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the dragon and the raven-及39准

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exultant Danes rose higher and higher。 Again a general cry
rose to St。 Germain to come to the aid of the town。 Just at
this moment Edmund and Egbert察who had till now held the
Saxons in reserve察feeling that a desperate effort must be
made察formed up their band察and advancing to the principal
breach察passed through the ranks of the disheartened Franks
and with levelled pikes charged headlong down into the crowd
of Danes。 The latter察already exhausted by their efforts察were
at once borne back before the serried pikes of their fresh
assailants。 In vain their chiefs at that point tried to rally them
nothing could withstand the impetus of the Saxon attack。

Astonished at seeing the tide of battle swept away from
the breach察the French believed that St。 Germain had wrought
a miracle in their favour察and taking heart poured out in the
rear of the Saxons。 The news of the miracle spread rapidly。
Through the breaches察and from every gate察they poured out
suddenly upon the Danes察who察struck with consternation at
this sudden onslaught by a foe whom they had already regarded
as beaten察hesitated察and soon took to flight。 Vast
numbers were cut down before they could reach their vessels。
A great portion fled towards the bridge and endeavoured
to cross there察but their numbers impeded them察and the
Saxons and Franks察falling upon their rear察effected a
terrible slaughter。

Two days after the battle a force of six hundred Franks
arrived from the Emperor Charles。 The Danes sought to
oppose their entrance to the city察but were defeated with a
loss of three thousand men。 The siege was now virtually
over察and in a short time the emperor himself with a great
army arrived。 It was now November察and after some negotiations
the Danes agreed upon the receipt of seven hundred
pounds of silver to retire to Burgundy and to leave the
country at the beginning of March。

Having wasted Burgundy察however察they again returned
to Paris。 Consternation seized the capital when the fleet of
the Northmen was seen approaching。 A treaty was察however
made察for the wind had fallen just when the Danish fleet
which had but lately arrived and was descending the river
was abreast of Paris。 As soon as the wind became favourable
the Northmen broke the truce察slew a number of Franks who
had mingled among them察and passed up the Marne。

In the meantime Emperor Charles had died and Count
Eudes had been chosen his successor。 When the Danes again
advanced against Paris he speedily sent reinforcements。 The
town had already repulsed an attack。 Eudes himself on
St。 John's Day was advancing with 1000 men´at´arms when he
was attacked by 10000 mounted Danes and 9000 footmen。
The combat was desperate but the Franks were victorious。
Eudes察however察had other difficulties。 Burgundy and
Aquitaine revolted察and in order to secure peace to the kingdom
he made a treaty with the Danes察giving over to them
the province of Normandy。

Edmund and Egbert had no part in the second siege of
Paris。 As soon as the place was relieved by the Emperor
Charles they prepared to depart。 Taking boats they ascended
the river察and to their joy found the Dragon safe in the
hiding place where she had been lying for nearly a year。 She was
brought out into the stream and floated down to Paris察where
by the order of Count Eudes she was thoroughly repaired
and redecorated。

The Franks察convinced that next only to the assistance
of St。 Germain they owed the safety of their city to the valour
of the Saxons察loaded them with presents察and these察with
the gifts which they had previously received after the
destruction of the three towers察and the sums for which the booty
captured from the Danes had been sold察made up a great

Upon the day before they had arranged to sail a Danish
boat was seen rowing down the stream。 It approached the
Dragon and the helmsman asked

;Is this ship the Dragon拭and has it for a captain Edmund
the Saxon拭

;I am Edmund察─he replied察 and this is the Dragon。 What
would you with me拭

;I am sent by the Jarl Siegbert察who lies wounded near
to beg that you will come to him immediately察as he is in a
sore strait and needs your assistance。;

;I will come at once察─Edmund said。 ;Put one of your
men on board to show me where he is察for I shall be there
before you。;

Edmund's horn sounded the signal察and messengers were
sent to the town to order the crew at once to repair on board
the Dragon。 Edmund landed and took leave of the Frankish
leaders。 The provisions and stores were hastily carried on
board察and then察amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the
inhabitants察who thronged the walls and shore察the oars were got
out and the Dragon proceeded at the top of her speed up the

On the way Edmund questioned the Dane察and found
that Siegbert had been wounded in the last assault upon Paris。
He had not been present at the first part of the siege察having
but recently arrived from Norway。 His daughter Freda had
accompanied him。 ;Yes察─she was still unmarried察although
many valiant Northmen had sought her hand察chief among
them the brave leader Sweyn ;of the left hand察─but there
had been a fray on the previous night in Siegbert's camp
and it was saidbut for that he could not vouchthat Freda
had been carried off。

The news filled Edmund with anxiety。 Ever since the
day he left her on her father's galley his thoughts had turned
often to the Danish maiden察and the resolution to carry out
his promise and some day seek her again had never for a
moment wavered。 He had seen many fair young Saxons察and
could have chosen a bride where he would among these察for
few Saxons girls would have turned a deaf ear to the wooing
of one who was at once of high rank察a prime favourite with
the king察and regarded by his countrymen as one of the bravest
of the Saxon champions察but the dark´haired Freda察who
united the fearlessness and independence of a woman with
the frankness and gaiety of a child察had won his heart。

It was true she was a Dane and a pagan察but her father
was his friend察and would察he felt sure察offer no objections on
the ground of the enmity of the races。 Since Guthorn and
his people had embraced Christianity察the enmity between
the races察in England at least察was rapidly declining。 As to
her religion察Edmund doubted not that she would察under his
guidance and teaching察soon cast away the blood´stained gods
of the Northmen and accept Christianity。

In the five years of strife and warfare which had elapsed
since he saw her Edmund had often pictured their next meeting。
He had not doubted that she would remain true to him。
Few as were the words which had been spoken察he knew that
when she said察 I will wait for you even till I die察─she had
meant it察and that she was not one to change。 He had even
been purposing察on his return to England察to ask King Alfred
to arrange through Guthorn for a safe pass for him to go to
Norway。 To hear察then察that she had been carried off from
her father's side was a terrible blow察and in his anxiety to
arrive at Siegbert's tent Edmund urged the rowers to their
fullest exertions。

It was three hours after leaving Paris when the Dane
pointed to a village at a short distance from the river and
told him that Siegbert was lying there。 The Dragon was steered
to shore察and Edmund leaping out followed the Dane with
rapid footsteps to the village。 The wounded jarl was lying
upon a heap of straw。

;Is it really you察Edmund拭─he exclaimed as the young
Saxon entered。 ;Glad am I indeed that my messenger did
not arrive too late。 I heard of you when we first landed
how the Danes察when they sailed up the Seine察had seen a
Saxon galley of strange shape which had rowed rapidly up
the river察how the galley herself had never again been seen
but how a young Saxon with his band had performed wonders
in the defence of Paris察and had burned well´nigh half
the Danish fleet。

;They said that the leader was named Edmund察for they
had heard the name shouted in battle察and especially when
he察with one other alone察escaped from the burning tower
and swam the river。 So I was sure that it was you。 Then察a
week back察my men told me of a strange ship which had passed
down the river to Paris察and I doubted not that it was your
Dragon察which had been hidden somewhere during the siege。
I thought then of sending to tell you that I was lying here
wounded察but Freda察who had always been talking of you
suddenly turned coy and said that you might have forgotten
us察and if you wanted us you would come to us in Norway。;

;But where is Freda拭─Edmund察who had been listening
impatiently察exclaimed。 ;One of your men told me that she
had been carried off。 Is it true拭

 ;Alas it is true察─Siegbert replied察 and that is why I
sent for you。 I have never been good friends with Bijorn
since the wounding of his son察but after a time the matter
blew over。 Sweyn察who though but with one arm察and that
the left察has grown into a valiant warrior察is now察Bijorn
being dead察one of our boldest vikings。 A year since he became
a declared suitor for Freda's hand。 In this察indeed察he is not
alone察seeing that she has grown up one of our fairest maidens

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