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09-the little green frog-第1节

小说: 09-the little green frog 字数: 每页4000字

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'8' Cabinet des Fees。

In a part of the world whose name I forget lived once upon a time

two kings; called Peridor and Diamantino。  They were cousins as

well as neighbours; and both were under the protection of the

fairies; though it is only fair to say that the fairies did not

love them half so well as their wives did。

Now it often happens that as princes can generally manage to get

their own way it is harder for them to be good than it is for

common people。  So it was with Peridor and Diamantino; but of the

two; the fairies declared that Diamantino was much the worst;

indeed; he behaved so badly to his wife Aglantino; that the

fairies would not allow him to live any longer; and he died;

leaving behind him a little daughter。  As she was an only child;

of course this little girl was the heiress of the kingdom; but;

being still only a baby; her mother; the widow of Diamantino; was

proclaimed regent。  The Queen…dowager was wise and good; and

tried her best to make her people happy。  The only thing she had

to vex her was the absence of her daughter; for the fairies; for

reasons of their own; determined to bring up the little Princess

Serpentine among themselves。

As to the other King; he was really fond of his wife; Queen

Constance; but he often grieved her by his thoughtless ways; and

in order to punish him for his carelessness; the fairies caused

her to die quite suddenly。  When she was gone the King felt how

much he had loved her; and his grief was so great (though he

never neglected his duties) that his subjects called him Peridor

the Sorrowful。  It seems hardly possible that any man should live

like Peridor for fifteen years plunged in such depth of grief;

and most likely he would have died too if it had not been for the


The one comfort the poor King had was his son; Prince Saphir; who

was only three years old at the time of his mother's death; and

great care was given to his education。  By the time he was

fifteen Saphir had learnt everything that a prince should know;

and he was; besides; charming and agreeable。

It was about this time that the fairies suddenly took fright lest

his love for his father should interfere with the plans they had

made for the young prince。  So; to prevent this; they placed in a

pretty little room of which Saphir was very fond a little mirror

in a black frame; such as were often brought from Venice。  The

Prince did not notice for some days that there was anything new

in the room; but at last he perceived it; and went up to look at

it more closely。  What was his surprise to see reflected in the

mirror; not his own face; but that of a young girl as lovely as

the morning!  And; better still; every movement of the girl; just

growing out of childhood; was also reflected in the wonderful


As might have been expected; the young Prince lost his heart

completely to the beautiful image; and it was impossible to get

him out of the room; so busy was he in watching the lovely

unknown。  Certainly it was very delightful to be able to see her

whom he loved at any moment he chose; but his spirits sometimes

sank when he wondered what was to be the end of this adventure。

The magic mirror had been for about a year in the Prince's

possession; when one day a new subject of disquiet seized upon

him。  As usual; he was engaged in looking at the girl; when

suddenly he thought he saw a second mirror reflected in the

first; exactly like his own; and with the same power。  And in

this he was perfectly right。  The young girl had only possessed

it for a short time; and neglected all her duties for the sake of

the mirror。  Now it was not difficult for Saphir to guess the

reason of the change in her; nor why the new mirror was consulted

so often; but try as he would he could never see the face of the

person who was reflected in it; for the young girl's figure

always came between。  All he knew was that the face was that of a

man; and this was quite enough to make him madly jealous。  This

was the doing of the fairies; and we must suppose that they had

their reasons for acting as they did。

When these things happened Saphir was about eighteen years old;

and fifteen years had passed away since the death of his mother。 

King Peridor had grown more and more unhappy as time went on; and

at last he fell so ill that it seemed as if his days were

numbered。  He was so much beloved by his subjects that this sad

news was heard with despair by the nation; and more than all by

the Prince。

During his whole illness the King never spoke of anything but the

Queen; his sorrow at having grieved her; and his hope of one day

seeing her again。  All the doctors and all the water…cures in the

kingdom had been tried; and nothing would do him any good。  At

last he persuaded them to let him lie quietly in his room; where

no one came to trouble him。

Perhaps the worst pain he had to bear was a sort of weight on his

chest; which made it very hard for him to breathe。  So he

commanded his servants to leave the windows open in order that he

might get more air。  One day; when he had been left alone for a

few minutes; a bird with brilliant plumage came and fluttered

round the window; and finally rested on the sill。  His feathers

were sky…blue and gold; his feet and his beak of such glittering

rubies that no one could bear to look at them; his eyes made the

brightest diamonds look dull; and on his head he wore a crown。  I

cannot tell you what the crown was made of; but I am quite

certain that it was still more splendid than all the rest。  As to

his voice I can say nothing about that; for the bird never sang

at all。  In fact; he did nothing but gaze steadily at the King;

and as he gazed; the King felt his strength come back to him。  In

a little while the bird flew into the room; still with his eyes

fixed on the King; and at every glance the strength of the sick

man became greater; till he was once more as well as he used to

be before the Queen died。  Filled with joy at his cure; he tried

to seize the bird to whom he owed it all; but; swifter than a

swallow; it managed to avoid him。  In vain he described the bird

to his attendants; who rushed at his first call; in vain they

sought the wonderful creature both on horse and foot; and

summoned the fowlers to their aid: the bird could nowhere be

found。  The love the people bore King Peridor was so strong; and

the reward he promised was so large; that in the twinkling of an

eye every man; woman; and child had fled into the fields; and the

towns were quite empty。

All this bustle; however; ended in nothing but confusion; and;

what was worse; the King soon fell back into the same condition

as he was in before。  Prince Saphir; who loved his father very

dearly; was so unhappy at this that he persuaded himself that he

might succeed where the others had failed; and at once prepared

himself for a more distant search。  In spite of the opposition he

met with; he rode away; followed by his household; trusting to

chance to help him。  He had formed no plan; and there was no

reason that he should choose one path more than another。  His

only idea was to make straight for those spots which were the

favourite haunts of birds。  But in vain he examined all the

hedges and all the thickets; in vain he questioned everyone he

met along the road。  The more he sought the less he found。

At last he came to one of the largest forests in all the world;

composed entirely of cedars。  But in spite of the deep shadows

cast by the wide…spreading branches of the trees; the grass

underneath was soft and green; and covered with the rarest

flowers。  It seemed to Saphir that this was exactly the place

where the birds would choose to live; and he determined not to

quit the wood until he had examined it from end to end。  And he

did more。  He ordered some nets to be prepared and painted of the

same colours as the bird's plumage; thinking that we are all

easily caught by what is like ourselves。  In this he had to help

him not only the fowlers by profession; but also his attendants;

who excelled in this art。  For a man is not a courtier unless he

can do everything。

After searching as usual for nearly a whole day Prince Saphir

began to feel overcome with thirst。  He was too tired to go any

farther; when happily he discovered a little way off a bubbling

fountain of the clearest water。  Being an experienced traveller;

he drew from his pocket a little cup (without which no one should

ever take a journey); and was just about to dip it in the water;

when a lovely little green frog; much prettier than frogs

generally are; jumped into the cup。  Far from admiring its

beauty; Saphir shook it impatiently off; but it was no good; for

quick as lightning the frog jumped back again。  Saphir; who was

raging with thirst; was just about to shake it off anew; when the


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