want   to   live  I   want   to   live  I 

want   to   live ─  like   a   lady   in   a   play。 She   only   knew   she   was   sick   of 

sewing   at   the   Wetona   West   End   Red   Cross   shop察  sick   of   marketing察  of 

home comforts察of Orville察of the flap。 

     Orville察    you   may    remember察      left  at  819。    The     1123    bore   Terry 

Chicago´ward。         She   had   left   the   house   as   it   wasbeds   unmade察  rooms 

unswept察breakfast table uncleared。             She intended never to come back。 

     Now and then a picture of the chaos she had left behind would flash 

across her order´loving mind。            The spoon on the tablecloth。 

     Orville's   pajamas   dangling   over   the   bathroom   chair。          The   coffeepot 

on the gas stove。 

     ;Pooh      What do I care拭─

     In her pocketbook she had a tidy sum saved out of the housekeeping 

money。      She was naturally thrifty察and Orville had never been niggardly。 

Her     meals    when     Orville    was    on   the   road    had    been    those    sketchy察

haphazard       affairs   with    which    women       content    themselves      when     their 

household is manless。          At noon she went into the dining car and ordered a 

flaunting little  repast   of   chicken salad   and   asparagus   and   Neapolitan   ice 

cream。      The     men    in  the   dining    car   eyed   her   speculatively      and   with 

appreciation。       Then   their   glance   dropped   to   the   third   finger   of   her   left 

hand察and wandered away。             She had meant to remove it。            In fact察she had 

taken it off and dropped it into her bag。               But her hand felt so queer察so 

unaccustomed察  so   naked察  that   she   had   found   herself   slipping   the   narrow 

band on again察and her thumb groped for it察gratefully。 

     It   was   almost   five   o'clock   when   she   reached   Chicago。        She   felt   no 

uncertainty       or   bewilderment。       She   had   been   in   Chicago   three   or   four 

times   since   her   marriage。      She   went   to   a   downtown   hotel。      It   was   too 

late察she told herself察to look for a less expensive room that night。                   When 

she had tidied herself she went out。             The things she did were the childish察

aimless   things   that   one   does   who   finds   herself   in   possession   of   sudden 

liberty。    She   walked   up   State   Street察  and   stared   in   the   windows察  came 

back察  turned   into   Madison察  passed   a   bright   little   shop   in   the   window   of 

which taffy´white and gold was being wound endlessly and fascinatingly 

about a double´jointed machine。              She went in and bought a sackful察and 


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wandered on down the street察munching。 

     She had supper at one of those white´tiled sarcopha

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