the dragon and the raven-及38准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
at this desecration察sent a terrible plague among the cattle
and when the Danes in the morning entered the church it
contained nothing but carcasses in the last state of
The valiant defence of Paris had given time for the rest
of France to arm察and the Danes scattered over the country
now met with a stout resistance。 The Northmen were defeated
in their efforts to capture Le Mans察Chartres察and other
towns察and were defeated in several battles near Chartres by
Godefroi and Odon。
In March Henri advanced with a strong force to the relief
of Paris察and arriving at night attacked the camp of the
Danes察slew great numbers察and captured a vast booty察and
then察having supplied Paris with a considerable amount of
provisions察retired with his band before the Danes had time
to assemble in sufficient strength to oppose him。 Shortly
afterwards the Danes expressed the desire of Siegfroi to hold
parley with the Count Eudes。 Siegfroi and a number of his
warriors landed察and Eudes left the city and advanced to meet
them。 No sooner had he reached them than he was attacked
by the Northmen察but drawing his sword he defended himself
with immense bravery until the garrison ran down to his
succour察and the Danes were driven back to their ship with
loss of nearly half of their party。
The Danes now left the church of St。 Germain L'Auxerrois
and surrounded the monastery of St。 Germain des Pres
but the monks there paid him sixty pounds of pure silver
to leave them in peace。 Siegfroi now wished to abandon
the siege which had already cost him so dear察but the
Northmen察furious at their losses察determined upon another
;Very well察─the king said察 have your way then。 Attack
Paris on all sides察hew down its towers察and make breaches in
its walls察for once I will remain a spectator。;
The Danes crossed the river and landed on the island
but owing to the absence of large numbers on other expeditions
and the heavy losses which they had suffered察their
numbers were no longer so over´whelming察and Count Eudes
led out his forces to oppose them outside the walls。 This
time Edmund headed his band of Saxons察who until now had
only taken part as archers in the defence。
The combat was a furious one。 In spite of the valour of
Eudes and Ebble the Danes pressed hard upon the Franks
and were driving them back towards the gates when Edmund
led his Saxons察in the close phalanx in which they had so
often met the Danes in the field察to the front。 With irresistible
force the wedge burst its way through the ranks of the
Danes察bearing all before it with its wedge of spears。 Into the
gap thus formed Eudes and Ebble with their bravest men
threw themselves察and the Danes察severed in two察were driven
back towards their ships。 But for some hours the rain had
been falling heavily and the river was rapidly rising and had
already overflowed a portion of the island。 Thus the Danes
had great difficulty in getting on board their ships again
and great numbers were killed in doing so。
There was no longer any resistance to Siegfroi's wishes。
A parley was held with the city察and a further sum being added
to that contributed by the monks of St。 Germain des Pres
the Danes drew off from the town。
At this time the long confinement of so many men within
the walls had caused a pestilence to break out in Paris。 The
Archbishop Goslin察the Bishop Everard of Sens察the Prince
Hugues察and many others died。 The 16th of April was the
day on which the Parisians were accustomed to go in solemn
procession to the church of St。 Germain。 The Northmen
knowing this察in mockery filled a wagon with grain and organized
a mock procession。 The bullocks who drew the chariot
suddenly became lame察numbers of other bullocks were attached
but although goaded by spears their united efforts
were unable to drag the wagon an inch察and the Danes were
obliged at last to abandon their intention。
The same day St。 Germain is reported to have further
shown his power。 One of the Northmen察condemned for
some offence to be executed察fled to the church for refuge
and was there slain by his countrymen察but all who took part
in the deed at once fell dead。 The Northmen察struck by these
miracles察placed a certain number as guard over the church
to prevent any from touching aught that it contained。 One
of these men察a Dane of great stature察spread his bed in the
church and slept there察but to the astonishment of his comrades
he was found in the morning to have shrunk to the size
of a new´born infant察at which stature he remained for the
rest of his life。
A miracle of an opposite kind was at the same time performed
in the town。 A valiant warrior had from the effects
of fever fallen into an extreme weakness察and was devoured
with grief at the thought that he should no longer be able to
take share in the defence of the town。 To him St。 Germain
appeared at night and told him that his prayers had been
heard察and that his strength should be restored to him。 On
awakening in the morning he found that he was as vigorous
and as robust as ever。
Another day when the soldiers were carrying the banner
of the saint round the walls of the town察followed by the
citizens chanting hymns察one of the bearers of the holy relics
named Gozbert察was struck by a stone from a catapult。
The man who had fired it fell dead察while Gozbert continued
his promenade in no way injured by the blow。 The Abbe D'Abbon
vouches for these miracles on the part of St。 Germain
in defence of his faithful city。
Although for a time the Northmen abstained from grand assaults
continued skirmishes took place。 Sometimes parties landed beneath
the walls察and strove to carry off the cattle which the besieged
turned out to gather a little fresh food there。 Sometimes the
citizens察led by Eudes or Ebble察would take boat and cross察and
endeavour to cut off small parties of the enemy。 They had
now sufficient boats at their disposal for expeditions of this
kind察for察in their last defeat察the Danes had in their haste
left several boats behind them。 Of one of the largest of these
Edmund took possession察and going out in her at night察several
times succeeded in capturing Danish vessels察sometimes
while they were rowing along the river unsuspicious that any
foes were near察sometimes by boarding them as they lay
alongside the bank。
As the vessels so captured were too large to be dragged
ashore察and could have been easily recaptured by the Danes
they were察after being emptied of their contents察always
burned。 The plague continued its ravages察and the city became
straitened for provisions。 Count Eudes therefore determined
to go to King Charles to urge him to hurry to the
succour of the town。 Almost all the chiefs of the defence
had fallen victims to the pest察or had been killed in battle
with the Danes察and the count at his departure committed
the defence of the city to the Abbe Ebble and Edmund。 He
then crossed the stream at night察and made his way
successfully through the Danes。
The abbe and Edmund vied with each other in keeping
up the spirits of the garrison with successful little forays
with the Danes察frequently crossing the river to the one bank
or the other察sometimes with parties of only five or six men
and falling upon similar bodies of the enemy。 Several times
they pounced upon small herds of the enemy's cattle察and
driving them into the river察directed them in their boats across
the stream。
In the commencement of July Eudes appeared on the
slopes on Mont Martre with three battalions of soldiers。 The
enemy察who were for the most part on the other side of the
Seine察crossed the river。 A desperate battle ensued。 A portion
of the garrison crossed in boats to the assistance of their
friends察Edmund leading over his band of Saxons。 With these
he fell upon the rear of the Danes engaged in fighting with
the force under the count察and the Northmen察attacked on
both sides察gave way and took to flight。 They were hotly
pursued by the Franks。
The reinforcements entered Paris triumphantly by the
bridge察which had long since been repaired。 But the siege
was not yet over。 When the news of the victory of Eudes
spread察the Danes again drew together from all parts察and
crossing the river察attacked the city on every side。 The
onslaught was more furious than any which had preceded it。
The Danes had provided themselves with large numbers of
mangonels and catapults。 Every man capable of bearing arms
was upon the walls察but so furious was the attack察so vast the
number of the assailants察so prodigious were the clouds of
missiles which they rained upon the walls察that the besieged
almost lost heart。
The relics of St。 Genevieve were taken round the walls。
In several places the Danes had formed breaches in the walls
and although the besieged still struggled察hope had well´nigh
left them察and abject terror reigned in the city。 Women ran
about the streets screaming察and crying that the end was at
hand。 The church bells tolled dismally察and the shouts of the
exultant Danes rose higher and higher。 Again a general cry
rose to St。 Germain to come to the aid of the to