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the psychology of revolution-第37节

小说: the psychology of revolution 字数: 每页4000字

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The fate of the wretches sent before the Revolutionary Tribunals

was no better。  The first mockery of trial was quickly

suppressed。  At Nantes; Carrier drowned and shot down according

to his fancy nearly 5;000 personsmen; women; and children。

The details of these massacres figured in the Moniteur

after the reaction of Thermidor。  I cite a few lines:

‘‘I saw;'' says Thomas; ‘‘after the taking of Noirmoutier; men

and women and old people burned alive 。 。 。 women violated; girls

of fourteen and fifteen; and massacred afterward; and tender

babes thrown from bayonet to bayonet; children who were taken

from beside their mothers stretched out on the ground。''

In the same number we read a deposition by one Julien; relating

how Carrier forced his victims to dig their graves and to allow

themselves to be buried alive。  The issue of October 15; 1794;

contained a report by Merlin de Thionville proving that the

captain of the vessel le Destin had received orders to embark

forty…one victims to be drowned‘‘among them a blind man of 78;

twelve women; twelve girls; and fourteen children; of whom ten

were from 10 to 6 and five at the breast。''

In the course of Carrier's trial (Moniteur; December 30; 1794)

it was proved that he ‘‘had given orders to drown and shoot women

and children; and had ordered General Haxo to exterminate all the

inhabitants of La Vendee and to burn down their dwellings。''

Carrier; like all wholesale murderers; took an intense joy in

seeing his victims suffer。  ‘‘In the department in which I hunted

the priests;'' he said; ‘‘I have never laughed so much or

experienced such pleasure as in watching their dying grimaces''

(Moniteur; December 22; 1794)。

Carrier was tried to satisfy the reaction of Thermidor。  But 

the massacres of Nantes were repeated in many other towns。 

Fouche slew more than 2;000 persons at Lyons; and so many were

killed at Toulon that the population fell from 29;000 to 7;000 in

a few months。

We must say in defence of Carrier; Freron; Fouche and all

these sinister persons; that they were incessantly stimulated by

the Committee of Public Safety。  Carrier gave proof of this

during his trial。

‘‘I admit;'' said he (Moniteur; December 24; 1794); ‘‘that 150

or 200 prisoners were shot every day; but it was by order of the

commission。  I informed the Convention that the brigands were

being shot down by hundreds; and it applauded this letter; and

ordered its insertion in the Bulletin。  What were these deputies

doing then who are so furious against me now?  They were

applauding。  Why did they still keep me ‘on mission'?  Because I

was then the saviour of the country; and now I am a bloodthirsty


Unhappily for him; Carrier did not know; as he remarked in the

same speech; that only seven or eight persons led the Convention。

But the terrorised Assembly approved of all that these seven or

eight ordered; so that they could say nothing in reply to

Carrier's argument。  He certainly deserved to be guillotined; but

the whole Convention deserved to be guillotined with him; since

it had approved of the massacres。

The defence of Carrier; justified by the letters of the

Committee; by which the representatives ‘‘on mission'' were

incessantly stimulated; shows that the violence of the Terror

resulted from a system; and not; as has sometimes been claimed;

from the initiative of a few individuals。

The thirst for destruction during the Terror was by no means

assuaged by the destruction of human beings only; there was an

even greater destruction of inanimate things。  The true believer

is always an iconoclast。  Once in power; he destroys with equal

zeal the enemies of his faith and the images; temples; and

symbols which recall the faith attacked。

We know that the first action of the Emperor Theodosius when

converted to the Christian religion was to break down the

majority of the temples which for six thousand years had been

built beside the Nile。  We must not; therefore; be surprised to

see the leaders of the Revolution attacking the monuments and

works of art which for them were the vestiges of an abhorred


Statues; manuscripts; stained glass windows; and plate were

frenziedly broken。  When Fouche; the future Duke of Otranto

under Napoleon; and minister under Louis XVIII。; was sent as

commissary of the Convention to the Nievre; he ordered the

demolition of all the towers of the chateaux and the

belfries of the churches ‘‘because they wounded equality。''

Revolutionary vandalism expended itself even on the tomb。 

Following a report read by Barrere to the Convention; the

magnificent royal tombs at Saint…Denis; among which was the

admirable mausoleum of Henri II。; by Germain Pilon; were smashed

to pieces; the coffins emptied; and the body of Turenne sent to

the Museum as a curiosity; after one of the keepers had extracted

the teeth in order to sell them as curiosities。  The moustache

and beard of Henri IV。 were also torn out。

It is impossible to witness such comparatively enlightened

men consenting to the destruction of the artistic patriotism of

France without a feeling of sadness。  To excuse them; we must

remember that intense beliefs give rise to the worst excesses;

and also that the Convention; almost daily invaded by rioters;

always yielded to the popular will。

This glowing record of devastation proves; not only the power of

fanaticism: it shows us what becomes of men who are liberated

from all social restraints; and of the country which falls into

their hands。



1。  The Revolutionary Assemblies and the Armies。

If nothing were known of the revolutionary Assemblies; and

notably of the Convention; beyond their internal dissensions;

their weakness; and their acts of violence; their memory would

indeed be a gloomy one。

But even for its enemies this bloodstained epoch must always

retain an undeniable glory; thanks to the success of its armies。 

When the Convention dissolved France was already the greater by

Belgium and the territories on the left bank of the Rhine。

Regarding the Convention as a whole; it seems equitable to credit

it with the victories of the armies of France; but if we analyse

this whole in order to study each of its elements separately

their independence will at once be obvious。  It is at once

apparent that the Convention had a very small share in the

military events of the time。  The armies on the frontier and the

revolutionary Assemblies in Paris formed two separate worlds;

which had very little influence over one another; and which

regarded matters in a very different light。

We have seen that the Convention was a weak Government; which

changed its ideas daily; according to popular impulse; it was

really an example of the profoundest anarchy。  It directed

nothing; but was itself continually directed; how; then; could it

have commanded armies?

Completely absorbed in its intestine quarrels; the Assembly had

abandoned all military questions to a special committee; which

was directed almost single…handed by Carnot; and whose real

function was to furnish the troops with provisions and

ammunition。  The merit of Carnot consisted in the fact that

besides directing over 752;000 men at the disposal of France;

upon points which were strategically valuable; he also advised

the generals of the armies to take the offensive; and to preserve

a strict discipline。

The sole share of the Assembly in the defence of the country was

the decree of the general levy。  In the face of the numerous

enemies then threatening France; no Government could have avoided

such a measure。  For some little time; too; the Assembly had sent

representatives to the armies instructed to decapitate certain

generals; but this policy was soon abandoned。

As a matter of fact the military activities of the Assembly were

always extremely slight。  The armies; thanks to their numbers;

their enthusiasm; and the tactics devised by their youthful

generals; achieved their victories unaided。  They fought and

conquered independently of the Convention。

2。  The Struggle of Europe against the Revolution。

Before enumerating the various psychological factors which

contributed to the successes of the revolutionary armies; it will

be useful briefly to recall the origin and the development of the

war against Europe。

At the commencement of the Revolution the foreign sovereigns

regarded with satisfaction the difficulties of the French

monarchy; which they had long regarded as a rival power。  The

King of Prussia; believing France to be greatly enfeebled;

thought to enrich himself at her expense; so he proposed to the

Emperor of Austria to help Louis on condition of receiving

Flanders and Alsace as an indemnity。  The two sovereigns signed

an alliance against France in Febru

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