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09-the little green frog-第3节

小说: 09-the little green frog 字数: 每页4000字

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asking; and; having turned me into a frog; they ordered me to say

to the first person who came to the fountain exactly what I

repeated to you。  But; my lord; when you stood before me; it was

agony to my heart; filled as it was with thoughts of you; to

appear to your eyes under so monstrous a form。  However; there

was no help for it; and; painful as it was; I had to submit。  I

desired your success with all my soul; not only for your own

sake; but also for my own; because I could not get back my proper

shape till you had become master of the beautiful bird; though I

am quite ignorant as to your reason for seeking it。'

On this Saphir explained about the state of his father's health;

and all that has been told before。

On hearing this story Serpentine grew very sad; and her lovely

eyes filled with tears。

'Ah; my lord;' she said; 'you know nothing of me but what you

have seen in the mirror; and I; who cannot even name my parents;

learn that you are a king's son。'

In vain Saphir declared that love made them equal; Serpentine

would only reply: 'I love you too much to allow you to marry

beneath your rank。  I shall be very unhappy; of course; but I

shall never alter my mind。  If I do not find from the fairies

that my birth is worthy of you; then; whatever be my feelings; I

will never accept your hand。'

The conversation was at this point; and bid fair to last some

time longer; when one of the fairies appeared in her ivory car;

accompanied by a beautiful woman past her early youth。  At this

moment the bird suddenly awakened; and; flying on to Saphir's

shoulder (which it never afterwards left); began fondling him as

well as a bird can do。  The fairy told Serpentine that she was

quite satisfied with her conduct; and made herself very agreeable

to Saphir; whom she presented to the lady she had brought with

her; explaining that the lady was no other than his Aunt

Aglantine; widow of Diamantino。

Then they all fell into each other's arms; till the fairy mounted

her chariot; placed Aglantine by her side; and Saphir and

Serpentine on the front seat。  She also sent a message to the

Prince's attendants that they might travel slowly back to the

Court of King Peridor; and that the beautiful bird had really

been found。  This matter being comfortably arranged; she started

off her chariot。  But in spite of the swiftness with which they

flew through the air; the time passed even quicker for Saphir and

Serpentine; who had so much to think about。

They were still quite confused with the pleasure of seeing each

other; when the chariot arrived at King Peridor's palace。  He had

had himself carried to a room on the roof; where his nurses

thought that he would die at any moment。  Directly the chariot

drew within sight of the castle the beautiful bird took flight;

and; making straight for the dying King; at once cured him of his

sickness。  Then she resumed her natural shape; and he found that

the bird was no other than the Queen Constance; whom he had long

believed to be dead。  Peridor was rejoiced to embrace his wife

and his son once more; and with the help of the fairies began to

make preparations for the marriage of Saphir and Serpentine; who

turned out to be the daughter of Aglantine and Diamantino; and as

much a princess as he was a prince。  The people of the kingdom

were delighted; and everybody lived happy and contented to the

end of their lives。

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